# Sample installer config file # Automatically generated; do not edit # Fedora CoreOS stream stream: name # Manually specify the image URL image-url: URL # Manually specify a local image file image-file: path # Embed an Ignition config from a file ignition-file: path # Embed an Ignition config from a URL ignition-url: URL # Digest (type-value) of the Ignition config ignition-hash: digest # Target CPU architecture architecture: name # Override the Ignition platform ID platform: name # Kernel and bootloader console console: [spec, spec] # Append default kernel arguments append-karg: [arg, arg] # Delete default kernel arguments delete-karg: [arg, arg] # Copy network config from install environment copy-network: true # Source directory for copy-network network-dir: path # Save partitions with this label glob save-partlabel: [glob, glob] # Save partitions with this number or range save-partindex: [id-or-range, id-or-range] # Force offline installation offline: true # Allow unsigned image insecure: true # Allow Ignition URL without HTTPS or hash insecure-ignition: true # Base URL for CoreOS stream metadata stream-base-url: URL # Don't clear partition table on error preserve-on-error: true # Fetch retries, or string "infinite" fetch-retries: N # Enable IBM Secure IPL secure-ipl: true # Destination device dest-device: path