use ::ndarray::{Array2, Axis}; use itertools::Itertools; use ndarray_npy::NpzReader; use plotly::{ common::{Font, Title}, *, }; use plotters::prelude::*; use std::ops::Sub; use cosmology::{ bayesian::parameter_inference_uniform_prior, correlation::{CorrelationFunction, CorrelationFunctionParameters}, nn::grf::{GaussianRandomField, SpaceMode}, power::{PowerSpectrum, TransferFunction}, }; use rand::{seq::SliceRandom, thread_rng, Rng}; const REDSHIFT: f64 = 1.0; fn main() { // Get 1NN measurements from quijote. let (nns, nbar) = get_1nn_quijote_measurements(); println!("Calculated NNs. Constructing GRF Theory"); // Construct Gaussian Random Field Theory at those scales. let real_corr = get_correlation_function(); let grf = construct_grf(&real_corr, &nns, nbar); println!("Constructed GRF theory. Carrying out Bayesian inference"); // Construct likelihood function, bounds on bias parameter's uniform prior let (bounds, loglikelihood) = get_bounds_and_ll(&grf, nbar); // Do parameter inference const BURN_IN: usize = 1_000; const WALKERS: usize = 8; const SAMPLES: usize = 10_000; const DATA_DIM: usize = 0; // the data is contained inside grf, owned by loglikelihood const PARAMETERS: usize = 1; let (most_likely, chain) = { parameter_inference_uniform_prior::<_, DATA_DIM, PARAMETERS, WALKERS, BURN_IN, SAMPLES>( &[[]], &bounds, &loglikelihood, ) }; // Plot likelihood plot_likelihood(bounds, &loglikelihood); // Plot most likely 1nn plot_likely_1nn(&grf, most_likely, nbar, chain, &nns); } fn get_1nn_quijote_measurements() -> (Vec, f64) { const NDATA: usize = 10_000; const QUIJOTE_BOXSIZE: [f64; 3] = [1000.0; 3]; const N_QUERY: usize = 100_000; let mut npz = NpzReader::new( std::fs::File::open("/home/cavey/experiments/cosmology/OneBox/OneBox.npz").unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let real_data: Array2 = npz.by_name("rpos.npy").unwrap(); let real_data: Array2 =|x| *x as f64); // subsample let mut real_data: Vec<[f64; 3]> = real_data .map_axis(Axis(1), |x| x.as_slice().unwrap().try_into().unwrap()) .into_raw_vec(); (&mut real_data).shuffle(&mut thread_rng()); real_data.truncate(NDATA); let nbar = NDATA as f64 / QUIJOTE_BOXSIZE[0].powi(3); // Find 1nn println!("Calculating NNs"); let tree = fnntw::Tree::<'_, 3>::new(&real_data, 32) .unwrap() .with_boxsize(&QUIJOTE_BOXSIZE) .unwrap(); let mut rng = thread_rng(); let mut nns: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(N_QUERY); for _ in 0..N_QUERY { let query: [f64; 3] = rng.gen::<[f64; 3]>().map(|x| x * QUIJOTE_BOXSIZE[0]); nns.push(tree.query_nearest(&query).unwrap().0.sqrt()); } nns.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(&b).expect("there should be no NaNs")); (nns, nbar) } fn get_correlation_function<'c>() -> Box f64 + Send + Sync + 'c> { // Initialize E & Hu power spectrum // Quijote Cosmology let omega_matter_0 = 0.3175; let omega_baryon_0 = 0.049; let h = 0.6711; let ns = 0.9624; let sigma_8 = 0.834; let power = PowerSpectrum::new(TransferFunction::EisensteinHu { h, omega_matter_0, omega_baryon_0, temp_cmb0: 2.7255, ns, sigma_8, }) .unwrap(); let params = CorrelationFunctionParameters { power, accuracy_params: None, // default accuracy parameters }; let real_corr = CorrelationFunction::get_correlation_function(REDSHIFT, params).unwrap(); let real_corr_fn = move |r| real_corr.correlation_function(r); Box::new(real_corr_fn) } fn construct_grf<'b, 'c>( real_corr_fn: &'b Box f64 + Send + Sync + 'c>, nns: &Vec, nbar: f64, ) -> GaussianRandomField<'b, 'c> where 'b: 'c, { let mode = SpaceMode::RealSpace(&*real_corr_fn); let grf = GaussianRandomField::new(mode).with(&nns); grf } fn get_bounds_and_ll<'b, 'c>( grf: &'b GaussianRandomField<'b, 'c>, nbar: f64, ) -> ( [[f64; 2]; 1], Box f64 + Send + Sync + 'c>, ) where 'b: 'c, { let bounds = [[0.8, 10.0]]; let loglikelihood = move |_: &[f64; 0], parameters: &[f64; 1]| -> f64 { if parameters[0] < bounds[0][0] || parameters[0] > bounds[0][1] { std::f64::NEG_INFINITY } else { grf.get_pdf(1, nbar, Some(parameters[0])) .into_iter() .map(|x| x.ln()) .sum() } }; (bounds, Box::new(loglikelihood)) } fn plot_likelihood(bounds: [[f64; 2]; 1], loglikelihood: &dyn Fn(&[f64; 0], &[f64; 1]) -> f64) { let biases: Vec = (0..100) .map(|i| bounds[0][0] + i as f64 * (bounds[0][1] - bounds[0][0]) / 99.0) .collect(); let lhs: Vec = biases.iter().map(|b| loglikelihood(&[], &[*b])).collect(); println!("{lhs:?}"); let three_fourths = *lhs .clone() .select_nth_unstable_by(3 * lhs.len() / 4, |a, b| a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap()) .1; let (_min, max) = lhs.iter().minmax().into_option().unwrap(); let root = SVGBackend::new("examples/bias_likelihood.svg", (1920, 1080)).into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption("L(b|D)", ("sans-serif", 50).into_font()) .margin(5) .x_label_area_size(30) .y_label_area_size(30) .build_cartesian_2d(bounds[0][0]..bounds[0][1], three_fourths..*max) .unwrap(); chart.configure_mesh().draw().unwrap(); chart .draw_series(LineSeries::new(biases.into_iter().zip(lhs), &BLACK)) .unwrap() .label("-log L(b|D)") .legend(|(x, y)| PathElement::new(vec![(x, y), (x + 20, y)], &BLACK)); chart .configure_series_labels() .background_style(&WHITE.mix(0.8)) .border_style(&BLACK) .draw() .unwrap(); root.present().unwrap(); } fn plot_likely_1nn( grf: &GaussianRandomField, most_likely: [f64; 1], nbar: f64, mut chain: Vec<[f64; 1]>, nns: &Vec, ) { let cdf = grf.get_cdf(1, nbar, Some(most_likely[0])); let pcdf: Vec<(f64, f64)> = cdf .iter() .zip(nns) .map(|(c, nn)| (*nn, c.min(1.0 - c).clamp(f64::MIN_POSITIVE, 0.5))) .collect(); let pcdf_measurements: Vec<(f64, f64)> = nns .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(c, nn)| { let c = c as f64 / nns.len().sub(1) as f64; (*nn, c.min(1.0 - c).clamp(f64::MIN_POSITIVE, 0.5)) }) .collect(); let root = SVGBackend::new("examples/most_likely_1nn.svg", (1920, 1080)).into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); let (xmin, xmax) = nns.iter().minmax().into_option().unwrap(); let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption("Most likely", ("sans-serif", 50).into_font()) .margin(5) .x_label_area_size(30) .y_label_area_size(30) .build_cartesian_2d((*xmin..*xmax).log_scale(), (1e-3_f64..0.5).log_scale()) .unwrap(); chart.configure_mesh().draw().unwrap(); chart .draw_series(LineSeries::new(pcdf, &BLACK)) .unwrap() .label("most likely") .legend(|(x, y)| PathElement::new(vec![(x, y), (x + 20, y)], &BLACK)); chart .draw_series(LineSeries::new(pcdf_measurements, &RED)) .unwrap() .label("measurements") .legend(|(x, y)| PathElement::new(vec![(x, y), (x + 20, y)], &RED)); chart .configure_series_labels() .background_style(&WHITE.mix(0.8)) .border_style(&BLACK) .draw() .unwrap(); root.present().unwrap(); // Extract bounds of credible interval let left_2p5 = chain.len() * 25 / 1000; let right_2p5 = chain.len() * 975 / 1000; chain.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a[0].partial_cmp(&b[0]).unwrap()); // this only works for 1-parameter models. need to sort each parameter independently. let left_2p5 = chain[left_2p5][0]; let right_2p5 = chain[right_2p5][0]; println!("{right_2p5}"); let leftmost = chain[0][0]; let rightmost = chain.last().unwrap()[0]; const BINS: usize = 100; let bin_size = (rightmost - leftmost) / BINS as f64; // // manually calculate hist... // let bin_num = |x: &[f64; 1]| ((x[0] - 0.8) / (10.0 - 0.8) * 100.0) as usize; // let y = chain.iter().counts_by(bin_num).into_iter().map(|(bin_num, count)| ); let hist = plotly::Histogram::new(chain.into_iter().flatten().collect::>()) .x_bins(plotly::histogram::Bins::new(leftmost, rightmost, bin_size)) .hist_norm(plotly::histogram::HistNorm::Probability) .opacity(0.5); const MARGIN: usize = 120; const FONT_SIZE: usize = 40; let mut layout = plotly::Layout::new() .x_axis( plotly::layout::Axis::new() .title( Title::from("Halo\tBias") .font(Font::new().size(FONT_SIZE)) .x(0.0), ) .grid_color(NamedColor::DarkGray), ) .y_axis( plotly::layout::Axis::new() .title( Title::from("Probability") .font(Font::new().size(FONT_SIZE)) .x(0.0), ) .grid_color(NamedColor::DarkGray), ) .margin( plotly::layout::Margin::new() .top(MARGIN / 2) .bottom(MARGIN + 5) .right(MARGIN - 5) .left(MARGIN), ) .font(plotly::common::Font::new().size(30)); layout.add_shape( plotly::layout::Shape::new() .shape_type(plotly::layout::ShapeType::Line) .y_ref("paper") .x0(left_2p5) .y0(0) .x1(left_2p5) .y1(1) .line( plotly::layout::ShapeLine::new() .color(plotly::NamedColor::Black) .width(3.), ), ); layout.add_shape( plotly::layout::Shape::new() .shape_type(plotly::layout::ShapeType::Line) .y_ref("paper") .x0(right_2p5) .y0(0) .x1(right_2p5) .y1(1) .line( plotly::layout::ShapeLine::new() .color(plotly::NamedColor::Black) .width(3.), ), ); layout.add_shape( plotly::layout::Shape::new() .shape_type(plotly::layout::ShapeType::Rect) .x_ref("paper") .y_ref("paper") .x0(0) .x1(1) .y0(0) .y1(1), ); let mut plot = plotly::Plot::new(); plot.set_layout(layout); plot.add_trace(hist); "examples/bias_credible_interval.png", plotly::ImageFormat::PNG, 1920, 1080, 1.0, ); }