use std::sync::Arc; use axum::extract::{Path, State}; use axum::http::StatusCode; use axum::{debug_handler, Extension, Json}; use cronback_api_model::admin::{ APIKeyMetaData, ApiKey, CreateAPIKeyResponse, CreateAPIkeyRequest, }; use lib::model::ValidShardedId; use lib::types::ProjectId; use proto::common::PaginationOut; use crate::errors::ApiError; use crate::extractors::ValidatedJson; use crate::paginated::Paginated; use crate::{AppState, AppStateError}; #[tracing::instrument(skip(state))] #[debug_handler] pub(crate) async fn create( state: State>, Extension(project): Extension>, ValidatedJson(req): ValidatedJson, ) -> Result, ApiError> { let key = state.authenicator.gen_key(req, &project).await?; // This is the only legitimate place where this function should be used. let key_str = key.unsafe_to_string(); Ok(Json(CreateAPIKeyResponse { key: key_str })) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(state))] #[debug_handler] pub(crate) async fn list( state: State>, Extension(project): Extension>, ) -> Result, ApiError> { let keys = state .authenicator .list_keys(&project) .await .map_err(|e| AppStateError::DatabaseError(e.to_string()))? .into_iter() .map(|k| { ApiKey { name:, id: k.key_id, created_at: k.created_at, metadata: APIKeyMetaData { creator_user_id: k.metadata.creator_user_id, }, } }) .collect::>(); Ok(Paginated::from( keys, PaginationOut { has_more: false, next_cursor: None, }, )) } #[tracing::instrument(skip(state))] #[debug_handler] pub(crate) async fn revoke( state: State>, Path(id): Path, Extension(project): Extension>, ) -> Result { let deleted = state .authenicator .revoke_key(&id, &project) .await .map_err(|e| AppStateError::DatabaseError(e.to_string()))?; if !deleted { return Err(ApiError::NotFound(id)); } Ok(StatusCode::OK) }