Examples ======== An example says more than a 1000 words (and its way easier to write an example than trying to explain something). In this directory you'll find a varity of examples that will show you different use patterns of libcoucbase. libeventdirect -------------- This example programs shows you how you may integrate libcouchbase into your own event loop (in this example libevent). syncmode -------- This example shows you how you may use the synchronous interface of libcouchbase. yajl ---- This is an example that shows you how to work with views and json pillowfight ----------- This is an example that implements a small test program to show you some of the functionalities in libcouchbase. minimal ------- This is an minimal single-file example which works both unix-like and windows OS. It accepts three arguments: "host:port", "bucket" and "password". Build: gcc -lcouchbase -o minimal minimal.c cl /DWIN32 /Iinclude lib\libcouchbase.lib minimal.c Execute: valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes ./minimal ./minimal mininal.exe