use std::fmt::Display; use eframe::{App, egui}; use egui::{ plot::{Legend, Line, Plot}, CentralPanel, Color32, Response, SidePanel, Ui, }; use crn::{presets, state::State}; const CRN_LIST: [(&str, &str, &str); 9] = [ (presets::RPSLS, "Rock paper scissors lizard spock", "Same as the rock paper scissors CRN, but with two more players."), (presets::MULTIPLY_CATALYZED, "Multiply catalyzed", "Calculates the product with some random perturbations of catalysts."), (presets::ROCK_PAPER_SCISSORS, "Rock paper scissors", "The molecules play rock paper scissors. The winner transforms the loser into a copy of itself."), (presets::PREDATOR_PREY, "Predator prey", "A is the prey and B is the predator."), (presets::POLYA, "Polya", "Polya's urn. Draw a marble"), (presets::MAJORITY, "Majority", "Determines which of A and B is more abundant."), (presets::MAJORITY_CATALYZED, "Majority catalyzed", "The majority CRN, but with catalysts that transform into one another."), (presets::MULTIPLY, "Multiply", "Approximately calculates the product of A and B. A deterministic simulation will compute it exactly."), (presets::EQUILIBRIUM, "Equilibrium", "A basic CRN with two reactions that reach equilibrium."), ]; #[derive(Default)] struct LinePlot { data: Vec>, } enum CrnTypes { Sto, Det, } impl Display for CrnTypes { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { CrnTypes::Sto => write!(f, "Stochastic"), CrnTypes::Det => write!(f, "Deterministic"), } } } impl LinePlot { const COLORS: [Color32; 16] = [ Color32::RED, Color32::GREEN, Color32::BLUE, Color32::GOLD, Color32::LIGHT_BLUE, Color32::LIGHT_RED, Color32::LIGHT_GREEN, Color32::LIGHT_YELLOW, Color32::DARK_BLUE, Color32::DARK_RED, Color32::DARK_GREEN, Color32::KHAKI, Color32::BROWN, Color32::YELLOW, Color32::WHITE, Color32::GRAY, ]; fn plot(&self, idx: usize) -> Line { let points: Vec<[f64; 2]> =[idx].iter().map(|(a, b)| [*a, *b]).collect(); Line::new(points) .color(Self::COLORS[idx % Self::COLORS.len()]) .name(format!("{}", idx)) } fn ui(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui) -> Response { let plot = Plot::new("CRN data").legend(Legend::default());, |plot_ui| { for i in { plot_ui.line(self.plot(i)); } }) .response } } struct CrnApp { lp: LinePlot, crn: CrnSim, state: CrnAppState, } enum CrnSim { Sto(crn::StoCrn), Det(crn::DetCrn), } struct CrnAppState { relative: bool, dt: f64, simulation_length: f64, reactions: String, error: Option, crn_type: CrnTypes, desc: &'static str, } impl App for CrnApp { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { SidePanel::left("left_panel") .resizable(true) .default_width(150.0) .width_range(250.0..=300.0) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.label("Reactions"); ui.code_editor(&mut self.state.reactions); if ui.button("Parse").clicked() { match self.state.crn_type { CrnTypes::Sto => match crn::StoCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions) { Ok(crn) => self.crn = CrnSim::Sto(crn), Err(e) => { println!("Error: {:?}", e); } }, CrnTypes::Det => match crn::DetCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions) { Ok(crn) => self.crn = CrnSim::Det(crn), Err(e) => { println!("Error: {:?}", e); } }, } } ui.label(self.state.desc); }); CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { ui.checkbox(&mut self.state.relative, "Relative Proportions"); egui::ComboBox::from_label("Select a CRN") .selected_text("Change CRN") .show_ui(ui, |ui| { CRN_LIST.iter().for_each(|(crn, name, desc)| { if ui .selectable_value( &mut self.state.reactions, crn.to_string(), name.to_owned(), ) .clicked() { self.state.desc = desc; match self.crn { CrnSim::Sto(ref mut crn) => crn.reset(), CrnSim::Det(ref mut crn) => crn.reset(), } match self.state.crn_type { CrnTypes::Sto => match crn::StoCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions) { Ok(crn) => self.crn = CrnSim::Sto(crn), Err(e) => { println!("Error: {:?}", e); } }, CrnTypes::Det => match crn::DetCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions) { Ok(crn) => self.crn = CrnSim::Det(crn), Err(e) => { println!("Error: {:?}", e); } }, } // :( I don't know how to avoid this after getting rid of the trait match self.crn { CrnSim::Sto(ref mut crn) => { self.state.reactions = crn.to_string(); } CrnSim::Det(ref mut crn) => { self.state.reactions = crn.to_string(); } } } }); }); if ui.button("Resimulate").clicked() { match self.crn { CrnSim::Sto(ref mut crn) => crn.reset(), CrnSim::Det(ref mut crn) => crn.reset(), } let new_data = match self.crn { CrnSim::Sto(ref mut crn) => crn.simulate_history(self.state.simulation_length), CrnSim::Det(ref mut crn) => { crn.simulate_history(self.state.simulation_length, self.state.dt) } }; match new_data { Ok(data) => { = match self.state.relative { true => normalize(transpose(data)), false => transpose(data), }; self.state.error = None; } Err(s) => self.state.error = Some(s), } match &self.crn { CrnSim::Sto(crn) => println!("{:?}", crn.state), CrnSim::Det(crn) => println!("{:?}", crn.state), } } if ui.button(self.state.crn_type.to_string()).clicked() { match self.state.crn_type { CrnTypes::Sto => { self.state.crn_type = CrnTypes::Det; self.crn = CrnSim::Det(crn::DetCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions).unwrap()); } CrnTypes::Det => { self.state.crn_type = CrnTypes::Sto; self.crn = CrnSim::Sto(crn::StoCrn::parse(&self.state.reactions).unwrap()); } } } self.state .error .as_ref() .map(|e| ui.label(format!("Error: {:?}", e))); // ui.label(format!("Error: {:?}", self.state.error)); ui.label("Simulation length"); let mut input = self.state.simulation_length.to_string(); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut input); self.state.simulation_length = input.parse().unwrap_or(self.state.simulation_length); ui.label("dt (only affects deterministic runs)"); let mut input = self.state.dt.to_string(); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut input); self.state.dt = input.parse().unwrap_or(self.state.dt); self.lp.ui(ui); }); } } impl CrnApp { pub fn new(_cc: &eframe::CreationContext<'_>) -> Self { Self { lp: LinePlot { ..Default::default() }, state: CrnAppState { relative: false, simulation_length: 1.0, reactions: presets::RPSLS.to_string(), error: None, crn_type: CrnTypes::Sto, dt: 0.001, desc: CRN_LIST[0].2, }, crn: CrnSim::Sto(crn::StoCrn::parse(presets::RPSLS).unwrap()), } } } fn main() { let native_options = eframe::NativeOptions { initial_window_size: Some(egui::Vec2::new(800.0, 450.0)), ..Default::default() }; eframe::run_native( "CRNSim", native_options, Box::new(|cc| Box::new(CrnApp::new(cc))), ) .unwrap(); } fn transpose(data: Vec>) -> Vec> { let mut result = Vec::new(); for _ in[0].species.len() { result.push(Vec::new()); } for state in data { for (i, species) in state.species.iter().enumerate() { result[i].push((state.time, *species)); } } result } fn normalize(data: Vec>) -> Vec> { let mut result = Vec::new(); for species in data { let mut new_species = Vec::new(); let mut sum = 0.0; for (_, val) in &species { sum += val; } for (time, val) in species { new_species.push((time, val / sum)); } result.push(new_species); } result }