FROM ubuntu:20.04 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install git curl wget zsh build-essential \ clustalw probcons libboost-all-dev pkg-config bzip2 \ vim cmake libglpk-dev infernal -y SHELL ["/bin/zsh", "-c"] RUN sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" RUN sed -E -i "s/^ZSH_THEME=\"[a-zA-Z]+\"$/ZSH_THEME=\"ys\"/" /root/.zshrc ENV ANACONDA_ARCHIVE ENV ANACONDA_INSTALLER_LIST /tmp/anaconda_installer_list.txt ENV LATEST_ANACONDA_INSTALLER /tmp/latest_anaconda_installer.txt RUN curl "$ANACONDA_ARCHIVE/" \ | grep -E "Anaconda[0-9]+\-20[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]+\-Linux\-x86_64\.sh" \ | sed -E "s/<[^>]*>//g" \ | sed -E "s/ //g" \ | sort -nr \ | head -1 > $LATEST_ANACONDA_INSTALLER RUN curl -O $ANACONDA_ARCHIVE/$(cat $LATEST_ANACONDA_INSTALLER) RUN sh $(cat $LATEST_ANACONDA_INSTALLER) -b -p /usr/local/anaconda ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/local/anaconda/bin RUN conda update conda -y RUN conda update --all -y RUN conda config --add channels defaults RUN conda config --add channels bioconda RUN conda config --add channels conda-forge RUN conda install numpy matplotlib pandas seaborn scipy \ biopython locarna contrafold rnastructure scikit-learn jupyter -y RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf \ | sh -s -- -y RUN source /root/.cargo/env ENV PATH /root/.cargo/bin:$PATH # If the following command fails, please remove RUSTFLAGS='...' to disable advanced installation options RUN RUSTFLAGS='--emit asm -C target-feature=+avx -C target-feature=+ssse3 -C target-feature=+mmx' \ cargo install consprob consalifold consprob-trained consalign ENV VIENNARNA ViennaRNA-2.4.18 RUN wget -nd -np -P /tmp$VIENNARNA.tar.gz RUN tar -xf /tmp/$VIENNARNA.tar.gz -C /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/$VIENNARNA RUN ./configure && make -j$(nproc) && make install ENV MAFFT mafft-7.490 RUN wget -nd -np -P /tmp$MAFFT-with-extensions-src.tgz RUN tar -xf /tmp/$MAFFT-with-extensions-src.tgz -C /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/$MAFFT-with-extensions/core RUN make clean && make -j$(nproc) && make install WORKDIR /tmp/$MAFFT-with-extensions/extensions RUN make clean && make -j$(nproc) && make install ENV CENTROID_VERSION 0.0.16 RUN wget -nd -np -P /tmp$CENTROID_VERSION.tar.gz RUN tar -xf /tmp/v$CENTROID_VERSION.tar.gz -C /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/centroid-rna-package-$CENTROID_VERSION RUN ./configure && make -j$(nproc) && make install ENV PETFOLD PETfold2.1.tar.gz RUN wget -nd -np -P /tmp$PETFOLD RUN tar -xf /tmp/$PETFOLD -C /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/PETfold/src RUN make clean && make -j$(nproc) RUN cp ../bin/* /usr/local/bin RUN echo -e "export PETFOLDBIN=/usr/local/bin" >> /root/.zshrc RUN git clone /tmp/contralign-fixed WORKDIR /tmp/contralign-fixed RUN make -j$(nproc) RUN cp contralign /usr/local/bin RUN git clone /tmp/raf-fixed WORKDIR /tmp/raf-fixed RUN make -j$(nproc) RUN cp raf /usr/local/bin RUN echo -e "\nexport CONTRAFOLD_DIR=/usr/local/anaconda/bin" >> /root/.zshrc RUN echo -e "\nexport CONTRALIGN_DIR=/usr/local/bin" >> /root/.zshrc ENV LINEAR_TURBOFOLD_PATH /usr/local/linear_turbofold RUN git clone $LINEAR_TURBOFOLD_PATH WORKDIR $LINEAR_TURBOFOLD_PATH RUN make -j$(nproc) ENV PATH $PATH:$LINEAR_TURBOFOLD_PATH ENV DAFS_VERSION 0.0.3 RUN wget -nd -np -P /tmp$DAFS_VERSION.tar.gz RUN tar -xf /tmp/v$DAFS_VERSION.tar.gz -C /tmp WORKDIR /tmp/dafs-$DAFS_VERSION RUN ./configure --with-vienna-rna=$(which RNAfold | sed -E "s/\/bin\/.+//") \ --with-glpk && make -j$(nproc) && make install RUN apt-get clean -y && apt-get autoremove -y RUN conda clean --all -y RUN rm -rf /tmp/* ENTRYPOINT zsh WORKDIR /root