# consul-rs-plus A plus consul client package for Rust, more functions for microservice. - [x] key/value operation - [x] session operation - [x] key/value & session combination operation - [x] key/value folder values(for micro service nodes info) - [x] watch keys tree change function(usual use in microservice) ## install set in Cargo dependencies ```toml [dependencies] consul-rs-plus = "0.1.7" ``` ## Usage ```rust extern crate consul_rs_plus; use consul_rs_plus::Client; fn main() { let mut c = Client::new("localhost", 8500); // debug enable c.debug = true; let ok = c.kv_set("test-key", "test_value").unwrap(); assert_eq!(ok, true); let kvpairs = c.kv_get("test-key").unwrap(); let kvpair = &kvpairs[0]; let v = kvpair.get_value().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b"test_value"[..].to_vec(), v); let ok = c.kv_delete("test-key").unwrap(); assert_eq!(ok, true); } ``` ## Test the test case write in function code file or tests folder, all nromal operation test in lib.rs. ```rust #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::Client; use base64::Config; use crate::config; #[test] fn test_kv_get() { let host = config::CONFIG["consul_addr"]; let client = Client::new(host, 8500); let my_keys = client.kv_get("my-key").unwrap(); for k in my_keys { println!("k: {:?}", k); } } } ``` ## Micro service nodes watch if you write the micro service framework, the service register like [rpcx-plus](https://github.com/halokid/rpcx-plus), folder tree style, for example, Echo service in folder(key, value) is `` /mytest/Echo/tcp@ ``, you can find the sample code for watch service change below, they are in code repo. you can cache the service info when the service change(the folder tree change). ```rust #[tokio::test] async fn test_watch_folder_tree_tmpsc() { env_logger::init(); let folder = "mytest".to_string(); let mut nodes_service: Vec = Vec::new(); // service cache let (sx, mut rx) = tmpsc::channel(1); let kv = KVPair::new(); let client = Client::new("consul_test", 8500); let mut index = kv.get_folder_index(&client, &folder); log::info!("index orgin ------- {}", index); tokio::task::spawn(async move { loop { thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(5)); let mut index_ck = kv.get_folder_index(&client, &folder); log::info!("index_ck ------- {}", index_ck); if !index_ck.eq(index.as_str()) { log::info!("=== get newest nodes service, send coroutine ==="); let nodes_v = kv.get_folder_allkeys(&client, &folder); let nodes_v_cl = nodes_v.clone(); log::info!("[send] === in spawn nodes_v_cl: {:?}", nodes_v_cl); sx.send(nodes_v_cl).await.unwrap(); // todo: just make the channel full! index = index_ck; } else { log::info!("=== nodes_service no change ==="); } } }); } ``` you can run this test case in code repo.