# The configuration file for mgw [adapter] # -------------------------------------------------------- artifactsDirectory = "/home/wso2/artifacts" soapErrorInXMLEnabled = false # Configurations required for configuring the deployment parameters that are used for identifying the Choreo Connect Adapter REST APIs [adapter.server] # Enable/Disable Choreo Connect Adapter REST API enabled = true # Hostname of the Choreo Connect Adapter host = "" # Port of the Choreo Connect Adapter port = "9843" # Time to live for the Adapter access token tokenTTL = "1h" # Private key path to use for the token generation tokenPrivateKeyPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.key" [[adapter.server.users]] username = "admin" password = "$env{adapter_admin_pwd}" # Default virtual host mapping for standalone mode [[adapter.vhostMapping]] # The Adapter environment environment = "Default" # Virtual host to map to the environment vhost = "localhost" # Configurations of key store used in Choreo Connect Adapter [adapter.keystore] # Path of the certificate certPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.pem" # Path of the private key keyPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.key" # Configurations of trust store used in the Choreo Connect Adapter [adapter.truststore] # The directory path for the trusted certificates of the Choreo Connect Adapter location = "/home/wso2/security/truststore" # Configurations related to Consul [adapter.consul] # Enable/Disable consul service enabled = false # Connection url of the Consul HTTP API url = "" # scheme + host ip + port # Time interval (in seconds) in which the Choreo Connect should fetch updates from the Consul service catalog pollInterval = 5 # Access Control Token generated using Consul # You should grant read access to services when creating the token ACLToken = "d3a2a719-4221-8c65-5212-58d4727427ac" # Choreo Connect natively integrates with Consul service mesh # Therefore a service name is required to be defined inorder to grant access to other services in mesh # This only need to be defined if service mesh enabled in Consul mgwServiceName = "wso2" # Set this to true if service mesh is enabled in Consul serviceMeshEnabled = false # Certs for tls # Optional path to the CA certificate used for Consul communication, defaults to the system bundle if not specified caCertFile = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/consul/consul-agent-ca.pem" # Optional path to the certificate for Consul communication. If this is set, then you also need to set keyFile certFile = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/consul/local-dc-client-consul-0.pem" # Optional path to the private key for Consul communication. If this is set, then you need to also set certFile keyFile = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/consul/local-dc-client-consul-0-key.pem" # Configuration related to the repository where the API artifacts are stored [adapter.sourceControl] # Enable/Disable Source Control for API Artifacts enabled = false # Time interval (in seconds) in which the Adapter should fetch updates from the remote repository pollInterval = 30 # Time interval (in seconds) in which the adapter should retry fetching artifacts from the remote repository at startup retryInterval = 5 # Maximum number of retries for fetching artifacts from the remote repository at startup maxRetryCount = 20 # The directory path where the git artifacts are stored artifactsDirectory = "/home/wso2/git-artifacts" # Configurations of the repository [adapter.sourceControl.repository] # Repository URL where artifacts are stored URL = "https://github.com/username/repository-name.git" # Branch of the repository where the artifacts are stored (Use "" for default branch) branch = "main" # Use either username and accessToken, or ssh key for authentication # Git username (Use "" in the case of a public repository (only for GitHub)) username = "username" # Git personal access token or password accessToken = $env{git_access_token} # Path to the private key used for authentication (Use "" in the case of a public repository (only for GitHub)) sshKeyFile = "/home/wso2/ssh-keys/id_ed25519" # Configurations required for router to route the traffic from different clients to services [router] # -------------------------------------------------------- # Host for listener of Router listenerHost = "" # Port for listener of Router listenerPort = 9090 # Host for secured listener of Router securedListenerHost = "" # Port for secured listener of Router securedListenerPort = 9095 # Set the listener side http protocol version. Default to AUTO where both http1 and http2 connections are handled # It can be specifically set to either HTTP1 or HTTP2 listenerCodecType = "AUTO" # The timeout for new network connections to hosts in the cluster in seconds clusterTimeoutInSeconds = 20 # The timeout for response coming from enforcer to route per API request enforcerResponseTimeoutInSeconds = 20 # System hostname for system API resources (eg: /testkey and /health) systemHost = "localhost" # If configured true, router appends the immediate downstream ip address to the x-forward-for header useRemoteAddress = false # Configurations of key store used in Choreo Connect Router [router.keystore] # Path of the certificate of the Router certPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.pem" # Path of the private key of the Router keyPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.key" # Cors configurations [router.cors] # Enable CORS configurations globally for all endpoints and APIs deployed in Choreo Connect Router enabled = true # Allowed origins. Set this to [*] to allow all origins allowOrigins = ["*"] # The content for the access-control-allow-methods header allowMethods = ["GET","PUT","POST","DELETE","PATCH","OPTIONS"] # The content for the access-control-allow-headers header allowHeaders = ["authorization","Access-Control-Allow-Origin","Content-Type","SOAPAction","apikey", "testKey", "Internal-Key"] # The content for the access-control-expose-headers header exposeHeaders = [] # Specifies whether the resource allows credentials allowCredentials = false [router.upstream] # The configurations for SSL configuration related to the backend connection in Choreo Connect [router.upstream.tls] # Minimum TLS protocol version minimumProtocolVersion = "TLS1_1" # Maximum TLS protocol version maximumProtocolVersion = "TLS1_2" # If specified, the TLS listener will only support the specified ciphers when negotiating TLS 1.0-1.2 # (this setting has no effect when negotiating TLS 1.3) ciphers = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES128-SHA, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES256-SHA" # Path to trusted certificates trustedCertPath = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" # Enable/Disable Verifying host name verifyHostName = true # Disable SSL verification disableSslVerification = false [router.upstream.dns] # DNS refresh rate in miliseconds dNSRefreshRate = 5000 # set cluster’s DNS refresh rate to resource record’s TTL which comes from DNS resolution respectDNSTtl = false # health configs for upstream clusters [router.upstream.health] # time in seconds to wait for a health check response timeout = 1 # interval between health checks in seconds. interval = 10 # number of unhealthy health checks required before a host is marked unhealthy unhealthyThreshold = 2 # number of healthy health checks required before a host is marked healthy healthyThreshold = 2 # Configure timeout settings related to routes. This will be applicable globally for all the routes in router. [router.upstream.timeouts] # Upstream timeout for the route. If not specified, the default is 60s. routeTimeoutInSeconds = 60 # Maximum upstream timeout allowed in an OpenAPI definition or API-M UI. A larger value will be replaced by this. maxRouteTimeoutInSeconds = 60 # Backend connection idle timeout. The amount of time the request’s stream may be idle. routeIdleTimeoutInSeconds = 300 # Configs for the router when retrying upstream clusters [router.upstream.retry] # Maximum value that can be set as the count within retry configs in an OpenAPI definition or API-M UI maxRetryCount = 5 # Base interval for the Envoy's exponential retry back off algorithm baseIntervalInMillis = 25 # HTTP status codes, the retry mechanism will be enabled for. # Used when retry config is set via API-M UI or all given status codes are out of range. statusCodes = [ 504 ] # Configs http2 protocol options for upstream http2 cluster endpoints [router.upstream.http2] # Maximum table size (in octets) that the encoder is permitted to use for the dynamic HPACK table: https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7541.html#rfc.section.4.2 hpackTableSize = 4096 # Maximum concurrent streams allowed for peer on one HTTP/2 connection maxConcurrentStreams = 2147483647 [router.downstream] # The configurations for SSL configuration related to the client connection in Choreo Connect [router.downstream.tls] # Path to trusted certificates trustedCertPath = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" # If configured true, router enables the client certificate validation for providing client certificates mTLSAPIsEnabled = false # Timeouts managed by the connection manager [router.connectionTimeout] # The amount of time that Envoy will wait for the entire request to be received. Time from client to upstream. requestTimeoutInSeconds = 0 # The amount of time that Envoy will wait for the request headers to be received. Time from client to upstream. requestHeadersTimeoutInSeconds = 0 # The stream idle timeout for connections managed by the connection manager. This can be overriden by the `routeIdleTimeoutInSeconds` streamIdleTimeoutInSeconds = 300 # The idle timeout for connections. The idle timeout is defined as the period in which there are no active requests. When the idle timeout is reached the connection will be closed. # If the connection is an HTTP/2 downstream connection a drain sequence will occur prior to closing the connection idleTimeoutInSeconds = 3600 # Configs for request body passing from router to enforcer. [router.payloadPassingToEnforcer] # Enable/Disable request body passing feature. PassRequestPayload = false # Sets the allowed maximum size of a request body in bytes. maxRequestBytes = 10240 # If enabled, request body will buffer the message until maxRequestBytes is reached. allowPartialMessage = false # If enabled, request body will send as raw bytes, otherwise it will be a UTF-8 string request body. packAsBytes = false # Configurations relevant to the router filters [router.filters] # Configurations relevant to the compression filter [router.filters.compression] # Enable/Disable compression filter for the router enabled = true # Defines compression library used in the filter library = "gzip" # Configurations relevant to the compression filter's request direction (router's upstream request) [router.filters.compression.requestDirection] # Enable/Disable request direction compression enabled = false # Minimum byte amount considered before applying the compression minimumContentLength = 30 # Content types to consider for the compression contentType = ["application/javascript", "application/json", "application/xhtml+xml", "image/svg+xml", "text/css", "text/html", "text/plain", "text/xml"] # Configurations relevant to the compression filter's response direction (router's downstream request) [router.filters.compression.responseDirection] # Enable/Disable request direction compression enabled = true # Minimum byte amount considered before applying the compression minimumContentLength = 30 # Content types to consider for the compression contentType = ["application/javascript", "application/json", "application/xhtml+xml", "image/svg+xml", "text/css", "text/html", "text/plain", "text/xml"] # Enable/Disable the compression if there is an Etag header enableForEtagHeader = true # Configurations relevant to the compression library [router.filters.compression.libraryProperties] # controls the amount of internal memory used by zlib (value range is 1 to 9) memoryLevel = 3 # base two logarithmic of the compressor's window size (value range is 9 to 15) windowBits = 12 # zlib compression level (higher values provide better compression level. Value range is 1 to 9) compressionLevel = 9 # zlib compression strategy (values: defaultStrategy, gzipFiltered, gzipHuffmanOnly, gzipRle, gzipFixed) compressionStrategy = "defaultStrategy" # zlib's next output buffer chunkSize = 4096 [enforcer] # -------------------------------------------------------- # If Custom Filters needs to be engaged, mention them here with position. # Note: The jar file containing customFilter should be added to the enforcer/dropins directory. # Note: Position should be the final position (including already available filters) after all the filters engaged. # Position starts from 1 [[enforcer.filters]] # ClassName of the filter className = "org.wso2.choreo.connect.custom.CCCustomFilter" # Position of the filter within final filter-chain position = 3 # Filter specific custom configurations. Only `(string, string)` key-value pairs are accepted [enforcer.filters.configProperties] testConfig1 = "testValue1" # The configurations of gRPC netty based server in Enforcer that handles the incoming requests in the Choreo Connect [enforcer.authService] # Port of the Enforcer auth service port = 8081 # Maximum message size in bytes maxMessageSize = 1000000000 # Maximum header size in bytes maxHeaderLimit = 8192 # Keep alive time in seconds for connection with the router via external authz service keepAliveTime = 600 # Thread pool configurations of gRPC netty based server in Enforcer that handles the incoming requests in the Choreo Connect [enforcer.authService.threadPool] # Minimum number of workers to keep alive coreSize = 400 # Maximum pool size maxSize = 500 # Timeout in seconds for idle threads waiting for work keepAliveTime = 600 # Queue size of the worker threads queueSize = 1000 # The configurations of token caching in the Choreo Connect [enforcer.cache] # Enable/Disable token cache enabled = true # Maximum cache size maximumSize = 10000 # Expiry time in minutes expiryTime = 15 # Configuration for admin credentials of the Enforcer [enforcer.management] username = "admin" password = "admin" # This configuration to enable the Enforcer Internal Data rest API [enforcer.restserver] enabled = true # The configuration of the backend jwt generation in the Choreo Connect [enforcer.jwtGenerator] # Enable/Disable backend JWT generation enabled = false # Encoding of the JWT encoding = "base64" # base64,base64url # The JWT access token contains all claims that are defined in the enforcer.jwtGenerator.claimDialect element # The default value of this element is http://wso2.org/claims # To get the list of a specific user's claims that need to be included in the JWT, uncomment this element after enabling the JWT # It will include all claims in http://wso2.org/claims to the JWT access token claimDialect = "http://wso2.org/claims" # Remap the OIDC claims into the configured dialect convertDialect = false # The name of the HTTP header to which the JWT is attached header = "X-JWT-Assertion" # The signing algorithm is used to sign the JWT signingAlgorithm = "SHA256withRSA" # Enable/Disable user claims enableUserClaims = false # Custom JWT generator gatewayGeneratorImpl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.common.gateway.jwtgenerator.APIMgtGatewayJWTGeneratorImpl" # Custom Claim Retriever to add custom claims into JWT claimsExtractorImpl = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.token.ExtendedDefaultClaimsRetriever" # Token expiry time in seconds tokenTTL = 3600 # JWKS Endpoint calls allowed per a configured time window jwksRatelimitQuota = 1000 # JWKS Endpoint rate limiting time window jwksRatelimitTimeWindowInSeconds = 10 # Whether to use kid or x5t parameter to identify JWT verification key useKidProperty = true # Key-Certificate pairs used for JWT Generation. Multiple Certificates could be added to generate multiple JWK # Entries. This is to do certificate rotation. [[enforcer.jwtGenerator.keypair]] publicCertificatePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/mg.pem" privateKeyPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.key" useForSigning = true # The issuer configuration required to generate token at Choreo Connect [enforcer.jwtIssuer] # Enable/Disable JWT generation enabled = true # Issuer value for the JWT under iss claim issuer = "https://localhost:9095/testkey" # Encoding of the JWT encoding = "base64" # base64,base64url # A set of claims are identified as a dialect. Different dialects represent the same piece of information with different claim URIs claimDialect = "" # The signing algorithm is used to sign the JWT signingAlgorithm = "SHA256withRSA" # Public certificate for generated JWT publicCertificatePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/mg.pem" # Private key path used for JWT generation privateKeyPath = "/home/wso2/security/keystore/mg.key" # Validity period of the JWT in seconds validityPeriod = 3600 # Configure allowed users to use the JWT generated by the Choreo Connect. You can provide multiple users [[enforcer.jwtIssuer.jwtUser]] username = "admin" password = "$env{enforcer_admin_pwd}" [enforcer.security] # Configurations related to Authorization header [enforcer.security.authHeader] # Send the authorization header to the backend enableOutboundAuthHeader = false # Header name for the authorization token coming from the downstream client authorizationHeader = "authorization" testConsoleHeaderName = "Internal-Key" # Configurations related to Mutual SSL [enforcer.security.mutualSSL] # Header name for the client certificate header coming from the downstream client certificateHeader = "X-WSO2-CLIENT-CERTIFICATE" # Enables the mTLS validation using the client certificate coming from TLS handshake # If configured false, mTLS validation is done using the client certificate coming from the header enableClientValidation = true # Enables the decoding process for the encoded client certificate in the header clientCertificateEncode = false # Sends the client certificate header to the backend enableOutboundCertificateHeader = false # JWT token authorization configurations. You can provide multiple JWT issuers # Issuer 1 - Resident Key Manager Issuer for Access tokens [[enforcer.security.tokenService]] # Provide unique name for the JWT issuer name = "Resident Key Manager" issuer = "https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token" # Alias name given in Enforcer truststore for the public certificate of the JWT issuer certificateAlias = "wso2carbon" # URL of the JWKs endpoint jwksURL = "" # Validate subscribed APIs validateSubscription = false # The claim in which the consumer key of the application is coming consumerKeyClaim = "azp" # Certificate Filepath within Enforcer certificateFilePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/wso2carbon.pem" # Issuer 2 - Issuer for Enforcer test key [[enforcer.security.tokenService]] # Provide unique name for the JWT issuer name = "MGW" issuer = "https://localhost:9095/testkey" # Alias name given in Enforcer truststore for the public certificate of the JWT issuer certificateAlias = "mgw" # URL of the JWKs endpoint jwksURL = "" # Validate subscribed APIs validateSubscription = false # The claim in which the consumer key of the application is coming consumerKeyClaim = "" # Certificate Filepath within Enforcer certificateFilePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/mg.pem" # Issuer 3 - Issuer for API Manager Internal Key [[enforcer.security.tokenService]] # Provide unique name for the JWT issuer name = "APIM Publisher" issuer = "https://localhost:9443/publisher" validateSubscription = true # Alias name given in Enforcer truststore for the public certificate of the JWT issuer certificateAlias = "publisher_certificate_alias" # Certificate Filepath within Enforcer certificateFilePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/wso2carbon.pem" # Issuer 4 - Issuer for API Manager API Key [[enforcer.security.tokenService]] # Provide unique name for the JWT issuer name = "APIM APIkey" issuer = "https://localhost:9443/publisher" validateSubscription = true # Alias name given in Enforcer truststore for the public certificate of the JWT issuer certificateAlias = "apikey_certificate_alias" # Certificate Filepath within Enforcer certificateFilePath = "/home/wso2/security/truststore/wso2carbon.pem" # Throttling configurations [enforcer.throttling] # Connect with the central traffic manager enableGlobalEventPublishing = false # Enable global advanced throttling based on request header conditions enableHeaderConditions = false # Enable global advanced throttling based on request query parameter conditions enableQueryParamConditions = false # Enable global advanced throttling based on jwt claim conditions enableJwtClaimConditions = false # The message broker context factory jmsConnectionInitialContextFactory = "org.wso2.andes.jndi.PropertiesFileInitialContextFactory" # The message broker connection URL jmsConnectionProviderURL = "amqp://admin:$env{tm_admin_pwd}@carbon/carbon?brokerlist='tcp://apim:5672'" # Throttling configurations related to event publishing using a binary connection [enforcer.throttling.publisher] # Credentials required to establish connection between Traffic Manager username = "admin" password = "$env{tm_admin_pwd}" # Receiver URL and the authentication URL of the Traffic manager node/nodes [[enforcer.throttling.publisher.URLGroup]] receiverURLs = ["tcp://apim:9611"] authURLs = ["ssl://apim:9711"] # Data publisher object pool configurations [enforcer.throttling.publisher.pool] # Maximum idle number of connections maxIdleDataPublishingAgents = 1000 # Minimum idle number of connections initIdleObjectDataPublishingAgents = 200 # Thread pool core size publisherThreadPoolCoreSize = 200 # The maximum size of the thread pool publisherThreadPoolMaximumSize = 1000 # The timeframe after which the publisher thread pool is terminated in seconds publisherThreadPoolKeepAliveTime = 200 # Data publisher agent configurations [enforcer.throttling.publisher.agent] # SSL Protocols sslEnabledProtocols = "TLSv1.2" # Ciphers ciphers = "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256,TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ,TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_ECDH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA,TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV" # The size of the queue event disruptor which handles events before they are published # The value specified should always be the result of an exponent with 2 as the base queueSize = 32768 # The maximum number of events in a batch sent to the queue event disruptor at a given time batchSize = 200 # The number of threads that will be reserved to handle events at the time you start corePoolSize = 1 # Socket timeout socketTimeoutMS = 30000 # The maximum number of threads that should be reserved at any given time to handle events maxPoolSize = 1 # The amount of time which threads in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being terminated. keepAliveTimeInPool = 20 # The time interval between reconnection reconnectionInterval = 30 # TCP connection pool configurations (for data publishing) maxTransportPoolSize = 250 maxIdleConnections = 250 evictionTimePeriod = 5500 minIdleTimeInPool = 5000 # SSL connection pool configurations (for authentication) secureMaxTransportPoolSize = 250 secureMaxIdleConnections = 250 secureEvictionTimePeriod = 5500 secureMinIdleTimeInPool = 5000 # Metrics configurations for Choreo Connect [enforcer.metrics] # Enable/Disable metrics in Choreo Connect enabled = false type = "azure" # Control plane's connection details [controlPlane] # Enable/Disable Choreo Connect Control plane enabled = false # Service URL of the API Manager serviceURL = "https://apim:9443/" # Username of the API Manager user username = "admin" # Password of the API Manager user password = "$env{cp_admin_pwd}" # Environment labels list environmentLabels = ["Default"] # Connection retry interval retryInterval = 5 # Skip SSL verification skipSSLVerification = false # Send revision update success acknowlegdement to the control plane sendRevisionUpdate = false # Message broker connection URL of the control plane [controlPlane.brokerConnectionParameters] eventListeningEndpoints = ["amqp://admin:$env{cp_admin_pwd}@apim:5672?retries='10'&connectdelay='30'"] reconnectInterval = 5000 reconnectRetryCount = 60 # Worker Pool for sending requests to API Manager to reduce the load if the adapter tries to reconnect. [controlPlane.requestWorkerPool] # Number of workers poolSize = 4 # Number of tasks can be submitted to the worker pool without being blocked. queueSizePerPool = 1000 # HTTP client configuration. [controlPlane.httpClient] requestTimeOut = 30 # Global Adapter related configurations [globalAdapter] # Enable Choreo Connect Global adapter client enabled = false # Global adapter Service URL (:) serviceURL = "global-adapter:18000" # Subject Alternative Name considered for TLS communication with global adapter overrideHostName = "" # Local Adapter Label localLabel = "$env{local_label}" # Retry Interval retryInterval = 5 # Analytics configurations for Choreo Connect [analytics] # Enable/Disable Analytics in Choreo Connect enabled = false type = "Default" # Use following type to enable ELK analytics # type = "ELK" [analytics.adapter] # Buffer flush interval for gRPC access log client in Router bufferFlushInterval = "1s" # Buffer size limit for buffer flush to be triggered bufferSizeBytes = 16384 # gRPC connection timeout for access log service gRPCRequestTimeout = "20s" [analytics.adapter.customProperties] # Enable/Disable analytics custom properties in Choreo Connect enabled = true # Request headers required to pass from Router to the Enforcer. Accept, User-Agent headers are available by default. requestHeaders = [] # Response headers required to pass from Router to the Enforcer. Content-length, Content-type, Date headers are available by default. responseHeaders = [] # Response trailers required to pass from Router to the Enforcer responseTrailers = [] # Enforcer related configurations [analytics.enforcer] [analytics.enforcer.configProperties] # Overrides default analytics publisher reporter class # "publisher.reporter.class" = "org.wso2.am.analytics.publisher.sample.reporter.CustomReporter" # Authentication endpoint for Choreo Analytics Publishing (This is not used when the type is "elk") # Fully qualified class name relevant to the custom analytics data handling #"publisher.custom.data.provider.class" = "org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.gateway.sample.publisher.CustomDataProvider" authURL = "$env{analytics_authURL}" # Authentication token for Choreo Analytics Publishing (This is not used when the type is "elk") authToken = "$env{analytics_authToken}" # gRPC access log service within Enforcer [analytics.enforcer.LogReceiver] # Port port = 18090 # Maximum message size in bytes maxMessageSize = 1000000000 # Maximum header size in bytes maxHeaderLimit = 8192 # Keep alive time of gRPC access log connection keepAliveTime = 600 # Thread pool configuration for gRPC access log server [analytics.enforcer.LogReceiver.threadPool] # Minimum number of workers to keep alive coreSize = 10 # Maximum pool size maxSize = 100 # Timeout in seconds for idle threads waiting for work keepAliveTime = 600 # Queue size of the worker threads queueSize = 1000 # Tracing configurations for Choreo Connect [tracing] # Enable/Disable tracing in Choreo Connect enabled = false # Type of tracer exporter (e.g: azure, zipkin). Use zipkin type for Jaeger as well. type = "zipkin" # configurations for zipkin tracer type [tracing.configProperties] # maximum length of the request path to extract and include in the HttpUrl tag. maxPathLength = "256" # jaeger host host = "jaeger" # jaeger port port = "9411" # jaeger collector endpoint path endpoint = "/api/v2/spans" # library Name to be tagged in traces (`otel.library.name`). libraryName = "CHOREO-CONNECT" # Maximum number of sampled traces per second string maximumTracesPerSecond = "2" # # Type of tracer exporter (e.g: azure, jaeger, zipkin) # type = "zipkin" # # configurations for zipkin tracer type # [tracing.configProperties] # # maximum length of the request path to extract and include in the HttpUrl tag. # maxPathLength = "256" # # zipkin host # host = "zipkin" # # zipkin port # port = "9411" # # zipkin collector endpoint path # endpoint = "/api/v2/spans" # # library Name to be tagged in traces (`otel.library.name`). # libraryName = "CHOREO-CONNECT" # # Maximum number of sampled traces per second string # maximumTracesPerSecond = "2" # timeout = "15" # type = "azure" # [tracing.configProperties] # connectionString = "" # # Instrumentation Name # instrumentationName = "CHOREO-CONNECT" # # Maximum number of sampled traces per second string # maximumTracesPerSecond = "2" # type = "otlp" # [tracing.configProperties] # # maximum length of the request path to extract and include in the HttpUrl tag. # maxPathLength = "256" # # remote url for publishing traces. i.e - New Relic otlp url. # connectionString = "https://otlp.nr-data.net" # # auth header name # authHeaderName = "api-key" # # auth header value # authHeaderValue = "845e16b6cfba0ea5e95e3NRALe8f478ae6d3c97f" # # library Name to be tagged in traces (`otel.library.name`). # instrumentationName = "CHOREO-CONNECT" # # Maximum number of sampled traces per second string # maximumTracesPerSecond = "2"