# GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIdFromCallbackRibst ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **amount** | **String** | Defines the amount of the transaction. | **bandwidth_used** | [**crate::models::GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIdFromCallbackRibstBandwidthUsed**](GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDFromCallbackRIBST_bandwidthUsed.md) | | **contract** | **String** | Represents the specific transaction contract. | **energy_used** | [**crate::models::GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIdFromCallbackRibstEnergyUsed**](GetTransactionDetailsByTransactionIDFromCallbackRIBST_energyUsed.md) | | **has_internal_transactions** | **bool** | Defines if the transaction includes internal transactions (true) or not (false). | **has_token_transfers** | **String** | Defines if the transaction includes token transfers (true) or not (false). | **input** | **String** | Represents the transaction's input value. | **recipients** | **String** | Represents the recipient address. | **senders** | **String** | Represents the sender address. | **transaction_status** | **String** | Represents the status of this transaction. | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)