use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use clap::{App, Arg}; use tempfile::{NamedTempFile, Builder}; use ct_result::{CtResult, OkOr}; use cmd::{Cmd, has_only_type_checking_flag}; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum SourceFile { /// the C++ source file given as argument /// to `cpp-typecheck` FromArg { cpp_file: PathBuf }, /// a header file was given as argument and a /// source file in the same directory was found FromHeader { header_file: PathBuf, cpp_file: PathBuf }, /// a header file was given as argument and no /// source file could be found, so a temporary /// one was created that just includes the header, /// a compiler command was created by taking the /// arguments of an other source file in the same /// directory FromHeaderWithTmpSource { header_file: PathBuf, cpp_file: NamedTempFile, command: Cmd } } impl SourceFile { pub fn origin_path(&self) -> &Path { match *self { SourceFile::FromArg { ref cpp_file } => cpp_file.as_path(), SourceFile::FromHeader { ref header_file, .. } => header_file.as_path(), SourceFile::FromHeaderWithTmpSource { ref header_file, .. } => header_file.as_path() } } } /// the configuration used to run `cpp-typecheck` #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Config { /// use this compiler for the type checking instead /// of the one specified in the database pub compiler: Option, /// the C++ source file to type check pub source_file: SourceFile, /// the clang compilation databases to look up /// the C++ source file pub db_files: Vec, /// forces the lookup in the database without considering /// the command cache pub no_cache: bool, /// forces the recaching of the command by doing the lookup /// in the database pub force_recache: bool } impl Config { pub fn from_command_args() -> CtResult { let matches = App::new("cpp-typecheck") .about("Type check a C++ source file with a clang compilation database") .version(crate_version!()) .author("Daniel Trstenjak ") .arg(Arg::with_name("compiler") .short("c") .long("compiler") .value_names(&["PATH"]) .help("Use this compiler for the type checking instead of the one specified in the database") .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("no-cache") .short("n") .long("no-cache") .help("Forces the lookup in the database without considering the command cache")) .arg(Arg::with_name("force-recache") .short("f") .long("force-recache") .help("Forces the recaching of the command by doing the lookup in the database")) .arg(Arg::with_name("SOURCE-FILE") .help("The C++ source file to type check") .required(true) .index(1)) .arg(Arg::with_name("CLANG-DB") .help("The clang compilation database") .index(2) .multiple(true)) .get_matches_safe()?; let src_file = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("SOURCE-FILE").ok_or("Missing C++ source file!")?); src_file.is_absolute().ok_or(format!("C++ source file '{}' has to have an absolute path!", src_file.display()))?; let db_files: Vec = { if let Some(values) = matches.values_of("CLANG-DB") { } else { let dir = src_file.parent() .ok_or(format!("Couldn't get directory of source file '{}'!", src_file.display()))?; vec![find_db(&dir)?] } }; (! db_files.is_empty()).ok_or("Missing clang compilation database!")?; let source_file = get_source_file(&src_file, &db_files)?; let config = Config { compiler: matches.value_of("compiler").map(String::from), source_file: source_file, db_files: db_files, no_cache: matches.is_present("no-cache"), force_recache: matches.is_present("force-recache") }; config.check()?; Ok(config) } fn check(&self) -> CtResult<()> { match self.source_file { SourceFile::FromHeaderWithTmpSource { ref command, .. } => { let compiler = if let Some(ref c) = self.compiler { c } else { command.get_compiler()? }; has_only_type_checking_flag(compiler) .ok_or(format!("Unsupported compiler '{}' for type checking a header without a C++ source file!", compiler))?; }, _ => () }; Ok(()) } } /// Searches for a `compile_commands.json` file starting at `start_dir` and continuing the search /// upwards the directory tree until the file is found. fn find_db(start_dir: &Path) -> CtResult { let mut dir = start_dir.to_path_buf(); loop { if let Ok(files) = fs::read_dir(&dir) { for file in files { if let Ok(file) = file { let path = file.path(); if path.is_file() { if let Some("compile_commands.json") = path.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) { return Ok(path); } } } } } dir.pop().ok_or(format!("Couldn't find 'compile_commands.json' starting at directory '{}'!", start_dir.display()))?; } } fn get_source_file(src_file: &Path, db_files: &[PathBuf]) -> CtResult { let is_header_file = if let Some(ext) = src_file.extension() { HEADER_EXTENSIONS.iter().any(|he| *he == ext) } else { // no extension, assume a header file true }; if ! is_header_file { return Ok(SourceFile::FromArg { cpp_file: src_file.to_path_buf() }); } // search for C++ source file in the same directory with same // name as the header file { let mut cpp_file: Option = None; for cpp_ext in &SOURCE_EXTENSIONS { let file = src_file.with_extension(cpp_ext); if file.is_file() { cpp_file = Some(file); break; } } if let Some(cpp_file) = cpp_file { return Ok(SourceFile::FromHeader { header_file: src_file.to_path_buf(), cpp_file: cpp_file }); } } // search for any other C++ source file in the same directory // as the header file, take its compiler command and replace the // source file with a temporary created source file that only // includes the header file { let src_dir = src_file.parent() .ok_or(format!("Couldn't get directory of source file '{}'!", src_file.display()))?; for file in src_dir.read_dir()? { if let Ok(file) = file { let file = file.path(); if ! file.is_file() { continue; } if ! is_cpp_source_file(&file) { continue; } if let Ok(cmd) = Cmd::from_databases(&file, db_files) { let mut cpp_file = Builder::new() .prefix("cpp-typecheck-") .suffix(".cpp") .tempfile()?; cpp_file.write_fmt(format_args!("#include \"{}\"\n", src_file.display()))?; let cmd = cmd.replace_cpp_file(&cpp_file.path()); return Ok(SourceFile::FromHeaderWithTmpSource { header_file: src_file.to_path_buf(), cpp_file: cpp_file, command: cmd }); } } } } Err(format!("Couldn't find C++ source file for header '{}'!", src_file.display()).into()) } fn is_cpp_source_file(file: &Path) -> bool { if let Some(ext) = file.extension() { let ext = ext.to_string_lossy(); SOURCE_EXTENSIONS.iter().any(|se| *se == ext) } else { false } } static SOURCE_EXTENSIONS: [&'static str; 10] = ["cpp", "cxx", "cc", "c++", "c", "CPP", "CXX", "CC", "C", "C++"]; static HEADER_EXTENSIONS: [&'static str; 10] = ["h", "hpp", "hxx", "hh", "h++", "H", "HPP", "HXX", "HH", "H++"];