# GetAssetDetailsByAssetSymbolRisc ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **var_1_hour_price_change_in_percentage** | **String** | Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 1 hour ago. | **var_1_week_price_change_in_percentage** | **String** | Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 1 week ago. | **var_24_hours_price_change_in_percentage** | **String** | Represents the percentage of the asset's current price against the its price from 24 hours ago. | **var_24_hours_trading_volume** | **String** | Represents the trading volume of the asset for the time frame of 24 hours. | **asset_type** | **String** | Defines the type of the supported asset. This could be either \"crypto\" or \"fiat\". | **circulating_supply** | **String** | Represents the amount of the asset that is circulating on the market and in public hands. | **market_cap_in_usd** | **String** | Defines the total market value of the asset's circulating supply in USD. | **max_supply** | **String** | Represents the maximum amount of all coins of a specific asset that will ever exist in its lifetime. | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)