use core::num::NonZeroU32; use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, Criterion}; use crypto_bigint::{nlimbs, BoxedUint, Integer, Odd, RandomBits, Uint, U1024, U128, U256}; use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng; use rand_core::{CryptoRngCore, OsRng, SeedableRng}; #[cfg(feature = "tests-gmp")] use rug::{integer::Order, Integer as GmpInteger}; #[cfg(feature = "tests-openssl")] use openssl::bn::BigNum; use crypto_primes::{ generate_prime_with_rng, generate_safe_prime_with_rng, hazmat::{ lucas_test, random_odd_integer, AStarBase, BruteForceBase, LucasCheck, MillerRabin, SelfridgeBase, Sieve, }, is_prime_with_rng, is_safe_prime_with_rng, }; fn make_rng() -> ChaCha8Rng { ChaCha8Rng::from_seed(*b"01234567890123456789012345678901") } fn random_odd_uint(rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore, bit_length: u32) -> Odd { random_odd_integer::(rng, NonZeroU32::new(bit_length).unwrap()) } fn make_sieve(rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> Sieve> { let start = random_odd_uint::>(rng, Uint::::BITS); Sieve::new(start.get(), NonZeroU32::new(Uint::::BITS).unwrap(), false) } fn make_presieved_num(rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> Odd> { let mut sieve = make_sieve(rng); Odd::new( } fn bench_sieve(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Sieve"); group.bench_function("(U128) random start", |b| { b.iter(|| random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 128)) }); group.bench_function("(U128) creation", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 128), |start| Sieve::new(start.get(), NonZeroU32::new(128).unwrap(), false), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); // 5 is the average number of pre-sieved samples we need to take before we encounter a prime group.bench_function("(U128) average sieve samples for a prime (5)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_sieve::<{ nlimbs!(128) }>(&mut OsRng), |sieve| sieve.take(5).for_each(drop), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) random start", |b| { b.iter(|| random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 1024)) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) creation", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 1024), |start| Sieve::new(start.get(), NonZeroU32::new(1024).unwrap(), false), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); // 42 is the average number of pre-sieved samples we need to take before we encounter a prime group.bench_function("(U1024) average sieve samples for a prime (42)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_sieve::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut OsRng), |sieve| sieve.take(42).for_each(drop), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); // 42^2 is the average number of pre-sieved samples we need to take // before we encounter a safe prime group.bench_function("(U1024) average sieve samples for a safe prime (42^2)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_sieve::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut OsRng), |sieve| sieve.take(42 * 42).for_each(drop), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.finish() } fn bench_miller_rabin(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Miller-Rabin"); group.bench_function("(U128) creation", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 128), MillerRabin::::new, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U128) random base test (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || MillerRabin::new(make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(128) }>(&mut OsRng)), |mr| mr.test_random_base(&mut OsRng), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) creation", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 1024), MillerRabin::::new, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) random base test (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || MillerRabin::new(make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut OsRng)), |mr| mr.test_random_base(&mut OsRng), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); } fn bench_lucas(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Lucas"); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U128) Selfridge base, strong check (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(128) }>(&mut rng), |n| lucas_test(n, SelfridgeBase, LucasCheck::Strong), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Selfridge base, strong check (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut rng), |n| lucas_test(n, SelfridgeBase, LucasCheck::Strong), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) A* base, Lucas-V check (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut rng), |n| lucas_test(n, AStarBase, LucasCheck::LucasV), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) brute force base, almost extra strong (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut rng), |n| lucas_test(n, BruteForceBase, LucasCheck::AlmostExtraStrong), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) brute force base, extra strong (pre-sieved)", |b| { b.iter_batched( || make_presieved_num::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut rng), |n| lucas_test(n, BruteForceBase, LucasCheck::ExtraStrong), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); // A number triggering a slow path through the Lucas test, invoking all the available checks: // - U_{d} checked, but is not 0 // - V_{d * 2^t} checked for t == 0..s-1, but no V = 0 found // - s = 5, so the previous step has multiple checks // - Q != 1 (since we're using Selfridge base) let slow_path = Odd::new(U1024::from_be_hex(concat![ "D1CB9F1B6F3414A4B40A7E51C53C6AE4689DFCDC49FF875E7066A229D704EA8E", "6B674231D8C5974001673C3CE7FF9D377C8564E5182165A23434BC7B7E6C0419", "FD25C9921B0E9C90AF2570DB0772E1A9C82ACABBC8FC0F0864CE8A12124FA29B", "7F870924041DFA13EE5F5541C1BF96CA679EFAE2C96F5F4E9DF6007185198F5F" ])) .unwrap(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Selfridge base, strong check, slow path", |b| { b.iter(|| { lucas_test(slow_path, SelfridgeBase, LucasCheck::Strong); }) }); group.finish(); } fn bench_presets(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Presets"); group.bench_function("(U128) Prime test", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 128), |num| is_prime_with_rng(&mut OsRng, num.as_ref()), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U128) Safe prime test", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random_odd_uint::(&mut OsRng, 128), |num| is_safe_prime_with_rng(&mut OsRng, num.as_ref()), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U128) Random prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 128)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 1024)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U128) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 128)) }); group.sample_size(20); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 1024)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(Boxed128) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 128)) }); group.sample_size(20); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(Boxed1024) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 1024)) }); group.finish(); // A separate group for bounded tests, to make it easier to run them separately. let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Presets (bounded)"); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U128) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 128)) }); // The performance should scale with the prime size, not with the Uint size. // So we should strive for this test's result to be as close as possible // to that of the previous one and as far away as possible from the next one. group.bench_function("(U256) Random 128 bit safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 128)) }); // The upper bound for the previous test. group.bench_function("(U256) Random 256 bit safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 256)) }); group.finish(); } #[cfg(feature = "tests-gmp")] fn bench_gmp(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("GMP"); fn random(rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> GmpInteger { let num = random_odd_uint::>(rng, Uint::::BITS).get(); GmpInteger::from_digits(num.as_words(), Order::Lsf) } group.bench_function("(U128) Random prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random::<{ nlimbs!(128) }>(&mut OsRng), |n| n.next_prime(), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || random::<{ nlimbs!(1024) }>(&mut OsRng), |n| n.next_prime(), BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.finish(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "tests-gmp"))] fn bench_gmp(_c: &mut Criterion) {} #[cfg(feature = "tests-openssl")] fn bench_openssl(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("OpenSSL"); group.bench_function("(U128) Random prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || BigNum::new().unwrap(), |p| { let mut p = p; p.generate_prime(128, false, None, None).unwrap() }, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || BigNum::new().unwrap(), |p| { let mut p = p; p.generate_prime(1024, false, None, None).unwrap() }, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.bench_function("(U128) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || BigNum::new().unwrap(), |p| { let mut p = p; p.generate_prime(128, true, None, None).unwrap() }, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.sample_size(20); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter_batched( || BigNum::new().unwrap(), |p| { let mut p = p; p.generate_prime(1024, true, None, None).unwrap() }, BatchSize::SmallInput, ) }); group.finish(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "tests-openssl"))] fn bench_openssl(_c: &mut Criterion) {} #[cfg(feature = "tests-glass-pumpkin")] fn bench_glass_pumpkin(c: &mut Criterion) { use crypto_bigint::Limb; use crypto_primes::hazmat::{lucas_test, AStarBase, LucasCheck, MillerRabin, Primality}; // The `glass-pumpkin` implementation is doing a different number of M-R checks than this crate. // For a fair comparison we make a custom implementation here, // using the same number of checks that `glass-pumpkin` does. fn required_checks(bits: u32) -> usize { ((bits as f64).log2() as usize) + 5 } // Mimics the sequence of checks `glass-pumpkin` does to find a prime. fn prime_like_gp(bit_length: u32, rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> BoxedUint { loop { let start = random_odd_integer::(rng, NonZeroU32::new(bit_length).unwrap()).get(); let sieve = Sieve::new(start, NonZeroU32::new(bit_length).unwrap(), false); for num in sieve { let odd_num = Odd::new(num.clone()).unwrap(); let mr = MillerRabin::new(odd_num.clone()); if (0..required_checks(bit_length)).any(|_| !mr.test_random_base(rng).is_probably_prime()) { continue; } match lucas_test(odd_num, AStarBase, LucasCheck::Strong) { Primality::Composite => continue, Primality::Prime => return num, _ => {} } return num; } } } // Mimics the sequence of checks `glass-pumpkin` does to find a safe prime. fn safe_prime_like_gp(bit_length: u32, rng: &mut impl CryptoRngCore) -> BoxedUint { loop { let start = random_odd_integer::(rng, NonZeroU32::new(bit_length).unwrap()).get(); let sieve = Sieve::new(start, NonZeroU32::new(bit_length).unwrap(), true); for num in sieve { let odd_num = Odd::new(num.clone()).unwrap(); let limbs: &[Limb] = num.as_ref(); if limbs[0].0 & 3 != 3 { continue; } let half = num.wrapping_shr_vartime(1); let odd_half = Odd::new(half.clone()).unwrap(); let checks = required_checks(bit_length) - 5; let mr = MillerRabin::new(odd_num.clone()); if (0..checks).any(|_| !mr.test_random_base(rng).is_probably_prime()) { continue; } if lucas_test(odd_num, AStarBase, LucasCheck::Strong) == Primality::Composite { continue; } let mr = MillerRabin::new(odd_half.clone()); if (0..checks).any(|_| !mr.test_random_base(rng).is_probably_prime()) { continue; } match lucas_test(odd_half, AStarBase, LucasCheck::Strong) { Primality::Composite => continue, Primality::Prime => return num, _ => {} } return num; } } } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("glass-pumpkin"); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime (crypto-primes default)", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 1024)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime (crypto-primes mimicking glass-pumpkin)", |b| { b.iter(|| prime_like_gp(1024, &mut rng)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random prime", |b| { b.iter(|| glass_pumpkin::prime::from_rng(1024, &mut rng)) }); group.sample_size(20); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random safe prime (crypto-primes default)", |b| { b.iter(|| generate_safe_prime_with_rng::(&mut rng, 1024)) }); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function( "(U1024) Random safe prime (crypto-primes mimicking glass-pumpkin)", |b| b.iter(|| safe_prime_like_gp(1024, &mut rng)), ); let mut rng = make_rng(); group.bench_function("(U1024) Random safe prime", |b| { b.iter(|| glass_pumpkin::safe_prime::from_rng(1024, &mut rng)) }); } #[cfg(not(feature = "tests-glass-pumpkin"))] fn bench_glass_pumpkin(_c: &mut Criterion) {} criterion_group!( benches, bench_sieve, bench_miller_rabin, bench_lucas, bench_presets, bench_gmp, bench_openssl, bench_glass_pumpkin, ); criterion_main!(benches);