# GetBlockDetailsByBlockHeightFromCallbackRibs ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **bits** | **String** | Represents a specific sub-unit of Zcash. Bits have two-decimal precision | **chainwork** | **String** | Represents a hexadecimal number of all the hashes necessary to produce the current chain. E.g., when converting 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000086859f7a841475b236fd to a decimal you get 635262017308958427068157 hashes, or 635262 exahashes. | **difficulty** | **String** | Represents a mathematical value of how hard it is to find a valid hash for this block. | **merkle_root** | **String** | Defines the single and final (root) node of a Merkle tree. It is the combined hash of all transactions' hashes that are part of a blockchain block. | **nonce** | **String** | Represents the sequential running number for an address, starting from 0 for the first transaction. E.g., if the nonce of a transaction is 10, it would be the 11th transaction sent from the sender's address. | **size** | **i32** | Represents the total size of the block in Bytes. | **stripped_size** | **i32** | Defines the numeric representation of the block size excluding the witness data. | **version** | **i32** | Represents the transaction version number. | **version_hex** | **String** | Is the hexadecimal string representation of the block's version. | **weight** | **i32** | Represents a measurement to compare the size of different transactions to each other in proportion to the block size limit. | **strippedsize** | **i32** | Defines the numeric representation of the block size excluding the witness data. | **extra_data** | **String** | Represents any data that can be included by the miner in the block. | **gas_limit** | **String** | Represents the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone. | **gas_used** | **String** | Represents the exact unit of gas that was used for the transaction. | **mined_in_seconds** | **i32** | Specifies the amount of time required for the block to be mined in seconds. | **sha3_uncles** | **String** | Defines the combined hash of all uncles for a given parent. | **total_difficulty** | **String** | Defines the total difficulty of the chain until this block, i.e. how difficult it is for a specific miner to mine a new block. | **uncles** | **Vec** | | **ds_block** | **i32** | Represents the Directory Service block which contains metadata about the miners who participate in the consensus protocol. | **ds_difficulty** | **String** | Defines how difficult it is to mine the dsBlocks. | **ds_leader** | **String** | Represents a part of the DS Committee which leads the consensus protocol for the epoch. | **micro_blocks** | **Vec** | | **total_coins** | [**crate::models::GetLatestMinedXrpRippleBlockRiTotalCoins**](GetLatestMinedXRPRippleBlockRI_totalCoins.md) | | **total_fees** | [**crate::models::GetLatestMinedXrpRippleBlockRiTotalFees**](GetLatestMinedXRPRippleBlockRI_totalFees.md) | | **bandwidth_used** | **String** | Represents the bandwidth used for the transaction. | **burned_trx** | **String** | Represents the block burned TRX. | **energy_used** | **String** | Representats the used energy for the transaction. | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)