use std::f64::consts::PI; use coppeliasim_zmq_remote_api::{ sim::{Sim, self}, RemoteAPIError, RemoteApiClient, RemoteApiClientParams, }; /* based on # Make sure to have CoppeliaSim running, # scenes/messaging/pControllerViaRemoteApi.ttt # # Do not launch simulation, but run this script */ fn main() -> Result<(), RemoteAPIError> { // use the env variable RUST_LOG="trace" or RUST_LOG="debug" to observe the zmq communication env_logger::init(); println!("Program started"); let client = RemoteApiClient::new(RemoteApiClientParams { host: "localhost".to_string(), ..RemoteApiClientParams::default() })?; let path = client.sim_get_string_param(sim::STRINGPARAM_SCENEDEFAULTDIR)?; client.sim_load_scene(format!("{path}/messaging/pControllerViaRemoteApi.ttt"))?; let joint_handle = client.sim_get_object("/Cuboid[0]/joint".to_string(), None)?; let mut join_angle = client.sim_get_joint_position(joint_handle)?; client.sim_set_joint_target_velocity(joint_handle, 360.0 * PI, None)?; /* enable the stepping mode on the client, that means the simulation waits the trigger: client.step() triggers next simulation step */ client.sim_set_stepping(true)?; client.sim_start_simulation()?; move_to_angle( 45.0 * PI / 180.0, &mut join_angle, &client, &client, &joint_handle, )?; move_to_angle( 90.0 * PI / 180.0, &mut join_angle, &client, &client, &joint_handle, )?; move_to_angle( -89.0 * PI / 180.0, &mut join_angle, &client, &client, &joint_handle, )?; move_to_angle( 0.0 * PI / 180.0, &mut join_angle, &client, &client, &joint_handle, )?; client.sim_stop_simulation(Some(true))?; println!("Program ended"); Ok(()) } const MAX_FORCE: f64 = 100.0; fn move_to_angle( target_angle: f64, join_angle: &mut f64, sim: &S, client: &RemoteApiClient, joint_handle: &i64, ) -> Result<(), RemoteAPIError> { while (target_angle - *join_angle).abs() > 0.1 * PI / 180.0 { let velocity = compute_target_velocity(target_angle, *join_angle); sim.sim_set_joint_target_velocity(*joint_handle, velocity, None)?; sim.sim_set_joint_max_force(*joint_handle, MAX_FORCE)?; client.sim_step()?; *join_angle = sim.sim_get_joint_position(*joint_handle)?; } Ok(()) } const PID_P: f64 = 0.1; const DYN_STEP_SIZE: f64 = 0.005; const VEL_UPPER_LIMIT: f64 = 360.0 * PI / 180.0; fn compute_target_velocity(target_angle: f64, join_angle: f64) -> f64 { let error_value = target_angle - join_angle; let sin = error_value.sin(); let cos = error_value.cos(); let error_value = sin.atan2(cos); let ctrl = error_value * PID_P; /* Calculate the velocity needed to reach the position in one dynamic time step: */ let velocity = ctrl / DYN_STEP_SIZE; if velocity > VEL_UPPER_LIMIT { return VEL_UPPER_LIMIT; } if velocity < -VEL_UPPER_LIMIT { return -VEL_UPPER_LIMIT; } velocity }