# Corpus: Centrally Organized, Relative Path Uniqueness Strategy

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## Introduction Corpus implements a relatively simple Strategy for the Central Organization of files (usually XDG config/data), relative to some root location (usually home), where you need Unique paths (to correspond with usually your current directory). The purpose is probably most easily explained using the motivating example project: [Sauce](https://github.com/DanCardin/sauce). Sauce (similar to `direnv`) records directory-specific environment variables (among other things) for you to be able to activate once you're in that directory. **Unlike** `direnv`, the files containing the this data are not in a local `.envrc` file, but rather organized centrally. For example, if you are at `~/projects/sauce`, the corresponding data path would be: ``` text ~/.local/share/sauce/projects/sauce.toml | | | | | +------+------+--+--+------+------+--+--+ | | | | XDG_DATA_DIR | relative path | project extension ``` Comparatively, `~/projects/` would yield `~/.local/share/sauce/projects.toml`, and `~/projects/sauce/src` would yield `~/.local/share/sauce/projects/sauce/src.toml`. Essentially the idea is to replicate the same local folder structure...but elsewhere! ## Why? Why might you want to do this? For many scenarios, you would otherwise littering your folders with a bunch of extraneous (potentially large!) files intermingled with your **actual** files. For `sauce`, copying the data from one computer to another is as simple as copying the root location: `~/.local/share/sauce`. For `direnv` (if you configured it as such), it'd mean copying `~/.local/share/direnv`. In my book, that beats combing through all potential locations you might have placed some config/secrets. It also means you dont have to pollute your version control (if you're using one) to ignore configuration with using to avoid committing data/secrets specific to you. ## CLI The `corpus` CLI command can be used to interactively determine paths. This can commonly be used to adapt (appropriately configurable) tools to use this strategy themselves! ``` bash $ # Get the "corpus" path for the current directory $ corpus --ext toml --kind xdg-data --name sauce ~/.local/share/x/y/z.toml $ # Get the "corpus" path for a specific directory $ corpus --ext toml --kind xdg-data --path -n sauce ~/.local/share/.toml $ # Get the nearest ancestor directory that actually exists $ corpus --ext toml --kind xdg-data --nearest -n sauce ~/.local/share/x/y.toml $ # Get corresponding real path, given a data path $ corpus --kind xdg-data --source-path --path ~/.local/share/x/y ~/x/y ``` ### Installation #### With Cargo ``` bash cargo install corpus --features=binary ``` #### Download Release - Download a pre-built binary from [Releases](https://github.com/DanCardin/corpus/releases) ### Examples #### Central `venv` ``` bash function venv() { VENV_DIR=$(corpus --kind xdg-data --name venv) if [ ! -d "$VENV_DIR" ]; then python -m venv "$VENV_DIR" fi source "$VENV_DIR/bin/activate" } # At ~/projects/foo venv # Creates ~/.local/share/venv/projects/foo # At ~/projects/project/subproject venv # Creates ~/.local/share/venv/projects/project/subprocess ``` #### Central `git` Git allows you to set two environment variables: `GIT_DIR` (the `.git` directory), and `GIT_WORK_TREE` (the location of the root of the repo). Therefore you can (relatively simply) adapt `git` to store all `.git/` folders centrally with a little creative bash. ``` bash export GIT_DIR=$(corpus --nearest -n git -e git) export GIT_WORK_TREE=$(corpus --nearest --source-path -n git -e git) ``` - for `GIT_DIR`, we want `--nearest` so that, if you `cd` into a child directory it will pick up - the file corresponding with the closest existing git repo. - for `GIT_WORK_TREE`, we also use `--source-path` to back-trace the repo root location, given the data's location By itself this isn't bulletproof, since `git init` and `git clone` will exhibit some odd behavior if you just stuck this in your bashrc/zshrc, but a little creative shell scripting (PRs welcome!) or aliases should get the job done! ## Library It can also be used as a library, to make use of this strategy when implementing your own tools. ``` rust use std::path::PathBuf; use corpus::{builder, RootLocation}; let corpus = builder() .with_root("/home/.config") .relative_to("/home") .with_name("project") .with_extension("toml") .build() .unwrap(); let result = corpus.path("/home/foo/bar"); assert_eq!(result, PathBuf::from("/home/.config/project/foo/bar.toml")); ``` Again [Sauce](https://github.com/DanCardin/sauce) makes use of this pattern (and library) to use this strategy for its data files!