use log::*; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::collections::hash_map::Entry; use std::process::exit; use core_bluetooth::central::*; use core_bluetooth::central::peripheral::Peripheral; use core_bluetooth::*; use core_bluetooth::uuid::Uuid; const SERVICE: &str = "ebe0ccb0-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6"; const CHARACTERISTIC: &str = "ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6"; struct App { central: CentralManager, receiver: Receiver, connected_peripherals: HashSet, uuid_to_short_id: HashMap, prev_short_id: u32, } impl App { fn new() -> Self { let (central, receiver) = CentralManager::new(); Self { central, receiver, connected_peripherals: HashSet::new(), uuid_to_short_id: HashMap::new(), prev_short_id: 0, } } fn handle_event(&mut self, event: CentralEvent) { debug!("new event: {:#?}", event); match event { CentralEvent::ManagerStateChanged { new_state } => { match new_state { ManagerState::Unsupported => { eprintln!("Bluetooth is not supported on this system"); exit(1); }, ManagerState::Unauthorized => { eprintln!("The app is not authorized to use Bluetooth on this system"); exit(1); }, ManagerState::PoweredOff => { eprintln!("Bluetooth is disabled, please enable it"); }, ManagerState::PoweredOn => { info!("scanning for peripherals"); println!("Discovering Xiaomi sensors..."); self.central.get_peripherals_with_services(&[SERVICE.parse().unwrap()]); self.central.scan(); }, _ => {}, } } CentralEvent::PeripheralDiscovered { peripheral, advertisement_data, rssi, } => { if advertisement_data.is_connectable() != Some(false) && self.connected_peripherals.insert(peripheral.clone()) { info!("connecting to {} {} dB ({:?})",, rssi, advertisement_data.local_name()); self.central.connect(&peripheral); } } CentralEvent::GetPeripheralsWithServicesResult { peripherals, tag: _ } => { for p in peripherals { if self.connected_peripherals.insert(p.clone()) { debug!("connecting to {})",; self.central.connect(&p); } } } CentralEvent::PeripheralConnected { peripheral } => { peripheral.discover_services_with_uuids(&[SERVICE.parse().unwrap()]); } CentralEvent::PeripheralDisconnected { peripheral, error: _, } => { self.connected_peripherals.remove(&peripheral); debug!("re-connecting to {})",; self.central.connect(&peripheral); } CentralEvent::PeripheralConnectFailed { peripheral, error } => { warn!("failed to connect to peripheral {}: {}",,|e| e.to_string()).unwrap_or_else(|| "".into())); self.central.connect(&peripheral); } CentralEvent::ServicesDiscovered { peripheral, services, } => { if let Ok(services) = services { for service in services { peripheral.discover_characteristics_with_uuids(&service, &[CHARACTERISTIC.parse().unwrap()]); } } } CentralEvent::SubscriptionChangeResult { peripheral, characteristic: _, result } => { if result.is_err() { error!("couldn't subscribe to characteristic of {}",; } else { println!("Subscribed to {} (#{})",, self.shorten_uuid(; } } CentralEvent::CharacteristicsDiscovered { peripheral, service: _, characteristics } => { match characteristics { Ok(chars) => { info!("subscribing to characteristic {} of {}", chars[0].id(),; peripheral.subscribe(&chars[0]); } Err(err) => error!("couldn't discover characteristics of {}: {}",, err), } } CentralEvent::CharacteristicValue { peripheral, characteristic: _, value } => { if let Ok(value) = value { let now = chrono::Local::now().format("[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"); let t = i16::from_le_bytes([value[0], value[1]]) as f64 / 100.0; let rh = value[2]; println!("{} #{}: t = {} C, rh = {}%", now, self.shorten_uuid(, t, rh); } } _ => {} } } fn shorten_uuid(&mut self, uuid: Uuid) -> u32 { match self.uuid_to_short_id.entry(uuid) { Entry::Occupied(e) => *e.get(), Entry::Vacant(e) => { self.prev_short_id += 1; *e.insert(self.prev_short_id) } } } #[cfg(not(feature = "async_std_unstable"))] fn run(mut self) { debug!("running in std"); while let Ok(event) = self.receiver.recv() { self.handle_event(event); } } #[cfg(feature = "async_std_unstable")] fn run(mut self) { debug!("running in async_std"); async_std::task::block_on(async move { while let Some(event) = self.receiver.recv().await { self.handle_event(event); } }) } } pub fn main() { env_logger::init(); App::new().run(); }