use crate::Prog; use corundum::default::*; use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher; use std::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter}; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::panic::*; use std::str::FromStr; use corundum::open_flags::*; const BUCKETS_MAX: usize = 16; type P = Allocator; pub trait NVData = PSafe + TxInSafe + UnwindSafe + RefUnwindSafe + PartialEq + FromStr + Hash + Debug; type Bucket = PVec>; pub struct HashMap { buckets: PVec>>, values: PRefCell>>, } impl HashMap where K: PartialEq + Hash, V: Copy, { pub fn new(j: &Journal) -> Self { let mut buckets = PVec::with_capacity(BUCKETS_MAX, j); for _ in 0..BUCKETS_MAX { buckets.push(PRefCell::new(PVec::new()), j) } Self { buckets, values: PRefCell::new(PVec::new()), } } pub fn get(&self, key: K) -> Option { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); key.hash(&mut hasher); let index = (hasher.finish() as usize) % BUCKETS_MAX; for e in &*self.buckets[index].borrow() { let e = e.borrow(); if e.0 == key { return Some(self.values.borrow()[e.1].get()); } } None } pub fn put(&self, key: K, val: V, j: &Journal) { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); key.hash(&mut hasher); let index = (hasher.finish() as usize) % BUCKETS_MAX; let mut bucket = self.buckets[index].borrow_mut(j); for e in &*bucket { let e = e.borrow(); if e.0 == key { self.values.borrow()[e.1].set(val, j); return; } } self.values.borrow_mut(j).push(PCell::new(val), j); bucket.push(PRefCell::new((key, self.values.borrow().len() - 1)), j); } pub fn clear(&self, j: &Journal) { for i in 0..BUCKETS_MAX { *self.buckets[i].borrow_mut(j) = PVec::new(); } self.values.borrow_mut(j).clear(); } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { for i in 0..BUCKETS_MAX { if !self.buckets[i].borrow().is_empty() { return false; } } true } } impl Debug for HashMap { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { write!(fmt, "{:?}", self.buckets) } } impl RootObj

for HashMap { fn init(j: &Journal) -> Self { Self::new(j) } } impl Prog for HashMap where ::Err: Debug, ::Err: Debug, { fn perform(f: F) { let root = P::open::("hash.pool", O_CFNE).unwrap(); f(&root) } fn exec(&self, args: Vec) -> bool { if args.len() < 2 { Self::help(); } else { let mut i = 2; while i < args.len() { if let Some(op) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { if op == "help" { Self::help() } else if op == "repeat" { if let Some(n) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { let n: usize = n.parse().expect("Expected an integer"); if !self.repeat(&args, i, n) { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if op == "put" { if let Some(n) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { let key: K = n .parse() .expect(&format!("Expected a(n) {}", std::any::type_name::())); if let Some(n) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { let val: V = n.parse().expect(&format!( "Expected a(n) {}", std::any::type_name::() )); P::transaction(|j| self.put(key, val, j)).unwrap(); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else if op == "get" { if let Some(n) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { let key: K = n .parse() .expect(&format!("Expected a(n) {}", std::any::type_name::())); println!("{:?}", self.get(key)) } else { return false; } } else if op == "run" { if let Some(filename) = Self::next(&args, &mut i) { return; } else { return false; } } else if op == "print" { println!("{:#?}", self) } else if op == "help" { Self::help() } } else { return true; } } } true } fn help() { println!("usage: store phash [OPERATIONS]"); println!("key type: {}", std::any::type_name::()); println!("value type: {}", std::any::type_name::()); println!(); println!("OPERATIONS:"); println!(" put key data Put (key, data) to the table"); println!(" get key Read data from the table given a key"); println!(" repeat n Repeat the next operation n times"); println!(" run file Run a script file"); println!(" clear Delete all elements"); println!(" print Print the entire table"); println!(" help Display help"); println!(); } }