/** * \file * \brief Declarations common to all atcacert code. * * These are common definitions used by all the atcacert code. * * \copyright (c) 2015-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software * and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. It is your * responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable to your * use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE * OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE * FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL * LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED * THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR * THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ATCACERT_H #define ATCACERT_H #include #include /** \defgroup atcacert_ Certificate manipulation methods (atcacert_) * * \brief * These methods provide convenient ways to perform certification I/O with * CryptoAuth chips and perform certificate manipulation in memory * @{ */ #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE (0) #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE (1) #endif #define ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS 0 //!< Operation completed successfully. #define ATCACERT_E_ERROR 1 //!< General error. #define ATCACERT_E_BAD_PARAMS 2 //!< Invalid/bad parameter passed to function. #define ATCACERT_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 3 //!< Supplied buffer for output is too small to hold the result. #define ATCACERT_E_DECODING_ERROR 4 //!< Data being decoded/parsed has an invalid format. #define ATCACERT_E_INVALID_DATE 5 //!< Date is invalid. #define ATCACERT_E_UNIMPLEMENTED 6 //!< Function is unimplemented for the current configuration. #define ATCACERT_E_UNEXPECTED_ELEM_SIZE 7 //!< A certificate element size was not what was expected. #define ATCACERT_E_ELEM_MISSING 8 //!< The certificate element isn't defined for the certificate definition. #define ATCACERT_E_ELEM_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 9 //!< Certificate element is out of bounds for the given certificate. #define ATCACERT_E_BAD_CERT 10 //!< Certificate structure is bad in some way. #define ATCACERT_E_WRONG_CERT_DEF 11 #define ATCACERT_E_VERIFY_FAILED 12 //!< Certificate or challenge/response verification failed. #define ATCACERT_E_INVALID_TRANSFORM 13 //!< Invalid transform passed to function. /** @} */ #endif