use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Instant; use chrono::Utc; use lib::database::attempt_log_store::AttemptLogStore; use lib::database::run_store::RunStore; use lib::e; use lib::model::ValidShardedId; use lib::prelude::{ DELIVERY_ATTEMPT_NUM_HEADER, PROJECT_ID_HEADER, RUN_ID_HEADER, }; use lib::types::{ Action, Attempt, AttemptDetails, AttemptId, AttemptStatus, HttpMethod, Payload, ProjectId, Run, RunId, RunStatus, TriggerId, Webhook, WebhookAttemptDetails, }; use metrics::counter; use proto::events::AttemptMeta; use reqwest::header::HeaderValue; use reqwest::Method; use tracing::{debug, error, info, warn}; use validator::Validate; use crate::retry::Retry; fn to_reqwest_http_method(method: &HttpMethod) -> reqwest::Method { match method { | HttpMethod::Get => Method::GET, | HttpMethod::Post => Method::POST, | HttpMethod::Put => Method::PUT, | HttpMethod::Delete => Method::DELETE, | HttpMethod::Head => Method::HEAD, | HttpMethod::Patch => Method::PATCH, } } pub struct WebhookActionJob { pub run: Run, pub run_store: Arc, pub attempt_store: Arc, } impl WebhookActionJob { pub async fn run(mut self) -> Run { let Action::Webhook(ref webhook) =; let retry = if let Some(config) = webhook.retry.clone() { Retry::with_config(config) } else { Retry::no_retry() }; info!( run_id =, "Executing webhook action", ); for delay in retry { if == RunStatus::Succeeded { // No need for further attempts; break; } // Wait for the delay before retrying let attempt_num = delay.attempt_number(); let attempt_limit = delay.attempts_limit(); if !delay.first_attempt() { info!( run_id =, project_id =, trigger_id =, "Previous attempt has failed. Next attempt {}/{} will run after {}s", attempt_num, attempt_limit, delay.duration().as_secs_f32(), ); } delay.await; info!( run_id =, project_id =, trigger_id =, "Executing attempt {}/{} on this run trigger run", attempt_num, attempt_limit, ); counter!("dispatcher.attempts_total", 1); let attempt_start_time = Utc::now(); let attempt_id = AttemptId::generate(&; let meta = Some(AttemptMeta { trigger_id: Some(, run_id: Some(, attempt_id: Some(attempt_id.clone().into()), }); e!( project_id =, WebhookAttemptCreated { meta: meta.clone(), attempt_num, attempt_limit, webhook: Some(webhook.clone().into()), } ); // Actually dispatch the webhook let response = dispatch_webhook( &, &, &, &attempt_id, attempt_num, webhook, &, ) .await; // Record the attempt let attempt = Attempt { id: attempt_id.clone().into(), run_id:, trigger_id:, project_id:, status: if response.is_success() { AttemptStatus::Succeeded } else { AttemptStatus::Failed }, details: AttemptDetails::WebhookAttemptDetails( response.clone(), ), attempt_num, created_at: attempt_start_time, }; if let Err(e) = self.attempt_store.log_attempt(attempt.clone()).await { error!("Failed to log attempt {attempt_id} to database: {}", e); } // Record the latest attempt = Some(; // We record the status if successful to avoid an extra DB write if response.is_success() { = RunStatus::Succeeded; e!( project_id =, WebhookAttemptSucceeded { meta: meta.clone(), attempt_num, attempt_limit, webhook: Some(webhook.clone().into()), response_details: Some(response.clone().into()), } ); } else { e!( project_id =, WebhookAttemptFailed { meta, attempt_num, attempt_limit, webhook: Some(webhook.clone().into()), response_details: Some(response.clone().into()), } ); } if let Err(e) = self.run_store.update_run( { // What will happen in case? We will not retry the webhook, but // run will be stuck in "attempting" forever! // A potential recovery mechanism is to look at the Attempts // table (if the attempt was persisted successfully and fix up // the run status. error!( "Failed to persist run status for run {} for action : {}",, e ); } } // Exhausted all retries, or we succeeded. if != RunStatus::Succeeded { = RunStatus::Failed; if let Err(e) = self.run_store.update_run( { error!( "Failed to persist run status for run {} for action : {}",, e ); } } } } #[tracing::instrument(skip(payload))] async fn dispatch_webhook( trigger_id: &TriggerId, project_id: &ValidShardedId, run_id: &RunId, attempt_id: &AttemptId, attempt_num: u32, webhook: &Webhook, payload: &Option, ) -> WebhookAttemptDetails { let validation_result = webhook.validate(); if let Err(e) = validation_result { // We warn because API validation should have caught this! warn!( project_id = %project_id, trigger_id = %trigger_id, run_id = %run_id, "Webhook validation failure for trigger '{}': {}", trigger_id.to_string(), e.to_string(), ); return WebhookAttemptDetails::with_error(format!( "Webhook validation failure: {e}" )); } // It's important to not follow any redirects for security reasons. // TODO: Reconsider this by hooking into the redirect hooks and re-running // the validations on every redirect attempt. let http_client = reqwest::Client::builder() .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none()) .build() .unwrap(); let http_method = to_reqwest_http_method(&webhook.http_method); // Custom Cronback headers let mut http_headers = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::new(); http_headers.insert(RUN_ID_HEADER, run_id.to_string().parse().unwrap()); http_headers .insert(PROJECT_ID_HEADER, project_id.to_string().parse().unwrap()); http_headers.insert( DELIVERY_ATTEMPT_NUM_HEADER, attempt_num.to_string().parse().unwrap(), ); if let Some(payload) = payload { let Ok(user_headers) = reqwest::header::HeaderMap::try_from(&payload.headers) else { return WebhookAttemptDetails::with_error( "Bad request: Invalid header map".to_string(), ); }; // The user headers take precedence over the cronback headers. http_headers.extend(user_headers); let Ok(content_type) = HeaderValue::from_str(&payload.content_type) else { return WebhookAttemptDetails::with_error( "Bad request: Invalid content-type header value".to_string(), ); }; http_headers.insert(reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE, content_type); } let request_start_time = Instant::now(); let mut request = http_client .request(http_method, webhook.url.clone()) .headers(http_headers) .timeout(webhook.timeout_s); if let Some(payload) = payload { request = request.body(payload.body.clone()); } let response = request.send().await; let latency = request_start_time.elapsed(); match response { | Ok(resp) => { WebhookAttemptDetails { response_code: Some(resp.status().as_u16() as i32), response_latency_s: latency, error_message: None, } } | Err(e) => { let message = if e.is_connect() { "Connection Failed" } else if e.is_timeout() { "Request timeout" } else { "Request failed" } .to_string(); debug!("Request for attempt '{}' failed with: {:?}", attempt_id, e); WebhookAttemptDetails::with_error(message) } } }