Feature: The output argument can be provided in any casing. Scenario Outline: Given the context and environment are reset. When the flag --from-stdin is set and the standard input is ""fix(deps updated): update dependency gitmojis to v3"". And the argument --output is set as "". Then the linting fails. And standard output is valid JSON. Examples: | output | | JSON | | json | | Json | Scenario Outline: Given the context and environment are reset. When the flag --from-stdin is set and the standard input is ""fix(deps updated): update dependency gitmojis to v3"". And the argument --output is set as "". Then the linting fails. And standard output is empty. Examples: | output | | QUIET | | quiet | | Quiet | Scenario Outline: Given the context and environment are reset. When the flag --from-stdin is set and the standard input is ""fix(deps updated): update dependency gitmojis to v3"". And the argument --output is set as "". Then the linting fails. And standard output is not empty. Examples: | output | | PRETTY | | pretty | | Pretty |