package com.crossbow.admob import com.crossbow.library.Crossbow import com.crossbow.library.plugin.CrossbowPlugin import com.crossbow.library.plugin.SignalInfo import com.crossbow.library.plugin.ExposedToCrossbow import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import android.os.Build import android.util.DisplayMetrics import android.view.Display import android.view.DisplayCutout import android.view.Gravity import android.view.WindowInsets import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.view.View import android.provider.Settings import androidx.annotation.NonNull import androidx.collection.ArraySet import import import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Collections import java.util.Locale import java.util.Objects class AdMob(crossbow: Crossbow) : CrossbowPlugin(crossbow) { private var aIsInitialized = false private var aActivity: Activity? = null private var aConsentInformation: ConsentInformation? = null private var aIsTestEuropeUserConsent = false private var aIsForChildDirectedTreatment = false private var aIsBannerLoaded = false private var aIsInterstitialLoaded = false private var aIsRewardedLoaded = false private var aIsRewardedInterstitialLoaded = false private var aCrossbowLayout // store the crossbow layout : FrameLayout? = null private var aCrossbowLayoutParams // Store the crossbow layout params : FrameLayout.LayoutParams? = null private var aAdView //view of banner : AdView? = null private var aAdSize //adSize of banner : AdSize? = null private var aInterstitialAd: InterstitialAd? = null private var aRewardedAd: RewardedAd? = null private var aRewardedInterstitialAd: RewardedInterstitialAd? = null override fun onMainCreate(pActivity: Activity): View? { aActivity = pActivity aCrossbowLayout = FrameLayout(pActivity) return aCrossbowLayout } override val pluginName: String get() = javaClass.simpleName override val pluginSignals: Set get() { val signals: MutableSet = ArraySet() signals.add(SignalInfo("initialization_complete",, signals.add(SignalInfo("consent_form_dismissed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("consent_status_changed", signals.add( SignalInfo( "consent_form_load_failure",, ) ) signals.add(SignalInfo("consent_info_update_success", signals.add( SignalInfo( "consent_info_update_failure",, ) ) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_loaded")) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_failed_to_load", signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_opened")) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_clicked")) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_closed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_recorded_impression")) signals.add(SignalInfo("banner_destroyed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("interstitial_failed_to_load", signals.add(SignalInfo("interstitial_loaded")) signals.add(SignalInfo("interstitial_failed_to_show", signals.add(SignalInfo("interstitial_opened")) signals.add(SignalInfo("interstitial_closed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_ad_failed_to_load", signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_ad_loaded")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_ad_failed_to_show", signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_ad_opened")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_ad_closed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_interstitial_ad_failed_to_load", signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_interstitial_ad_loaded")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_interstitial_ad_failed_to_show", signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_interstitial_ad_opened")) signals.add(SignalInfo("rewarded_interstitial_ad_closed")) signals.add(SignalInfo("user_earned_rewarded",, return signals } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_is_initialized(): Boolean { return aIsInitialized } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_is_banner_loaded(): Boolean { return aIsBannerLoaded } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_is_interstitial_loaded(): Boolean { return aIsInterstitialLoaded } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_is_rewarded_loaded(): Boolean { return aIsRewardedLoaded } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_is_rewarded_interstitial_loaded(): Boolean { return aIsRewardedInterstitialLoaded } @ExposedToCrossbow fun initialize( pIsForChildDirectedTreatment: Boolean, pMaxAdContentRating: String, pIsReal: Boolean, pIsTestEuropeUserConsent: Boolean ) { if (!aIsInitialized) { aIsForChildDirectedTreatment = pIsForChildDirectedTreatment aConsentInformation = UserMessagingPlatform.getConsentInformation(aActivity) aIsTestEuropeUserConsent = pIsTestEuropeUserConsent setMobileAdsRequestConfiguration( aIsForChildDirectedTreatment, pMaxAdContentRating, pIsReal ) //First call MobileAds.setRequestConfiguration MobileAds.initialize(aActivity) { initializationStatus -> val statusGADMobileAds: Int = Objects.requireNonNull( initializationStatus.getAdapterStatusMap() .get("") )!!.getInitializationState().ordinal if (statusGADMobileAds == 0) { aIsInitialized = false } else if (statusGADMobileAds == 1) { aIsInitialized = true } emitSignal("initialization_complete", statusGADMobileAds, "GADMobileAds") } } } @ExposedToCrossbow fun request_user_consent() { aConsentInformation = UserMessagingPlatform.getConsentInformation(aActivity) val paramsBuilder: ConsentRequestParameters.Builder = ConsentRequestParameters.Builder().setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent(aIsForChildDirectedTreatment) val params: ConsentRequestParameters params = if (aIsTestEuropeUserConsent) // { val debugSettings: ConsentDebugSettings = ConsentDebugSettings.Builder(aActivity) .setDebugGeography(ConsentDebugSettings.DebugGeography.DEBUG_GEOGRAPHY_EEA) .addTestDeviceHashedId(deviceId) .build() paramsBuilder.setConsentDebugSettings(debugSettings).build() } else { } aConsentInformation!!.requestConsentInfoUpdate(aActivity, params, { if (aConsentInformation!!.isConsentFormAvailable()) { emitSignal("consent_info_update_success", "Consent Form Available") loadConsentForm() } else { emitSignal("consent_info_update_success", "Consent Form not Available") } } ) { formError -> emitSignal( "consent_info_update_failure", formError.getErrorCode(), formError.getMessage() ) } } @ExposedToCrossbow fun reset_consent_state() { aConsentInformation!!.reset() // } // BANNER only one is allowed, please do not try to place more than one, as your ads on the app may have the chance to be banned! @ExposedToCrossbow fun load_banner( pAdUnitId: String?, pPosition: Int, pSize: String?, pShowInstantly: Boolean, pRespectSafeArea: Boolean ) { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { if (aAdView != null) destroy_banner() aAdView = AdView(aActivity) aAdView!!.setAdUnitId(pAdUnitId) when (pSize) { "BANNER" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.BANNER) "LARGE_BANNER" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.LARGE_BANNER) "MEDIUM_RECTANGLE" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE) "FULL_BANNER" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.FULL_BANNER) "LEADERBOARD" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.LEADERBOARD) "ADAPTIVE" -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(adSizeAdaptive) else -> aAdView!!.setAdSize(AdSize.SMART_BANNER) } aAdSize = aAdView!!.getAdSize() //store AdSize of banner due a bug (throws error when do aAdView!!.getAdSize() called by Crossbow) aAdView!!.setAdListener(object : AdListener() { override fun onAdLoaded() { // Code to be executed when an ad finishes loading. emitSignal("banner_loaded") if (pShowInstantly) { show_banner() } else { hide_banner() } aIsBannerLoaded = true } override fun onAdFailedToLoad(adError: LoadAdError) { // Code to be executed when an ad request fails. emitSignal("banner_failed_to_load", adError.getCode()) } override fun onAdOpened() { // Code to be executed when an ad opens an overlay that // covers the screen. emitSignal("banner_opened") } override fun onAdClicked() { // Code to be executed when the native ad is closed. emitSignal("banner_clicked") } override fun onAdClosed() { // Code to be executed when the user is about to return // to the app after tapping on an ad. emitSignal("banner_closed") } override fun onAdImpression() { // Code to be executed when the user is about to return // to the app after tapping on an ad. emitSignal("banner_recorded_impression") } }) aCrossbowLayoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ) if (pPosition == 0) //BOTTOM { aCrossbowLayoutParams!!.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM if (pRespectSafeArea) aAdView!!.setY(-safeArea.bottom as Float) //Need to validate if this value will be positive or negative } else if (pPosition == 1) //TOP { aCrossbowLayoutParams!!.gravity = Gravity.TOP if (pRespectSafeArea) aAdView!!.setY( as Float) } aCrossbowLayout!!.addView(aAdView, aCrossbowLayoutParams) aAdView!!.loadAd(adRequest) } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun destroy_banner() //IF THIS METHOD IS CALLED ON CROSSBOW, THE BANNER WILL ONLY APPEAR AGAIN IF THE BANNER IS LOADED AGAIN { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized && aAdView != null) { aCrossbowLayout!!.removeView(aAdView) aAdView!!.destroy() aAdView = null emitSignal("banner_destroyed") aIsBannerLoaded = false } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun show_banner() { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized && aAdView != null) { if (aAdView!!.getVisibility() !== View.VISIBLE) { aAdView!!.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) aAdView!!.resume() } } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun hide_banner() { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized && aAdView != null) { if (aAdView!!.getVisibility() !== View.GONE) { aAdView!!.setVisibility(View.GONE) aAdView!!.pause() } } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_banner_width(): Int { return if (aIsInitialized && aAdSize != null) { aAdSize!!.getWidth() } else 0 } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_banner_height(): Int { return if (aIsInitialized && aAdSize != null) { aAdSize!!.getHeight() } else 0 } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_banner_width_in_pixels(): Int { return if (aIsInitialized && aAdSize != null) { aAdSize!!.getWidthInPixels(aActivity) } else 0 } @ExposedToCrossbow fun get_banner_height_in_pixels(): Int { return if (aIsInitialized && aAdSize != null) { aAdSize!!.getHeightInPixels(aActivity) } else 0 } // BANNER // INTERSTITIAL @ExposedToCrossbow fun load_interstitial(pAdUnitId: String?) { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { InterstitialAd.load( aActivity, pAdUnitId, adRequest, object : InterstitialAdLoadCallback() { override fun onAdLoaded(interstitialAd: InterstitialAd) { // Code to be executed when an ad finishes loading. aInterstitialAd = interstitialAd emitSignal("interstitial_loaded") aIsInterstitialLoaded = true interstitialAd.setFullScreenContentCallback(object : FullScreenContentCallback() { override fun onAdDismissedFullScreenContent() { // Called when fullscreen content is dismissed. aInterstitialAd = null emitSignal("interstitial_closed") aIsInterstitialLoaded = false } override fun onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent(adError: AdError) { // Called when fullscreen content failed to show. aInterstitialAd = null emitSignal("interstitial_failed_to_show", adError.getCode()) aIsInterstitialLoaded = false } override fun onAdShowedFullScreenContent() { // Called when fullscreen content is shown. emitSignal("interstitial_opened") } }) } override fun onAdFailedToLoad(adError: LoadAdError) { // Code to be executed when an ad request fails. aInterstitialAd = null emitSignal("interstitial_failed_to_load", adError.getCode()) } }) } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun show_interstitial() { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { if (aInterstitialAd != null) { aInterstitialAd!!.show(aActivity) } } }) } //INTERSTITIAL //REWARDED @ExposedToCrossbow fun load_rewarded(pAdUnitId: String?) { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { RewardedAd.load(aActivity, pAdUnitId, adRequest, object : RewardedAdLoadCallback() { override fun onAdFailedToLoad(loadAdError: LoadAdError) { // Handle the error. aRewardedAd = null emitSignal("rewarded_ad_failed_to_load", loadAdError.getCode()) } override fun onAdLoaded(rewardedAd: RewardedAd) { aRewardedAd = rewardedAd emitSignal("rewarded_ad_loaded") aIsRewardedLoaded = true } }) } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun show_rewarded() { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { if (aRewardedAd != null) { aRewardedAd!!.setFullScreenContentCallback(object : FullScreenContentCallback() { override fun onAdShowedFullScreenContent() { // Called when ad is shown. emitSignal("rewarded_ad_opened") } override fun onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent(adError: AdError) { // Called when ad fails to show. aRewardedAd = null emitSignal("rewarded_ad_failed_to_show", adError.getCode()) } override fun onAdDismissedFullScreenContent() { // Called when ad is dismissed. aRewardedAd = null emitSignal("rewarded_ad_closed") aIsRewardedLoaded = false } }) aRewardedAd!!.show(aActivity) { rewardItem -> // Handle the reward. emitSignal( "user_earned_rewarded", rewardItem.getType(), rewardItem.getAmount() ) } } } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun load_rewarded_interstitial(pAdUnitId: String?) { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { RewardedInterstitialAd.load( aActivity, pAdUnitId, adRequest, object : RewardedInterstitialAdLoadCallback() { override fun onAdFailedToLoad(loadAdError: LoadAdError) { // Handle the error. aRewardedInterstitialAd = null emitSignal( "rewarded_interstitial_ad_failed_to_load", loadAdError.getCode() ) } override fun onAdLoaded(rewardedInterstitialAd: RewardedInterstitialAd) { aRewardedInterstitialAd = rewardedInterstitialAd emitSignal("rewarded_interstitial_ad_loaded") aIsRewardedInterstitialLoaded = true } }) } }) } @ExposedToCrossbow fun show_rewarded_interstitial() { aActivity!!.runOnUiThread(Runnable { if (aIsInitialized) { if (aRewardedInterstitialAd != null) { aRewardedInterstitialAd!!.setFullScreenContentCallback(object : FullScreenContentCallback() { override fun onAdShowedFullScreenContent() { // Called when ad is shown. emitSignal("rewarded_interstitial_ad_opened") } override fun onAdFailedToShowFullScreenContent(adError: AdError) { // Called when ad fails to show. aRewardedInterstitialAd = null emitSignal("rewarded_interstitial_ad_failed_to_show", adError.getCode()) aIsRewardedInterstitialLoaded = false } override fun onAdDismissedFullScreenContent() { // Called when ad is dismissed. aRewardedInterstitialAd = null emitSignal("rewarded_interstitial_ad_closed") aIsRewardedInterstitialLoaded = false } }) aRewardedInterstitialAd!!.show(aActivity) { rewardItem -> // Handle the reward. emitSignal( "user_earned_rewarded", rewardItem.getType(), rewardItem.getAmount() ) } } } }) } private fun loadConsentForm() { UserMessagingPlatform.loadConsentForm( aActivity, { consentForm -> var consentStatusMsg = "" if (aConsentInformation!!.getConsentStatus() === ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus.REQUIRED) { aActivity ) { formError -> loadConsentForm() emitSignal("consent_form_dismissed") } consentStatusMsg = "User consent required but not yet obtained." } when (aConsentInformation!!.getConsentStatus()) { ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus.UNKNOWN -> consentStatusMsg = "Unknown consent status." ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus.NOT_REQUIRED -> consentStatusMsg = "User consent not required. For example, the user is not in the EEA or the UK." ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus.OBTAINED -> consentStatusMsg = "User consent obtained. Personalization not defined." } emitSignal("consent_status_changed", consentStatusMsg) } ) { formError -> emitSignal( "consent_form_load_failure", formError.getErrorCode(), formError.getMessage() ) } } private fun setMobileAdsRequestConfiguration( pIsForChildDirectedTreatment: Boolean, pMaxAdContentRating: String, pIsReal: Boolean ) { val requestConfiguration: RequestConfiguration val requestConfigurationBuilder = RequestConfiguration.Builder() if (!pIsReal) { requestConfigurationBuilder.setTestDeviceIds(listOf(deviceId)) } requestConfigurationBuilder.setTagForChildDirectedTreatment(if (pIsForChildDirectedTreatment) 1 else 0) if (pIsForChildDirectedTreatment) { requestConfigurationBuilder.setMaxAdContentRating(RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_G) } else { when (pMaxAdContentRating) { RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_G, RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_MA, RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_PG, RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_T, RequestConfiguration.MAX_AD_CONTENT_RATING_UNSPECIFIED -> requestConfigurationBuilder.setMaxAdContentRating( pMaxAdContentRating ) } } requestConfiguration = MobileAds.setRequestConfiguration(requestConfiguration) } private val adRequest: AdRequest private get() { val adRequestBuilder = AdRequest.Builder() return } private val safeArea: Rect private get() { val safeInsetRect = Rect() if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { return safeInsetRect } val windowInsets: WindowInsets = aActivity!!.getWindow().getDecorView().getRootWindowInsets() ?: return safeInsetRect val displayCutout = windowInsets.getDisplayCutout() if (displayCutout != null) { safeInsetRect.set( displayCutout.getSafeInsetLeft(), displayCutout.getSafeInsetTop(), displayCutout.getSafeInsetRight(), displayCutout.getSafeInsetBottom() ) } return safeInsetRect } // Determine the screen width (less decorations) to use for the ad width. private val adSizeAdaptive: AdSize // If the ad hasn't been laid out, default to the full screen width. private get() { // Determine the screen width (less decorations) to use for the ad width. val display: Display = aActivity!!.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay() val outMetrics = DisplayMetrics() display.getMetrics(outMetrics) val density: Float = outMetrics.density var adWidthPixels: Float = aCrossbowLayout!!.getWidth().toFloat() // If the ad hasn't been laid out, default to the full screen width. if (adWidthPixels == 0f) { adWidthPixels = outMetrics.widthPixels.toFloat() } val adWidth = (adWidthPixels / density).toInt() return AdSize.getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize(aActivity, adWidth) } /** * Generate MD5 for the deviceID * @param s The string to generate de MD5 * @return String The MD5 generated */ private fun md5(s: String): String { try { // Create MD5 Hash val digest: MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") digest.update(s.toByteArray()) val messageDigest: ByteArray = digest.digest() // Create Hex String val hexString = StringBuilder() for (b in messageDigest) { val h = StringBuilder(Integer.toHexString(0xFF and b.toInt())) while (h.length < 2) h.insert(0, "0") hexString.append(h) } return hexString.toString() } catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) { //Logger.logStackTrace(TAG,e) } return "" } /** * Get the Device ID for AdMob * @return String Device ID */ private val deviceId: String private get() { val android_id = Settings.Secure.getString( aActivity!!.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID ) return md5(android_id).uppercase() } }