import subprocess import sys import time from os import path # base dir of workspace dir_workspace = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) # start database server and return a URL to use to connect def start_database(driver, database): if driver == "sqlite": # short-circuit for sqlite return f"sqlite://{database}" res = ["docker", "compose", "up", "-d", driver], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=dir_workspace, ) if res.returncode != 0: print(res.stderr, file=sys.stderr) if b"Started" in res.stderr: time.sleep(30) # determine appropriate port for driver if driver.startswith("mysql") or driver.startswith("mariadb"): port = 3306 elif driver.startswith("postgres"): port = 5432 elif driver.startswith("mssql"): port = 1433 else: raise NotImplementedError # find port res = ["docker", "inspect", f"-f='{{{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports \"{port}/tcp\") 0).HostPort}}}}'", f"dbal-{driver}-1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=dir_workspace, ) if res.returncode != 0: print(res.stderr, file=sys.stderr) port = int(res.stdout[1:-2].decode()) # construct appropriate database URL if driver.startswith("mysql") or driver.startswith("mariadb"): return f"mysql://root:password@{port}/{database}" elif driver.startswith("postgres"): return f"postgres://postgres:password@localhost:{port}/{database}" elif driver.startswith("mssql"): return f"mssql://sa:Password123!@{port}/{database}" else: raise NotImplementedError