# Croot-Gui ![Build](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/Ross-Morgan/croot-gui/rust.yml) > A Rust crate for graphing complex roots and numbers # Context This crate is designed to be paired with `croot` - [Crate](https://www.crates.io/crates/croot) - [Docs](https://www.docs.rs/croot) - [Repo](https://www.github.com/Ross-Morgan/croot) # Examples ## Create Graph ```rust use croot_gui::prelude::*; // Complex roots of a function let roots = vec![ ... ]; // Name of file to generate let filename = "graph.png"; // Size of image in pixels let dimensions = (1000, 1000); // Generate the graph with the selected parameters generate_graph(roots, filename, dimensions).expect("Failed); ``` ## Display Graph ```rust use croot_gui::prelude::*; // Complex roots of a function let roots = vec![ ... ]; // Size of image and window in pixels let dimensions = (1000, 1000); // Open a window containing the graph generated from the selected parameters show_graph(roots, dimensions).expect("Failed to "); ```