use coppeliasim_zmq_remote_api::{ sim, sim::Sim, RemoteAPIError, RemoteApiClient, RemoteApiClientParams, }; /* Example based on # Make sure to have the add-on "ZMQ remote API" # running in CoppeliaSim # # All CoppeliaSim commands will run in blocking mode (block # until a reply from CoppeliaSim is received). */ fn callback(_json: serde_json::Value) -> serde_json::Value { println!("from fn callback !!"); serde_json::json!({}) } fn main() -> Result<(), RemoteAPIError> { // use the env variable RUST_LOG="trace" or RUST_LOG="debug" to observe the zmq communication env_logger::init(); println!("Program started"); let mut client = RemoteApiClient::new(RemoteApiClientParams { host: "localhost".to_string(), ..RemoteApiClientParams::default() })?; let fn_cb = "fn CB"; client.register_callback(fn_cb.into(), Box::new(callback)); // When simulation is not running, ZMQ message handling could be a bit // slow, since the idle loop runs at 8 Hz by default. So let's make // sure that the idle loop runs at full speed for this program: let default_idle_fps = client.sim_get_int32_param(sim::INTPARAM_IDLE_FPS)?; client.sim_set_int32_param(sim::INTPARAM_IDLE_FPS, 0)?; // Create a few dummies and set their positions: let handles: Vec = (0..50) .map(|_| client.sim_create_dummy(0.01).unwrap()) .collect(); let closure_callback = move |_json: serde_json::Value| -> serde_json::Value { println!("from fn closure callback !!"); serde_json::json!({}) }; let closure_cb = "closure CB"; client.register_callback(closure_cb.into(), Box::new(closure_callback)); for (i, h) in handles.iter().enumerate() { let i = i as f64; let pos = vec![0.01 * i, 0.01 * i, 0.01 * i]; client.sim_set_object_position(*h, pos, Some(sim::HANDLE_WORLD))?; } client.sim_set_stepping(true)?; client.sim_start_simulation()?; // Run a simulation in asynchronous mode: let mut time = client.sim_get_simulation_time()?; while time < 3.0 { time = client.sim_get_simulation_time()?; client.sim_step()?; println!("Simulation time: {time:.2} [s] (simulation running asynchronously to client, i.e. non-stepped)", time = time); } client.sim_test_cb(10, format!("{fn_cb}@func"), 20)?; client.sim_test_cb(10, format!("{closure_cb}@func"), 20)?; client.sim_stop_simulation(Some(false))?; // if you need to make sure we really stopped: while client.sim_get_simulation_state()? != sim::SIMULATION_STOPPED { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs_f64(0.1)) } client.sim_start_simulation()?; // Run a simulation in stepping mode: let mut time = client.sim_get_simulation_time()?; while time < 3.0 { time = client.sim_get_simulation_time()?; let message = format!("Simulation time: {time:.2} [s] (simulation running asynchronously to client, i.e. stepped)", time = time); println!("{}", message); client.sim_add_log(sim::VERBOSITY_SCRIPTINFOS, message)?; } client.sim_stop_simulation(Some(true))?; //Remove the dummies created earlier: client.sim_remove_objects(handles, None)?; //Restore the original idle loop frequency: client.sim_set_int32_param(sim::INTPARAM_IDLE_FPS, default_idle_fps)?; println!("Program ended"); Ok(()) }