import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react' import glob from 'glob' import { resolve } from 'path' import { defineConfig } from 'vite' const buildRollupInput = (isDevelopment): { [entryAlias: string]: string } => { const rollupInput: { [entryAlias: string]: string } = isDevelopment ? { 'dev.tsx': resolve(__dirname, './src/dev.tsx') } : {} // TODO: use import.meta.glob() + npm uninstall glob glob.sync(resolve(__dirname, './bundles/**/*.tsx')).map((inputEntry: string) => { let outputEntry = inputEntry // output entry is an absolute path, let's remove the absolute part: outputEntry = outputEntry.replace(`${__dirname}/`, '') // replace directory separator with "__" outputEntry = outputEntry.replace(/\//g, '__') rollupInput[outputEntry] = inputEntry }) return rollupInput } // export default defineConfig(async ({ command, mode }) => ({ base: command === 'serve' ? 'http://localhost:21012' : '/', clearScreen: false, build: { manifest: true, rollupOptions: { input: buildRollupInput(command === 'serve') }, }, define: { // When this variable is set, setupDevelopment.tsx will also be loaded! // See `dev.tsx` which is included in development. 'import.meta.env.DEV_SERVER_PORT': String(process.env.DEV_SERVER_PORT), }, plugins: [ react(), ], server: { port: 21012, host: '', proxy: { // with options '/api': { target: 'http://localhost:3000', changeOrigin: true, }, '/graphql': { target: 'http://localhost:3000', changeOrigin: true } } }, }))