# Contributing to Coterm Thank you for considering contributing to Coterm! We welcome contributions from the community to help improve and enhance the project. Please read the following guidelines before submitting your contribution. ## Code of Conduct Please review and abide by our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) at all times during your involvement with this project. ## How to Contribute ### Reporting Issues If you encounter any issues while using Coterm, please report them by creating a new issue in our issue tracker. Please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue and any relevant error messages. ### Feature Requests We welcome feature requests and enhancements to improve Coterm. Please create a new issue in our issue tracker with a detailed description of the feature or enhancement you would like to see, and why it would be valuable to the project. ### Contributing Code 1. Fork the repository and create a new branch from `main` or the latest development branch. 2. Make your changes in the branch, following the project's coding style and conventions. 3. Ensure that your changes do not introduce any new issues and pass all relevant tests. 4. Provide clear and descriptive commit messages for your changes. 5. Submit a pull request to the main repository, referencing any relevant issues or feature requests. ### Documentation Improvements to the documentation are always welcome. If you find any inaccuracies or missing information in Coterm's documentation, or if you would like to add new documentation, please submit a pull request with your changes. ### Reviewing Contributions We appreciate the time and effort put into reviewing contributions from the community. If you would like to review and provide feedback on pull requests, please follow these guidelines: - Review the changes thoroughly, providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. - Be respectful and professional in your comments and suggestions. - Approve or request changes on the pull request based on the quality and appropriateness of the changes. - Help ensure that all changes adhere to the project's coding style, conventions, and requirements. ## License By contributing to Coterm, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the [LICENSE](LICENSE) of the project. Thank you for your contributions to Coterm. Your support is greatly appreciated!