use crossterm::{ cursor, style::{PrintStyledContent, Stylize}, terminal, ExecutableCommand, }; use std::io::{stdout, Write}; mod alias; mod chain; mod style; use alias::ColumnCount; use style::Style; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ProgressBar { value: usize, max_value: usize, width: Width, show_percent: bool, pub style: Style, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Width { Stretch, Absolute(ColumnCount), } impl ProgressBar { pub fn new(max_value: usize) -> Self { Self { value: 0, max_value, width: Width::Stretch, show_percent: true, style: Style::default(), } } /// Creates a ProgressBar with x progress achieved pub fn new_at(progress: usize, max_value: usize) -> Self { if progress > max_value { core::panic!("progress may not be greater than max_value") } Self { value: progress, max_value, width: Width::Stretch, show_percent: true, style: Style::default(), } } /// Sets progress towards the max_value pub fn set_progress(&mut self, value: usize) -> &mut Self { if value > self.max_value { #[cfg(debug_assertions)] eprintln!("[crossterm_progress_bar] Provided value exceeds max_value"); if self.value != self.max_value { self.value = self.max_value; } return self; } self.value = value; self } /// Total width the progressbar stretches over (terminal columns) pub fn set_width(mut self, width: impl Into) -> Self { self.with_width(width); self } pub fn set_show_percent(mut self, b: bool) -> Self { self.with_show_percent(b); self } /// Returns the bar in barebones form. As a String. /// /// No borders or percentage included. /// /// May error if terminal size can't be determined (Only if the Width::Stretch option is used). pub fn render_barebones_to_string(&self) -> Result { let progress = self.value as f32 / self.max_value as f32; let width = { match self.width { Width::Stretch => terminal::size().map_err(crate::Error::Stretch)?.0 as usize, Width::Absolute(n) => n, } }; let (filled_width, empty_width) = calculate_bar_sizing(self.show_percent, progress, width); Ok(generate_bar_string(&, filled_width, empty_width)) } /// Returns the bar in its final form. As a String. /// /// May error if terminal size can't be determined (Only if the Width::Stretch option is used). pub fn render_to_string(&self) -> Result { let progress = self.value as f32 / self.max_value as f32; let width = { match self.width { Width::Stretch => terminal::size().map_err(crate::Error::Stretch)?.0 as usize, Width::Absolute(n) => n, } }; let (filled_width, empty_width) = calculate_bar_sizing(self.show_percent, progress, width); let bar_barebones = generate_bar_string(&, filled_width, empty_width); Ok(add_borders_and_percentage( self.show_percent, bar_barebones, progress, )) } /// Write the bar to stdout pub fn render(&self) -> Result<(), crate::Error> { let bar_component = self.render_to_string()?.stylize(); // Print the progress bar let mut stdout = stdout(); stdout.execute(cursor::SavePosition)?; stdout.execute(PrintStyledContent(bar_component))?; stdout.execute(cursor::RestorePosition)?; stdout.flush()?; Ok(()) } fn clear_line(&self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { stdout().execute(terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::CurrentLine))?; Ok(()) } } fn calculate_bar_sizing( adjust_to_percent_section: bool, progress: f32, width: usize, ) -> (usize, usize) { if adjust_to_percent_section { let filled_width = (progress * (width - 10) as f32) as usize; let empty_width = width - 10 - filled_width; (filled_width, empty_width) } else { let filled_width = (progress * (width - 3) as f32) as usize; let empty_width = width - 3 - filled_width; (filled_width, empty_width) } } fn generate_bar_string(style: &Style, filled_width: usize, empty_width: usize) -> String { format!( "{}{}{}", format!("{}", style.fill_char).repeat(filled_width), style.arrow_char, format!("{}", style.empty_char).repeat(empty_width), ) } fn add_borders_and_percentage(show_percent: bool, bar: String, progress: f32) -> String { if show_percent { format!("[{}] {:.1}%", bar, progress * 100.0) } else { format!("[{}]", bar) } } impl From for Width { fn from(value: usize) -> Self { Self::Absolute(value) } } /// Use this at your own risk :D (please dont) impl From<&str> for Width { fn from(value: &str) -> Self { match value { "full" | "fill" | "stretch" => Self::Stretch, _ => core::panic!("Invalid ProgressBar Width specifier"), } } }