CONFIG := config/ include $(CONFIG) CC := gcc AR := ar AWK := awk CP := cp RM := rm -rf source_dir := src config_mk := $(CONFIG) config_h := include/cry/config.h # $(call normalstr,str) build_name = $(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) # convert to lowercase binary_dir = build/$(build_name) # call $(src_to_bin_dir,list) src_to_bin_dir = $(patsubst $(source_dir)%,$(binary_dir)%,$1) target = $(binary_dir)/libcry.a .SUFFIXES: warnings := -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes #-Wpedantic #-Wconversion includes-y := -Iinclude -Isrc cflags-y := -MMD -MP $(warnings) cflags-$(CRY_COVERAGE) += --coverage cflags-$(CRY_SHORT_ENUMS) += -fshort-enums cflags-$(CRY_OMIT_FRAME_POINTER) += -fomit-frame-pointer cflags-$(CRY_NO_STACK_PROTECTOR) += -fno-stack-protector ifeq ($(CRY_DEBUG),y) cflags-y += -O0 -g3 else cflags-y += -DNDEBUG ifeq ($(CRY_SMALL_SIZE),y) cflags-y += -Os else cflags-y += -O3 endif endif objects-y := paths-y := objects_list := define include_subdir $(shell mkdir -p $(call src_to_bin_dir,$1)) subdirs-y := current := $1 objects-y := include $1/ objects_list += $$(if $$(objects-y),$$(addprefix $1/,$$(objects-y))) paths-y += $$(current) subdirs-y := $$(addprefix $$(current)/, $$(subdirs-y)) $$(foreach subdir, $$(subdirs-y),$$(eval $$(call include_subdir,$$(subdir)))) endef $(eval $(call include_subdir,src)) objects = $(call src_to_bin_dir,$(objects_list)) depends = $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(objects)) CPPFLAGS := $(includes-y) CFLAGS := $(cflags-y) AFLAGS := $(aflags-y) LDFLAGS := $(lflags-y) ################################################################################ # Targets ################################################################################ .PHONY: all clean config test testclean doc # Force serial run all: $(MAKE) config $(MAKE) $(target) clean: @echo "Cleanup ..." @$(RM) $(binary_dir) *.a @$(RM) `find . -type f \( -name \*.gcda -o -name \*.gcno \)` config: $(config_mk) @printf "/*\n * Automatically generated from \"$^\".\n */\n\n" > tmp @$(AWK) -F= 'NF > 1 && $$1 !~ /^[# ]/ { print "#define", $$1; }' < $^ >> tmp @cmp -s tmp $(config_h) || (echo "Configuration update"; cp tmp $(config_h)) @$(RM) tmp @echo ">>> Config : $(config_mk)" @cat $(config_h) | grep CRY_ | $(AWK) '{ printf(" * %s\n", $$2); }' $(target): $(objects) $(AR) rcs $@ $^ $(CP) $(target) . $(objects): Makefile $(config_h) $(config_h): $(config_mk) touch $(config_h) $(binary_dir)/%.o: $(source_dir)/%.c $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ test: all $(MAKE) -C test testclean: $(MAKE) -C test clean doc: cd doc/doxy; ./ # include the .d files, if they do not exists then are generated by # the rule the pattern rule. # The `-` prefix suppress the warnings relative to the fact that initially # make do not finds the files (before trying to create them). ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean) -include $(depends) endif ################################################################################ # Code quality tools reports targets ################################################################################ # Overwrite from command line with: `make SONAR_SCANNER=` SONAR_SCANNER := sonar-scanner # Vera style checker rules to skip VERA_SKIP := "T0(10|11|12|13|19)" # CPPcheck: a general purpose static code checker cppcheck: @echo "Running cppcheck ..." @cppcheck --language=c --std=c89 --force --enable=all --suppress=variableScope --suppress=unusedFunction --suppress=missingIncludeSystem --xml -I src -I include src 2> build/cppcheck-report.xml # Vera++: static code checker focusing on code style issues vera: @echo "Running vera++ ..." @find src include -type f -regextype sed -iregex ".*/*\.\(c\|h\)" -print | vera++ - -showrules -nodup 2> vera.tmp @cat vera.tmp | grep -v -E $(VERA_SKIP) | scripts/vera2report.perl > build/vera-report.xml @rm vera.tmp # Valgrind: memory leaks and dynamic issues report valgrind: test @echo "Running valgrind ..." @cd test; valgrind --xml=yes --xml-file=valgrind-report.xml --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --track-origins=yes ./test; cd .. @mv test/valgrind-report.xml build/valgrind-report.xml # Gcovr: coverage report using unit tests (uses valgrind run) coverage: valgrind @echo "Running gcovr ..." @gcovr --xml --root . > build/gcovr-report.xml # Sonarqube: continuous inspection of code quality platform. # Parse collected data and feed it into Sonarqube server. sonar: cppcheck vera coverage valgrind @echo "Running sonar-scanner ..." @$(SONAR_SCANNER) -Dproject.settings=scripts/