# cratuity [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/cratuity)](https://crates.io/crates/cratuity) [![GitHub last commit](https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/TheMayoras/cratuity)](https://github.com/TheMayoras/cratuity) A TUI for quickly searching Crates.io The searches done are return the same results as if you entered the search term into the search bar on crates.io. The results are returned in pages of 5 results each ![Cratuity demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheMayoras/cratuity/master/assets/demo.gif) ## Requirements and Optional Features ## Features ### Default Features By default, cratuity is built with both clipboard access and "open in browser" features. To turn them off, build with `--no-default-features`. ### Clipboard Access To allow cratuity to copy to your clipboard, the `copy` feature is required. This is turned on by default. You can copy the Cargo.toml format for a crate's most recent version by selecting the crate with J/K and then pressing C to copy the string to the clipboard. For example, selecting the `serde` crate and pressing C may cause something like the following to be copied to your clipboard: `serde = "1.0.118"` ### Open in Browser If the `browser` feature is turned on, cratuity can open the documentation link for a crate in your system's default browser. ## Requirements ### Clipboard Access To have access to the clipboard on _Linux_ `xorg-dev` must be installed ## Usage When prompted for an input, press ESC to cancel the input or Enter to search for what was entered. When scrolling through history, press N to move a page down and P to move a page up. Press q to quit from the search screen. When scrolling through the pages, you can change you search term at any time by pressing f, or you can change the sorting method by pressing S. ## Sorting The 5 sorting methods are the exact same sorting methods that you can use to search for crates on Crates.io. These are 1. Relevancy 2. All Time Downloaded 3. Recently Downloaded 4. Recently Updated 5. Newly Added _Please submit any issues for feature requests to the github repository!_