NAME := "controller" ORG := "localhost:5001" VERSION := `git rev-parse HEAD` SEMVER_VERSION := `grep version Cargo.toml | awk -F"\"" '{print $2}' | head -n 1` NAMESPACE := "default" KUBE_VERSION := "1.25" default: @just --list --unsorted --color=always | rg -v " default" # generate crd generate-crd: cargo run --bin crdgen > charts/coredb-operator/templates/crd.yaml # generate and install crd into the cluster install-crd: generate-crd kubectl apply -f charts/coredb-operator/templates/crd.yaml # delete kind delete-kind: kind delete cluster && sleep 5 # start kind start-kind: kind create cluster --config testdata/kind-{{KUBE_VERSION}}.yaml sleep 10 kubectl wait pods --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s --all --all-namespaces just install-crd just annotate # run with opentelemetry run-telemetry: OPENTELEMETRY_ENDPOINT_URL= RUST_LOG=info,kube=debug,controller=debug cargo run --features=telemetry # run without opentelemetry run: RUST_LOG=debug,kube=debug,controller=debug cargo run # annotate namespace to allow for tests annotate: kubectl label namespace {{NAMESPACE}} safe-to-run-coredb-tests=true # run tests test: cargo test -- --ignored --nocapture # run cargo watch watch: ENABLE_INITIAL_BACKUP=false RUST_LOG=debug cargo watch -x 'run' # format with nightly rustfmt fmt: cargo +nightly fmt # compile for musl (for docker image) compile features="": #!/usr/bin/env bash docker run --rm \ -v cargo-cache:/root/.cargo \ -v $PWD:/volume \ -w /volume \ -t clux/muslrust:stable \ cargo build --release --features={{features}} --bin controller cp target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/controller . # docker build (requires compile step first) build: docker build -t {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{VERSION}} . # retag the current git versioned docker tag as latest, and publish both tag-latest: docker tag {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{VERSION}} {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:latest docker push {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{VERSION}} docker push {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:latest # retag the current git versioned docker tag as the current semver and publish tag-semver: #!/usr/bin/env bash if curl -sSL{{ORG}}/{{NAME}}/tags | jq -r ".[].name" | grep -q {{SEMVER_VERSION}}; then echo "Tag {{SEMVER_VERSION}} already exists - not publishing" else docker tag {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{VERSION}} {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{SEMVER_VERSION}} . docker push {{ORG}}/{{NAME}}:{{SEMVER_VERSION}} fi # local helpers for debugging traces # forward grpc otel port from svc/promstack-tempo in monitoring forward-tempo: kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/promstack-tempo 55680:55680 # forward http port from svc/promstack-grafana in monitoring forward-grafana: kubectl port-forward -n monitoring svc/promstack-grafana 8000:80 # mode: makefile # End: # vim: set ft=make :