pub(crate) mod auth; pub(crate) mod auth_middleware; pub(crate) mod auth_store; pub mod errors; pub(crate) mod extractors; mod handlers; mod logging; mod model; mod paginated; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Instant; use auth::Authenticator; use axum::extract::MatchedPath; use axum::http::{Request, StatusCode}; use axum::middleware::{self, Next}; use axum::response::IntoResponse; use axum::routing::get; use axum::Router; use lib::clients::dispatcher_client::ScopedDispatcherClient; use lib::clients::scheduler_client::ScopedSchedulerClient; use lib::config::Config; use lib::database::Database; use lib::grpc_client_provider::{GrpcClientFactory, GrpcClientProvider}; use lib::model::ValidShardedId; use lib::prelude::*; use lib::types::{ProjectId, RequestId}; use lib::{netutils, service}; use metrics::{histogram, increment_counter}; use thiserror::Error; use tokio::select; use tower_http::cors::{AllowOrigin, CorsLayer}; use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer; use tracing::{error, info, warn}; use crate::auth_store::SqlAuthStore; use crate::logging::{trace_request_response, ApiMakeSpan}; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum AppStateError { #[error(transparent)] ConnectError(#[from] tonic::transport::Error), #[error("Internal data routing error: {0}")] RoutingError(String), #[error("Database error: {0}")] DatabaseError(String), } pub struct AppState { pub _context: service::ServiceContext, pub config: Config, pub authenicator: Authenticator, pub scheduler_clients: Box>, pub dispatcher_clients: Box>, } async fn fallback() -> (StatusCode, &'static str) { (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(service = context.service_name()))] pub async fn start_api_server( mut context: service::ServiceContext, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let config = context.load_config(); let addr = netutils::parse_addr(&config.api.address, config.api.port).unwrap(); let db = Database::connect(&config.api.database_uri).await?; db.migrate().await?; let shared_state = Arc::new(AppState { _context: context.clone(), config: config.clone(), authenicator: Authenticator::new(Box::new(SqlAuthStore::new( db.clone(), ))), scheduler_clients: Box::new(GrpcClientProvider::new(context.clone())), dispatcher_clients: Box::new(GrpcClientProvider::new(context.clone())), }); let service_name = context.service_name().to_string(); // build our application with a route let app = Router::new() // `GET /` goes to `root` .route("/", get(root)) .nest("/v1", handlers::routes(shared_state.clone())) .layer(middleware::from_fn_with_state( Arc::new(config.clone()), trace_request_response, )) .layer( CorsLayer::new() .allow_origin(AllowOrigin::any()) .allow_headers([ axum::http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, axum::http::header::AUTHORIZATION, ]), ) .layer( TraceLayer::new_for_http() .make_span_with(ApiMakeSpan::new(service_name)), ) .route_layer(middleware::from_fn(inject_request_id)) .route_layer(middleware::from_fn(track_metrics)) .fallback(fallback); // Handle 404 let app = app.fallback(handler_404); let mut context_clone = context.clone(); info!("Starting '{}' on {:?}", context.service_name(), addr); let server = axum::Server::try_bind(&addr)?; let server = server .serve(app.into_make_service()) .with_graceful_shutdown(context.recv_shutdown_signal()); // Waiting for shutdown signal select! { _ = context_clone.recv_shutdown_signal() => { warn!("Received shutdown signal!"); }, res = server => { if let Err(e) = res { error!( "Service '{}' failed and will trigger system shutdown: {e}", context.service_name() ); context.broadcast_shutdown(); } } }; Ok(()) } // basic handler that responds with a static string async fn root() -> &'static str { "Hey, better visit" } async fn inject_request_id( mut req: Request, next: Next, ) -> impl IntoResponse { let request_id = RequestId::new(); // Inject RequestId into extensions. Can be useful if someone wants to // log the request_id req.extensions_mut().insert(request_id.clone()); // Run the next layer let mut response =; // Inject request_id into response headers response .headers_mut() .insert(REQUEST_ID_HEADER, request_id.to_string().parse().unwrap()); // Inject project_id into response headers if let Some(project_id) = response .extensions() .get::>() .cloned() { response .headers_mut() .insert(PROJECT_ID_HEADER, project_id.to_string().parse().unwrap()); } response } async fn track_metrics(req: Request, next: Next) -> impl IntoResponse { let start = Instant::now(); let path = if let Some(matched_path) = req.extensions().get::() { matched_path.as_str().to_owned() } else { req.uri().path().to_owned() }; let method = req.method().clone(); let response =; let latency = start.elapsed().as_secs_f64(); let status = response.status().as_u16().to_string(); let labels = [ ("method", method.to_string()), ("path", path), ("status", status), ]; increment_counter!("cronback.api.http_requests_total", &labels); histogram!( "cronback.api.http_requests_duration_seconds", latency, &labels ); response } // handle 404 async fn handler_404() -> impl IntoResponse { (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "Are you lost, mate?") }