#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)] use cpython::_detail::ffi; use cpython::*; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::{isize, iter, mem}; macro_rules! py_run { ($py:expr, $val:ident, $code:expr) => {{ let d = PyDict::new($py); d.set_item($py, stringify!($val), &$val).unwrap(); $py.run($code, None, Some(&d)).expect($code); }}; } macro_rules! py_assert { ($py:expr, $val:ident, $assertion:expr) => { py_run!($py, $val, concat!("assert ", $assertion)) }; } macro_rules! py_expect_exception { ($py:expr, $val:ident, $code:expr, $err:ident) => {{ let d = PyDict::new($py); d.set_item($py, stringify!($val), &$val).unwrap(); let res = $py.run($code, None, Some(&d)); let err = res.unwrap_err(); if !err.matches($py, $py.get_type::()) { panic!("Expected {} but got {:?}", stringify!($err), err) } }}; } py_class!(class EmptyClass |py| { }); #[test] fn empty_class() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let typeobj = py.get_type::(); // By default, don't allow creating instances from python. assert!(typeobj.call(py, NoArgs, None).is_err()); py_assert!(py, typeobj, "typeobj.__name__ == 'EmptyClass'"); } py_class!(class EmptyClassInModule |py| { }); #[test] fn empty_class_in_module() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let module = PyModule::new(py, "test_module.nested").unwrap(); module.add_class::(py).unwrap(); let ty = module.get(py, "EmptyClassInModule").unwrap(); assert_eq!( ty.getattr(py, "__name__") .unwrap() .extract::(py) .unwrap(), "EmptyClassInModule" ); assert_eq!( ty.getattr(py, "__module__") .unwrap() .extract::(py) .unwrap(), "test_module.nested" ); } py_class!(class EmptyClassWithNew |py| { def __new__(_cls) -> PyResult { EmptyClassWithNew::create_instance(py) } }); #[test] fn empty_class_with_new() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let typeobj = py.get_type::(); assert!(typeobj .call(py, NoArgs, None) .unwrap() .cast_into::(py) .is_ok()); } py_class!(class NewWithOneArg |py| { data _data: i32; def __new__(_cls, arg: i32) -> PyResult { NewWithOneArg::create_instance(py, arg) } }); #[test] fn new_with_one_arg() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let obj = typeobj .call(py, (42,), None) .unwrap() .cast_into::(py) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(*obj._data(py), 42); } py_class!(class NewWithTwoArgs |py| { data _data1: i32; data _data2: i32; def __new__(_cls, arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> PyResult { NewWithTwoArgs::create_instance(py, arg1, arg2) } }); #[test] fn new_with_two_args() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let typeobj = py.get_type::(); let obj = typeobj .call(py, (10, 20), None) .unwrap() .cast_into::(py) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(*obj._data1(py), 10); assert_eq!(*obj._data2(py), 20); } struct TestDropCall { drop_called: Arc, } impl Drop for TestDropCall { fn drop(&mut self) { self.drop_called.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed); } } py_class!(class DataIsDropped |py| { data member1: TestDropCall; data member2: TestDropCall; }); #[test] fn data_is_dropped() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let drop_called1 = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let drop_called2 = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let inst = DataIsDropped::create_instance( py, TestDropCall { drop_called: drop_called1.clone(), }, TestDropCall { drop_called: drop_called2.clone(), }, ); assert!(drop_called1.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == false); assert!(drop_called2.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == false); drop(inst); assert!(drop_called1.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == true); assert!(drop_called2.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == true); } py_class!(class InstanceMethod |py| { data member: i32; def method(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(*self.member(py)) } }); #[test] fn instance_method() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = InstanceMethod::create_instance(py, 42).unwrap(); assert!(obj.method(py).unwrap() == 42); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "obj", obj).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.method() == 42", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); } py_class!(class InstanceMethodReturnsNone |py| { data member: AtomicUsize; def value(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.member(py).load(Ordering::Relaxed)) } def incr(&self) -> PyResult { self.member(py).fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(PyNone) } }); #[test] fn instance_method_returns_none() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = InstanceMethodReturnsNone::create_instance(py, AtomicUsize::new(0)).unwrap(); assert!(obj.incr(py).unwrap() == PyNone); assert!(obj.value(py).unwrap() == 1); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "obj", obj).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.value() == 1", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.incr() is None", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.value() == 2", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); } py_class!(class InstanceMethodWithArgs |py| { data member: i32; def method(&self, multiplier: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(*self.member(py) * multiplier) } def r#match(&self, r#match: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(r#match) } }); #[test] fn instance_method_with_args() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = InstanceMethodWithArgs::create_instance(py, 7).unwrap(); assert!(obj.method(py, 6).unwrap() == 42); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "obj", obj).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.method(3) == 21", None, Some(&d)) .unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.method(multiplier=6) == 42", None, Some(&d)) .unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.match(match=3) == 3", None, Some(&d)) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class ClassMethod |py| { def __new__(cls) -> PyResult { ClassMethod::create_instance(py) } @classmethod def method(cls) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{}.method()!", cls.name(py))) } }); #[test] fn class_method() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()).unwrap(); py.run( "assert C.method() == 'ClassMethod.method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C().method() == 'ClassMethod.method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class ClassMethodWithArgs |py| { @classmethod def method(cls, input: &str) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{}.method({})", cls.name(py), input)) } }); #[test] fn class_method_with_args() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C.method('abc') == 'ClassMethodWithArgs.method(abc)'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class StaticMethod |py| { def __new__(cls) -> PyResult { StaticMethod::create_instance(py) } @staticmethod def method() -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("StaticMethod.method()!") } }); #[test] fn static_method() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); assert_eq!(StaticMethod::method(py).unwrap(), "StaticMethod.method()!"); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()).unwrap(); py.run( "assert C.method() == 'StaticMethod.method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C().method() == 'StaticMethod.method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class StaticMethodWithArgs |py| { @staticmethod def method(input: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("0x{:x}", input)) } }); #[test] fn static_method_with_args() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); assert_eq!(StaticMethodWithArgs::method(py, 1234).unwrap(), "0x4d2"); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()) .unwrap(); py.run("assert C.method(1337) == '0x539'", None, Some(&d)) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class StaticData |py| { static VAL1 = 123; static VAL2 = py.None(); }); #[test] fn static_data() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()).unwrap(); py.run("assert C.VAL1 == 123", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); py.run("assert C.VAL2 is None", None, Some(&d)).unwrap(); assert!(py.run("C.VAL1 = 124", None, Some(&d)).is_err()); } py_class!(class GCIntegration |py| { data self_ref: RefCell; data dropped: TestDropCall; def __traverse__(&self, visit) { visit.call(&*self.self_ref(py).borrow()) } def __clear__(&self) { let old_ref = mem::replace(&mut *self.self_ref(py).borrow_mut(), py.None()); // Release reference only after the mutable borrow has expired. old_ref.release_ref(py); } }); #[test] fn gc_integration() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let drop_called = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let inst = GCIntegration::create_instance( py, RefCell::new(py.None()), TestDropCall { drop_called: drop_called.clone(), }, ) .unwrap(); *inst.self_ref(py).borrow_mut() = inst.as_object().clone_ref(py); inst.release_ref(py); py.run("import gc; gc.collect()", None, None).unwrap(); assert!(drop_called.load(Ordering::Relaxed)); } py_class!(class Len |py| { data l: usize; def __len__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(*self.l(py)) } }); #[test] fn len() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let inst = Len::create_instance(py, 10).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, inst, "len(inst) == 10"); unsafe { assert_eq!(ffi::PyObject_Size(inst.as_object().as_ptr()), 10); assert_eq!(ffi::PyMapping_Size(inst.as_object().as_ptr()), 10); } let inst = Len::create_instance(py, (isize::MAX as usize) + 1).unwrap(); py_expect_exception!(py, inst, "len(inst)", OverflowError); } py_class!(class Iterator |py| { data iter: RefCell + Send>>; def __iter__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __next__(&self) -> PyResult> { Ok(self.iter(py).borrow_mut().next()) } }); #[test] fn iterator() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let inst = Iterator::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(Box::new(5..8))).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, inst, "iter(inst) is inst"); py_assert!(py, inst, "list(inst) == [5, 6, 7]"); } py_class!(class StringMethods |py| { def __str__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("str") } def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("repr") } def __format__(&self, format_spec: &str) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("format({})", format_spec)) } def __unicode__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(PyUnicode::new(py, "unicode")) } def __bytes__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(PyBytes::new(py, b"bytes")) } }); #[test] fn string_methods() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = StringMethods::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, obj, "str(obj) == 'str'"); py_assert!(py, obj, "repr(obj) == 'repr'"); py_assert!(py, obj, "'{0:x}'.format(obj) == 'format(x)'"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "python27-sys")] fn python2_string_methods() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = StringMethods::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, obj, "unicode(obj) == u'unicode'"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] fn python3_string_methods() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let obj = StringMethods::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, obj, "bytes(obj) == b'bytes'"); } py_class!(class Comparisons |py| { data val: i32; def __hash__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(*self.val(py)) } def __bool__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(*self.val(py) != 0) } }); #[test] fn comparisons() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let zero = Comparisons::create_instance(py, 0).unwrap(); let one = Comparisons::create_instance(py, 1).unwrap(); let ten = Comparisons::create_instance(py, 10).unwrap(); let minus_one = Comparisons::create_instance(py, -1).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, one, "hash(one) == 1"); py_assert!(py, ten, "hash(ten) == 10"); py_assert!(py, minus_one, "hash(minus_one) == -2"); py_assert!(py, one, "bool(one) is True"); py_assert!(py, zero, "not zero"); } py_class!(class Sequence |py| { def __len__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(5) } def __getitem__(&self, key: PyObject) -> PyResult { if let Ok(index) = key.extract::(py) { if index == 5 { return Err(PyErr::new::(py, NoArgs)); } } Ok(key) } }); #[test] fn sequence() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Sequence::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "list(c) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]"); py_assert!(py, c, "c['abc'] == 'abc'"); } py_class!(class SequenceRef |py| { def __getitem__(&self, key: &str) -> PyResult { if key.is_empty() { return Err(PyErr::new::(py, NoArgs)); } Ok(format!("Item for {}", key)) } def __delitem__(&self, key: &str) -> PyResult<()> { if key.is_empty() { return Err(PyErr::new::(py, NoArgs)); } Ok(()) } }); #[test] fn sequence_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = SequenceRef::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "c['abc'] == 'Item for abc'"); py_run!(py, c, "del c['abc']"); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c['']", IndexError); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[42]", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "del c['']", IndexError); } py_class!(class Callable |py| { def __call__(&self, arg: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(arg * 6) } }); #[test] fn callable() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Callable::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "callable(c)"); py_assert!(py, c, "c(7) == 42"); let nc = Comparisons::create_instance(py, 0).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, nc, "not callable(nc)"); } py_class!(class SetItem |py| { data key: Cell; data val: Cell; def __setitem__(&self, key: i32, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> { self.key(py).set(key); self.val(py).set(val); Ok(()) } }); #[test] fn setitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = SetItem::create_instance(py, Cell::new(0), Cell::new(0)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2"); assert_eq!(c.key(py).get(), 1); assert_eq!(c.val(py).get(), 2); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "del c[1]", NotImplementedError); } py_class!(class SetItemRef |py| { data key: RefCell; data val: Cell; def __setitem__(&self, key: &str, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> { *self.key(py).borrow_mut() = key.to_string(); self.val(py).set(val); Ok(()) } }); #[test] fn setitem_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = SetItemRef::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(String::new()), Cell::new(0)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c['foo'] = 100"); assert_eq!(*c.key(py).borrow(), "foo"); assert_eq!(c.val(py).get(), 100); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[None] = 1", TypeError); } py_class!(class SetItemOptRef |py| { data key: RefCell; data val: Cell; def __setitem__(&self, key: Option<&str>, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> { if let Some(key) = key { *self.key(py).borrow_mut() = key.to_string(); self.val(py).set(val); Ok(()) } else { Err(PyErr::new::(py, NoArgs)) } } }); #[test] fn setitem_opt_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = SetItemOptRef::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(String::new()), Cell::new(0)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c['foo'] = 100"); assert_eq!(*c.key(py).borrow(), "foo"); assert_eq!(c.val(py).get(), 100); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[None] = 1", IndexError); } py_class!(class DelItem |py| { data key: Cell; def __delitem__(&self, key: i32) -> PyResult<()> { self.key(py).set(key); Ok(()) } }); #[test] fn delitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = DelItem::create_instance(py, Cell::new(0)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]"); assert_eq!(c.key(py).get(), 1); py_expect_exception!(py, c, "c[1] = 2", NotImplementedError); } py_class!(class SetDelItem |py| { data val: Cell>; def __setitem__(&self, key: i32, val: i32) -> PyResult<()> { self.val(py).set(Some(val)); Ok(()) } def __delitem__(&self, key: i32) -> PyResult<()> { self.val(py).set(None); Ok(()) } }); #[test] fn setdelitem() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = SetDelItem::create_instance(py, Cell::new(None)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "c[1] = 2"); assert_eq!(c.val(py).get(), Some(2)); py_run!(py, c, "del c[1]"); assert_eq!(c.val(py).get(), None); } py_class!(class Reversed |py| { def __reversed__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("I am reversed") } }); #[test] fn reversed() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Reversed::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert reversed(c) == 'I am reversed'"); } py_class!(class Contains |py| { def __contains__(&self, item: i32) -> PyResult { Ok(item >= 0) } }); #[test] fn contains() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Contains::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert -1 not in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 'wrong type' not in c"); } py_class!(class ContainsRef |py| { def __contains__(&self, item: &str) -> PyResult { Ok(item.is_empty()) } }); #[test] fn contains_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = ContainsRef::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert '' in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 'hello' not in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 42 not in c"); } py_class!(class ContainsOptRef |py| { def __contains__(&self, item: Option<&str>) -> PyResult { Ok(item.map_or(false, str::is_empty)) } }); #[test] fn contains_opt_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = ContainsOptRef::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert '' in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 'hello' not in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 42 not in c"); py_run!(py, c, "assert None not in c"); } py_class!(class UnaryArithmetic |py| { def __neg__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("neg") } def __pos__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("pos") } def __abs__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("abs") } def __invert__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("invert") } }); #[test] fn unary_arithmetic() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = UnaryArithmetic::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert -c == 'neg'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert +c == 'pos'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert abs(c) == 'abs'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert ~c == 'invert'"); } py_class!(class BinaryArithmetic |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("BA") } def __add__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} + {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __sub__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} - {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __mul__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} * {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __lshift__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} << {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __rshift__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} >> {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __and__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} & {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __xor__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} ^ {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __or__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} | {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } }); #[test] fn binary_arithmetic() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = BinaryArithmetic::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert c + c == 'BA + BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c + 1 == 'BA + 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 + c == '1 + BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c - 1 == 'BA - 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 - c == '1 - BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c * 1 == 'BA * 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 * c == '1 * BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c << 1 == 'BA << 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 << c == '1 << BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c >> 1 == 'BA >> 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 >> c == '1 >> BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c & 1 == 'BA & 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 & c == '1 & BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c ^ 1 == 'BA ^ 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 ^ c == '1 ^ BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c | 1 == 'BA | 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 | c == '1 | BA'"); } py_class!(class RichComparisons |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("RC") } def __richcmp__(&self, other: &PyObject, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult { match op { CompareOp::Lt => Ok(format!("{:?} < {:?}", self.as_object(), other)), CompareOp::Le => Ok(format!("{:?} <= {:?}", self.as_object(), other)), CompareOp::Eq => Ok(format!("{:?} == {:?}", self.as_object(), other)), CompareOp::Ne => Ok(format!("{:?} != {:?}", self.as_object(), other)), CompareOp::Gt => Ok(format!("{:?} > {:?}", self.as_object(), other)), CompareOp::Ge => Ok(format!("{:?} >= {:?}", self.as_object(), other)) } } }); py_class!(class RichComparisons2 |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("RC2") } def __richcmp__(&self, other: &PyObject, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult { match op { CompareOp::Eq => Ok(true.to_py_object(py).into_object()), CompareOp::Ne => Ok(false.to_py_object(py).into_object()), _ => Ok(py.NotImplemented()) } } }); #[test] fn rich_comparisons() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = RichComparisons::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c < c) == 'RC < RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c < 1) == 'RC < 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 < c) == 'RC > 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c <= c) == 'RC <= RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c <= 1) == 'RC <= 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 <= c) == 'RC >= 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c == c) == 'RC == RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c == 1) == 'RC == 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 == c) == 'RC == 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c != c) == 'RC != RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c != 1) == 'RC != 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 != c) == 'RC != 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c > c) == 'RC > RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c > 1) == 'RC > 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 > c) == 'RC < 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c >= c) == 'RC >= RC'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (c >= 1) == 'RC >= 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert (1 >= c) == 'RC <= 1'"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] fn rich_comparisons_python_3_type_error() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c2 = RichComparisons2::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 < c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 < 1", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "1 < c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 <= c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 <= 1", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "1 <= c2", TypeError); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (c2 == c2) == True"); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (c2 == 1) == True"); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (1 == c2) == True"); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (c2 != c2) == False"); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (c2 != 1) == False"); py_run!(py, c2, "assert (1 != c2) == False"); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 > c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 > 1", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "1 > c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 >= c2", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "c2 >= 1", TypeError); py_expect_exception!(py, c2, "1 >= c2", TypeError); } py_class!(class RichComparisonsRef |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("RCR") } def __richcmp__(&self, other: &str, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult { match op { CompareOp::Lt => Ok("RCR" < other), CompareOp::Le => Ok("RCR" <= other), CompareOp::Eq => Ok("RCR" == other), CompareOp::Ne => Ok("RCR" != other), CompareOp::Gt => Ok("RCR" > other), CompareOp::Ge => Ok("RCR" >= other), } } }); #[test] fn rich_comparisons_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = RichComparisonsRef::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "c < 'ZZZ'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c <= 'ZZZ'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c <= 'RCR'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c == 'RCR'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c != 'RRR'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c > 'AAA'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c >= 'AAA'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c >= 'RCR'"); } py_class!(class RichComparisonsOptRef |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("RCR") } def __richcmp__(&self, other: Option<&str>, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult { match other { Some(other) => match op { CompareOp::Lt => Ok("RCR" < other), CompareOp::Le => Ok("RCR" <= other), CompareOp::Eq => Ok("RCR" == other), CompareOp::Ne => Ok("RCR" != other), CompareOp::Gt => Ok("RCR" > other), CompareOp::Ge => Ok("RCR" >= other), }, None => match op { CompareOp::Ne | CompareOp::Gt | CompareOp::Ge => Ok(true), CompareOp::Eq | CompareOp::Lt | CompareOp::Le => Ok(false), }, } } }); #[test] fn rich_comparisons_opt_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = RichComparisonsOptRef::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_assert!(py, c, "c != None"); py_assert!(py, c, "c == 'RCR'"); py_assert!(py, c, "c > None"); py_assert!(py, c, "None <= c"); } py_class!(class InPlaceOperations |py| { data value: Cell; def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("IPO({:?})", self.value(py).get())) } def __iadd__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() + other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __isub__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() - other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __imul__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() * other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __ilshift__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() << other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __irshift__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() >> other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __iand__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() & other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __ixor__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() ^ other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } def __ior__(&self, other: u32) -> PyResult { self.value(py).set(self.value(py).get() | other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } }); #[test] fn inplace_operations() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(0)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c += 1; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(1)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(10)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c -= 1; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(9)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(3)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c *= 3; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(9)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(3)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c <<= 2; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(12)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(12)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c >>= 2; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(3)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(12)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c &= 10; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(8)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(12)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c |= 3; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(15)'" ); let c = InPlaceOperations::create_instance(py, Cell::new(12)).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "d = c; c ^= 5; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPO(9)'" ); } py_class!(class InPlaceOperationsRef |py| { data value: RefCell; def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("IPOR({:?})", self.value(py).borrow())) } def __iadd__(&self, other: &str) -> PyResult { let mut value = self.value(py).borrow_mut(); value.push_str(other); Ok(self.clone_ref(py)) } }); #[test] fn inplace_operations_ref() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = InPlaceOperationsRef::create_instance(py, RefCell::new(String::new())).unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, r#"d = c; c += "hello"; c += ", world"; assert repr(c) == repr(d) == 'IPOR("hello, world")'"# ); } py_class!(class ContextManager |py| { data exit_called : Cell; def __enter__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(42) } def __exit__(&self, ty: Option, value: PyObject, traceback: PyObject) -> PyResult { self.exit_called(py).set(true); if ty == Some(py.get_type::()) { Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } }); #[test] fn context_manager() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = ContextManager::create_instance(py, Cell::new(false)).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "with c as x:\n assert x == 42"); assert!(c.exit_called(py).get()); c.exit_called(py).set(false); py_run!(py, c, "with c as x:\n raise ValueError"); assert!(c.exit_called(py).get()); c.exit_called(py).set(false); py_expect_exception!( py, c, "with c as x:\n raise NotImplementedError", NotImplementedError ); assert!(c.exit_called(py).get()); } py_class!(class Properties |py| { data value: Cell; data value_by_ref: RefCell; data value_by_opt_ref: RefCell; def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("P({:?} {:?} {:?})", self.value(py).get(), self.value_by_ref(py).borrow(), self.value_by_opt_ref(py).borrow())) } @property def prop(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.value(py).get()) } @prop.setter def set_prop(&self, value: Option) -> PyResult<()> { self.value(py).set(value.unwrap_or(0)); Ok(()) } @property def prop_by_ref(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.value_by_ref(py).borrow().to_string()) } @prop_by_ref.setter def set_prop_by_ref(&self, value: Option<&str>) -> PyResult<()> { *self.value_by_ref(py).borrow_mut() = value.unwrap_or("DELETED").to_string(); Ok(()) } @property def prop_by_opt_ref(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.value_by_opt_ref(py).borrow().to_string()) } @prop_by_opt_ref.setter def set_prop_by_opt_ref(&self, value: Option>) -> PyResult<()> { let value = value.unwrap_or(Some("DELETED")).unwrap_or("NO VALUE"); *self.value_by_opt_ref(py).borrow_mut() = value.to_string(); Ok(()) } /// docs for match @property def r#match(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(self.value(py).get() != 0) } }); #[test] fn properties() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Properties::create_instance( py, Cell::new(0), RefCell::new(String::new()), RefCell::new(String::new()), ) .unwrap(); py_run!( py, c, "assert 'docs for match' in c.__class__.match.__doc__" ); py_run!(py, c, "assert c.prop == 0"); py_run!(py, c, "assert not c.match"); py_run!(py, c, "c.prop = 42"); assert_eq!(c.value(py).get(), 42); py_run!(py, c, "assert c.match"); assert!(c.r#match(py).unwrap()); // Instead of really deleting, our setter sets back to 0 py_run!(py, c, "delattr(c, 'prop')"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c.prop == 0"); py_run!(py, c, "c.prop_by_ref = 'testing'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c.prop_by_ref == 'testing'"); py_run!(py, c, "c.prop_by_opt_ref = 'something'"); assert_eq!(*c.value_by_opt_ref(py).borrow(), "something"); py_run!(py, c, "c.prop_by_opt_ref = None"); py_run!(py, c, "repr(c) == 'P(42, \"testing\" \"NO VALUE\")'"); py_run!(py, c, "del c.prop_by_opt_ref"); py_run!(py, c, "repr(c) == 'P(42, \"testing\" \"DELETED\")'"); } py_class!(pub(crate) class ClassWithVisibility |py| { pub(crate) def __new__(_cls) -> PyResult { Self::create_instance(py) } @classmethod pub(crate) def class_method(cls) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{}.class_method()!", cls.name(py))) } @staticmethod pub(crate) def static_method() -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("ClassWithVisibility.static_method()!") } pub(crate) def instance_method(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(12345) } }); #[test] fn class_with_visibility() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let typeobj = py.get_type::(); assert!(typeobj .call(py, NoArgs, None) .unwrap() .cast_into::(py) .is_ok()); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C.class_method() == 'ClassWithVisibility.class_method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C().class_method() == 'ClassWithVisibility.class_method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( ClassWithVisibility::static_method(py).unwrap(), "ClassWithVisibility.static_method()!" ); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "C", py.get_type::()) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C.static_method() == 'ClassWithVisibility.static_method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); py.run( "assert C().static_method() == 'ClassWithVisibility.static_method()!'", None, Some(&d), ) .unwrap(); let obj = ClassWithVisibility::create_instance(py).unwrap(); assert!(obj.instance_method(py).unwrap() == 12345); let d = PyDict::new(py); d.set_item(py, "obj", obj).unwrap(); py.run("assert obj.instance_method() == 12345", None, Some(&d)) .unwrap(); } py_class!(class NumberExt |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("BA") } def __mod__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} % {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __divmod__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("divmod({:?},{:?})", lhs, rhs)) } def __pow__(lhs, rhs, exp) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("pow({:?},{:?},{:?})", lhs, rhs, exp)) } def __index__(&self) -> PyResult { Ok(69) } }); #[test] fn number_extensions() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = NumberExt::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert c % 1 == 'BA % 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 % c == '1 % BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert divmod(c,1) == 'divmod(BA,1)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert divmod(1,c) == 'divmod(1,BA)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c**c == 'pow(BA,BA,None)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c**1 == 'pow(BA,1,None)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1**c == 'pow(1,BA,None)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert pow(c,c,2) == 'pow(BA,BA,2)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert pow(c,1,2) == 'pow(BA,1,2)'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert pow(1,c,2) == 'pow(1,BA,2)'"); py_run!(py, c, "import operator; assert operator.index(c) == 69"); } #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] py_class!(class Py3Number |py| { def __repr__(&self) -> PyResult<&'static str> { Ok("BA") } def __matmul__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} @ {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __truediv__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} / {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } def __floordiv__(lhs, rhs) -> PyResult { Ok(format!("{:?} // {:?}", lhs, rhs)) } }); #[test] #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] fn python3_numbers() { let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); let c = Py3Number::create_instance(py).unwrap(); py_run!(py, c, "assert c @ c == 'BA @ BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c @ 1 == 'BA @ 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 @ c == '1 @ BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c / c == 'BA / BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c / 1 == 'BA / 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 / c == '1 / BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c // c == 'BA // BA'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert c // 1 == 'BA // 1'"); py_run!(py, c, "assert 1 // c == '1 // BA'"); } #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] py_class!(class DummyMatMul |py| { data number: i32; def __new__(_cls, arg: i32) -> PyResult { DummyMatMul::create_instance(py, arg) } def __matmul__(left, other) -> PyResult { // Do a dummy operation that can be easily tested left.cast_as::(py)?.number(py) .to_py_object(py) .into_object() .multiply(py, other)? .add(py, 3) } }); #[test] #[cfg(feature = "python3-sys")] fn matrix_multiply() { let guard = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = guard.python(); let first = DummyMatMul::create_instance(py, 5).unwrap().into_object(); let seven = (7i32).to_py_object(py).into_object(); let actual_res = first.matrix_multiply(py, seven).unwrap(); // 5 * 7 + 3 => 38 let expected_res = (38i32).to_py_object(py).into_object(); assert_eq!( actual_res.compare(py, expected_res).unwrap(), std::cmp::Ordering::Equal ); }