# v0.9.2 - Use rustls feature of rusoto crates to make musl builds easier. - Some rust code changes to conform rustfmt and clippy # v0.9.1 - Minor fixes based on clippy suggestions - Upgrade crates to latest version and make relevant changes for ctr. - Default to SHA256 when digest column is not present - Bump dependencies and rust-toolchain. # v0.9.0 - Switch away from deprecated crate: aes-ctr to aes - Upgrade all the dependencies - Share client between CredStashClient instead of creating individual ones for both dynamodb and kms. # v0.8.0 * Implement putall subcommand * Minor refactors and perf improvement. * Add tests for the crypto module. * Imports cleanup, improve documentation # v0.7.0 * Remove unwrap usage from the library and hence make it more safe. * Remove panic usage, new value introduced in the error enum type to cover more conditions. # v0.6.1 * Fix compatibility with [credstash](https://github.com/fugue/credstash), when reading secrets written by it * Bump rust-toolchain to 1.45.2 * Fix typo in help message # v0.6.0 * Migration to async/await * Update dependencies for rusoto libraries etc. # v0.5.0 * Fix encryption context arguments and improve documentation. * Make tags option to setup more ergonomic * Improve errror messages on decryption failure based on encryption contexts * Improve tests # v0.4.0 * Set proper failure exit code on error * Fix version display of the program * Fix all the warnings * Handle invalid subcommand and options. * Improved documentation of the CLI tool. # v0.3.0 * Add different format support for export options. # v0.2.3 * Fix missing OS assets # v0.2.2 * Add CI trigger for tags also. # v0.2.1 * Fix release script # v0.2.0 * Add various credential support. Previously this was driven purely by aws-env. * Various UX improvements to match the original credstash program. * Rename field in the CredstashItem * Improve README with usage examples. # v0.1.0 * Initial version released.