#---- Telescope parameters D = 26.0 PupilArea = 357.0 # m^2 #nPx = 365 nPx = 481 # pixels across pupil #---- Simulation parameters VISU = False # show graphic displays Tsim = 2e-3 # Simulation time step [seconds] totSimulTime = 0.5 # Total simulated time [seconds] #----- System configurations: simul_turb = True simul_onaxis_AO = False simul_PS_control = True simul_FDSP_control = False #Note: If FDSP in ON, on-axis AO needs to be ON too eval_perf_onaxis = True eval_perf_field = False eval_perf_modal = False # project Residual phase eval_perf_sps = True if simul_onaxis_AO==True or simul_FDSP_control==True: simul_SH = True else: simul_SH = False if simul_PS_control==True or simul_FDSP_control==True: simul_SPS = True else: simul_SPS = False #----- Turbulence parameters: if simul_turb == True: atm_seed = 0 atm_fname = '/mnt/bins/gmtAtmosphereL060.json' #----- SPS guide stars and sensors: if simul_SPS==True: SPStype = 'DFS' # Choose between "ideal" or "DFS" asterism_type = 'Dummy' #Choose between 'Besancon_GP', 'Besancon_GP_AB', and 'Dummy' N_GS_PS = 1 alpha_ps = 8.0*60. # radius of circle where GSs are located [in arcsec] band = "J" mag = 13.0 bkgd_mag = 16.2 # J-band sky bkgd (mag/arcsec^2); Tech Note GMT-02274, rev 2.4 e0 = 1.88e12/368.*PupilArea # ph/s in J band over the GMT pupil throughput = 0.65*0.75 # Table 3, GMT-DOC-01404 sps_fov = 2.8 # arcsec diameter sps_dispersion = 5.0 RONval = 0.0 #0.35 # [e- rms] sps_mask_size = 1.5 # arcsec lobe_detection = 'peak_value' nyquist_factor = 1 dark_cur = 0.0 #48.0 # additional background in e-/pix/s (dark current + allocated cryo filter leak) excess_noise = 1.0 #1.25 simul_phot = True simul_bkgd = True sps_seed = 1928 gPS = 0. gFDSP = 0.6 exposureTime = 10e-3 # DFS camera integration time [seconds] samplingTime = 30.0 # DFS sampling time [seconds] sps_sampl_delay = 3 # number of exposures to neglect after FDSP correction # (to avoid M1-M2 transient) sps_sampl_iter = 10 totSimulTime = sps_sampl_iter*samplingTime #+ exposureTime #---- ON-AXIS AO system parameters: if simul_SH == True: # SH WFS SHtype = 'geom' #'geom' or 'diff' nLenslet = 60 # number of sub-apertures across the pupil n = int((nPx-1)/nLenslet) # number of pixels per subaperture nPx = n*nLenslet+1 sh_thr = 0.2 # illumination threshold for valid SA selection print "pupil sampling: %d pixel"%nPx print "number of SH SAs across pupil: %d"%nLenslet print "number of SH pixels per SA: %d"%n #---- M2 control if simul_onaxis_AO == True: AOtype = 'NGAOish' #iChoose 'NGAOish' or 'LTAOish' onaxis_AO_modes = u'Karhunen-Loeve' #Choose 'zernikes' or 'Karhunen-Loeve' M2_n_modes = 300 #in case of 'Karhunen-Loeve' M2_radial_order = 4 #in case of 'zernikes' gAO = 0.5 gAO_PS = 0.1 #---- Initial scramble parameters: scramble_tt = False scramble_pist = False tt_scramble_rms = 1500e-3 #arcsec pist_scramble_rms = 5e-6 #m SURF