A Cursor-On-Target generator for multicast and streaming data interfaces (TakServer). # TakServer Setup Add a new streaming data field, go `Configuration` -> `Inputs and Data Feeds` -> `Add Streaming Data Feed`. Give the interface a name and select `Secure Streaming TCP (TLS) CoT or Protobuf` as the protocol. Select a port and select `Save`. Create a user in the TakServer UI, then in the takserver console use the makeCert script: ``` cd /opt/tak/certs sh -c "source ./makeCert.sh client [username]" ``` (replace [username] with the user just created) The key and certificate for the user will be in the `/opt/tag/cert/files` directory. TakServer generates user keys which are protected by the `atakatak` password, this can be removed using: ``` openssl rsa -in user.key -out user-nopass.key ``` # Example - Multicast Only ```rust let mut publisher = CotPublisher::new( "test-uid-1234", "a-f-G-U-C", Some(""), None, ); publisher.publish(); ``` # Example - TakServer stream using TLS credentials from files ```rust let mut publisher = CotPublisher::new( "test-uid-1234", "a-f-G-U-C", None, Some(("", 9000)), ); let ca_file = "[path_to]/truststore-intermediate-CA.pem"; let client_cert = "[path_to]/user.pem"; let client_key = "[path_to]/user-nopass.key"; publisher.set_tak_server_tls_settings(Some(TakServerSettings { tls: true, client_key: PEM::File(client_key.into()), client_cert: PEM::File(client_cert.into()), root_cert: PEM::File(ca_file.into()), ignore_invalid: false, verify_hostname: false, })); publisher.connect(); publisher.publish(); // Required if `publisher` is dropped to ensure message is actually sent //std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); ``` # Example - TakServer stream using TLS credentials from strings ```rust let mut publisher = CotPublisher::new( "test-uid-1234", "a-f-G-U-C", None, Some(("", 9000)), ); let ca_file = r#" Bag Attributes friendlyName: intermediate-CA subject=C = US, ST = STATE, L = CITY, O = TAK, OU = ORG_UNIT, CN = intermediate-CA issuer=C = US, ST = STATE, L = CITY, O = TAK, OU = ORG_UNIT, CN = takserver-CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- "#; let key = r#" -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY----- "#; let cert = r#" -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- "#; publisher.set_tak_server_tls_settings(Some(TakServerSettings { tls: true, client_key: PEM::String(key.into()), client_cert: PEM::String(cert.into()), root_cert: PEM::String(ca_file_content.into()), ignore_invalid: false, verify_hostname: false, })); publisher.connect(); publisher.publish(); // Required if `publisher` is dropped to ensure message is actually sent //std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); ``` # Example - Set position ```rust let mut publisher = CotPublisher::new( "test-uid-1234", "a-f-G-U-C", Some(""), None, ); publisher.set_contact(Some("MYTHING"), None); publisher.set_position(10.0, 10.0); publisher.set_xml_detail(Some("")); publisher.publish(); ```