# master * No changes yet # [[0.2.2] 2019-09-05](https://github.com/cq-rs/cqrs/releases/tag/cqrs-core-0.2.2) * Add new type `Before` for reading event streams backward # [[0.2.1] 2019-04-29](https://github.com/cq-rs/cqrs/releases/tag/cqrs-core-0.2.1) * Breaking change to `SnapshotSink` and `SnapshotStrategy` to allow differentiating between entities with an initial snapshot and those that were not in the snapshot store. # [[0.1.1] 2019-03-08](https://github.com/cq-rs/cqrs/releases/tag/cqrs-core-0.1.1) * Add `VersionedEventWithMetadata`. * Breaking change to `EventSource::Events` so that the iterated items are no longer results. # [[0.1.0] 2019-02-01](https://github.com/cq-rs/cqrs/releases/tag/cqrs-core-0.1.0) * Initial release