# crdt-richtext > Rust implementation of [Peritext](https://www.inkandswitch.com/peritext/) and > [Fugue](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.00583) This crate contains a subset of [Loro CRDT](https://loro.dev/)(which is not yet open-source) [**📚 See the blog post**](https://loro-dev.notion.site/crdt-richtext-Rust-implementation-of-Peritext-and-Fugue-c49ef2a411c0404196170ac8daf066c0) _The interface is not yet stable and is subject to changes. Do not use it in production._ This Rust crate provides an implementation of Peritext that is optimized for performance. This crate uses a separate data structure to store the range annotation, decoupled from the underlying list CRDT. This implementation depends on `RangeMap` trait, which can be implemented efficiently to make the overall algorithm fast. But currently, this crate only provides a dumb implementation to provide a proof of concept.