# cppcheckr A small cpp file tester for competitive programing, running tests from a directory in .in and .out format :) ## usage cppcheckr -a *(path to algorithm)* -i testy/input_folder/test_prefix -o /testy/output_folder/test_prefix -b *(number of first test)* -e *(number of last test )* will: - compile file *(path to algorithm)*.cpp - run the program with input from folder *testy/input_folder* and compare it to outputs from folder *testy/output_folder* - Where the name of the tests look like: - *testy/input_folder/test{i}.in* - *testy/outpu_folder/test{i}.out* - i being a number between *(number of first test)* and *(number of last test)* - test the speed of those programs *( so you can see how well your optimizations work :) )* - You can pass the argument -p 1 to make sure all tests pass :) **(but quality will not be guarantied)** **more info in cppchecker -h**