first: first second: second third: third fourth: fourth fifth: fifth time_pm: PM time_am: AM and: and at: At day: day days: days hour: hour hours: hours minute: minute minutes: minutes month: month months: months year: year years: years monday: Monday tuesday: Tuesday wednesday: Wednesday thursday: Thursday friday: Friday saturday: Saturday sunday: Sunday Mon: Monday Tue: Tuesday Wed: Wednesday Thu: Thursday Fri: Friday Sat: Saturday Sun: Sunday january: January february: February march: March april: April may: May june: June july: July august: August september: September october: October november: November december: December messages: expression_empty_exception: Expression cannot be null or empty interval_description_format: every {0} days of the week between_description_format: "{0} through {1}" between_weekday_description_format: "{0} through {1}" on_the_day_of_the_month: on the {nth} {day_of_week} of the month on_the_of_the_month: on the {0} of the month on_the_last_of_the_month: on the last {0} of the month on_the_last_day_of_the_month: on the last day of the month on_the_last_weekday_of_the_month: on the last weekday of the month between_days_of_the_month: between day {0} and {1} of the month seconds_through_past_the_minute: seconds {0} through {1} past the minute between_x_and_y: between {0} and {1} past_the_hour: past the hour at_x_seconds_past_the_minute: at {0} seconds past the minute minutes_through_past_the_hour: minutes {0} through {1} past the hour on_day_of_month: on day {0} of the month first_weekday: first weekday weekday_nearest_day: weekday nearest day {0} only_on: only on {0} only_in_month: only in {0} only_in_year: only in {0} every_x_seconds: every {0} seconds every_minute_between: Every minute between %{0} and %{1} every_second: every second every_minute: every minute every_1_minute: every 1 minute every_hour: every hour every_1_hour: every 1 hour every_day: every day every_1_day: every 1 day every_year: every year every_x: every {0} at_x: at {0}