# EU-Digital-COVID-Certificate-UVCI-Parser Tool to parse & verify EU Digital COVID Certificate UVCI (Unique Vaccination Certificate/Assertion Identifier) See [Rust community’s crate registry](https://crates.io/crates/covid_cert_uvci) for documentation Following the conclusions of the European Council of 10-11 December 2020 and of 21 January 2021 that called for “a coordinated approach to vaccination certificates”, these guidelines establish a unique identifier for vaccination certificates. This software library parses and verifies the EU Digital COVID Certificate UVCI according to eHealth Network Guidelines on ‘verifiable vaccination certificates - basic interoperability elements’ - Release 2. The inclusion of the checksum is optional. The prefix “URN:UVCI:” may be added. Verification is performed by this crate. Only for Sweden EHM-issued COVID certificates: Export a vector of EU Digital COVID Certificate UVCIs to **Neo4j Cypher Graph**. Parsing of Swedish UVCI ‘Opaque Unique String’ is experimental. The Swedish vaccination dates are derived from the UVCI aganist national statistics for vaccination against COVID-19. The statistics is from the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhalsomyndigheten) based on cumulatively number of vaccinations per week. The Swedish vaccination dates are predicted with an accuracy of approximately +/- 1 month. Test UVCI is generated using software from Sweden’s Agency for Digital Government (Myndigheten för digital förvaltning). ## Sample output ``` URN:UVCI:01:SE:EHM/V12916227TFJJ#Q version : 1 country : SE schema_option_number : 3 schema_option_desc : some semantics issuing_entity : EHM vaccine_id : opaque_unique_string : V12916227TFJJ opaque_id : V12916227 opaque_issuance : TFJJ opaque_vaccination_month : 8 opaque_vaccination_year : 2021 checksum : Q checksum_verification : true URN:UVCI:01:SE:EHM/C878/123456789ABC#B version : 1 country : SE schema_option_number : 1 schema_option_desc : identifier with semantics issuing_entity : EHM vaccine_id : C878 opaque_unique_string : 123456789ABC opaque_id : opaque_issuance : opaque_vaccination_month : 0 opaque_vaccination_year : 0 checksum : B checksum_verification : true ``` ## Sample graph [![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teavuihuang/EU-Digital-COVID-Certificate-UVCI-Parser/main/examples/graph_33.png)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teavuihuang/EU-Digital-COVID-Certificate-UVCI-Parser/main/examples/graph_33.png) ## Usage (executable) covid_cert_uvci [Name of Covid UVCI input file] [Name of Graph Cypher output file]