# coz-rs Rust support for the [`coz` Causal Profiler](https://github.com/plasma-umass/coz) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/coz/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/coz) ## Usage First, follow the instructions in [`coz`] to install the `coz` command. [`coz`]: https://github.com/plasma-umass/coz/#installation Next, `coz` is a profiler that, for the best results, typically requires source-level modifications of your code. To do this first add this to your `Cargo.toml` ```toml [dependencies] coz = "0.1" ``` Then you'll want to either add throughput or latency tracepoints. More information on this [can be found upstream](https://github.com/plasma-umass/coz/#profiling-modes). If you have something you'd wish would execute more often, you can add: ```rust fn main() { loop { // ... // For example you wish this `loop` executed more iterations coz::progress!(); // equivalent of `COZ_PROGRESS` } } ``` Note that `coz::progress!("name")` is the equivalent of `COZ_PROGRESS_NAMED` as well. If you'd like to profile the latency of an operation you can instead use: ```rust // Boy I wish this function executed more quickly... fn foo() { coz::begin!("foo"); // ... coz::end!("foo"); } ``` After you've instrumented your code, you need to also ensure that you're compiling with DWARF debug information. To do this you'll want to configure `Cargo.toml` again: ```toml [profile.release] debug = 1 ``` Next up you'll build your application with `cargo build --release`, and then finally you can run it with `coz run --- ./target/release/$your_binary`. ## Caveats Known caveats so far to generate a report that collects information are: * Rust programs by default segfault when run with `coz` with an issue related to [plasma-umass/coz#110](https://github.com/plasma-umass/coz/issues/110). Rust programs set up a `sigaltstack` to run segfault handlers to print "you ran out of stack", but this alternate stack is too small to run the `SIGPROF` handler that `coz` installs. To handle this this crate provides a `coz::thread_init()` function which will increase the `sigaltstack` size that Rust installs by default to something large enough to run `coz`. If you see segfaults, or corrupt reports, you may wish to manually call `coz::thread_init()` instead of waiting for this crate to automatically call it for you. * Debug information looks to be critical to get a report from `coz`. Make sure that your program is compiled with at least line-table information (`debug = 1`) to ensure you get the best experience using `coz`. * Currently `coz` only works on Linux, and while this crate should compile on all platforms it only actually does something on Linux. ## Examples You can find an example toy program at `examples/toy.rs` in this repository, and we can execute it with `coz`: ``` $ cargo build --release $ coz run --- ./target/release/examples/toy ... [profiler.cpp:75] Starting profiler thread $ ``` That should generate `profile.coz` in the current directory, which if you plot that should look something like this: ![plot of `toy.rs`](toy.png) Note that I'm still learning myself the best sorts of applications to run on as well as the best sorts of questions to ask `coz` and where to put latency/throughput points. If you've got ideas or good examples, please feel free to add them here!