-- a single table is used for all events in the cqrs system CREATE TABLE events ( aggregate_type text NOT NULL, aggregate_id text NOT NULL, sequence bigint CHECK (sequence >= 0) NOT NULL, payload jsonb NOT NULL, metadata jsonb NOT NULL, timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), PRIMARY KEY (aggregate_type, aggregate_id, sequence) ); -- this table is only needed if snapshotting is employed CREATE TABLE snapshots ( aggregate_type text NOT NULL, aggregate_id text NOT NULL, last_sequence bigint CHECK (last_sequence >= 0) NOT NULL, payload jsonb NOT NULL, timestamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), PRIMARY KEY (aggregate_type, aggregate_id, last_sequence) ); -- one view table should be created for every `GenericQueryRepository` used -- replace name with the value used in `GenericQueryRepository::new(query_name: String)` CREATE TABLE test_query ( query_instance_id text NOT NULL, version bigint CHECK (version >= 0) NOT NULL, payload jsonb NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (query_instance_id) ); CREATE USER test_user WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'test_pass'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE postgres TO test_user;