# vim: noet # Python syntax, followed by a tab, followed by the JSON representation it should be. # Lines beginning with "#" and empty lines are ignored. # Basic supported types {} {} [] [] () [] skip_from '' "" u'' "" 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 0.1 0.1 True true False false None null # More interesting strings 'hello' "hello" u'hello' "hello" u'\U0001f40d\U0001f980' "\ud83d\udc0d\ud83e\udd80" dict(a="b", c="d") {"a": "b", "c": "d"} [True, False] [true, false] # Python-specific key string coercion {1.2: 1} {"1.2": 1} skip_from {1: 2} {"1": 2} skip_from {True: 1} {"true": 1} skip_from {False: 1} {"false": 1} skip_from {None: 1} {"null": 1} skip_from