/** * \file * \brief Declarations for certificates related to ECC CryptoAuthentication devices. * These are the definitions required to define a certificate and its various * elements with regards to the CryptoAuthentication ECC devices. * * Only the dynamic elements of a certificate (the parts of the certificate * that change from device to device) are stored on the ATECC device. The * definitions here describe the form of the certificate, and where the * dynamic elements can be found both on the ATECC device itself and in the * certificate template. * * This also defines utility functions for working with the certificates and their definitions. * * \copyright (c) 2015-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software * and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. It is your * responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable to your * use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE * OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE * FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL * LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED * THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR * THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef ATCACERT_DEF_H #define ATCACERT_DEF_H #include #include #include "atca_compiler.h" #include "atcacert.h" #include "atcacert_date.h" #include "basic/atca_helpers.h" #define ATCA_MAX_TRANSFORMS 2 /** \defgroup atcacert_ Certificate manipulation methods (atcacert_) * * \brief * These methods provide convenient ways to perform certification I/O with * CryptoAuth chips and perform certificate manipulation in memory * @{ */ /** * Types of certificates. */ typedef enum atcacert_cert_type_e { CERTTYPE_X509, //!< Standard X509 certificate CERTTYPE_CUSTOM //!< Custom format } atcacert_cert_type_t; /** * Sources for the certificate serial number. */ typedef enum atcacert_cert_sn_src_e { SNSRC_STORED = 0x0, //!< Cert serial is stored on the device. SNSRC_STORED_DYNAMIC = 0x7, //!< Cert serial is stored on the device with the first byte being the DER size (X509 certs only). SNSRC_DEVICE_SN = 0x8, //!< Cert serial number is 0x40(MSB) + 9-byte device serial number. Only applies to device certificates. SNSRC_SIGNER_ID = 0x9, //!< Cert serial number is 0x40(MSB) + 2-byte signer ID. Only applies to signer certificates. SNSRC_PUB_KEY_HASH = 0xA, //!< Cert serial number is the SHA256(Subject public key + Encoded dates), with uppermost 2 bits set to 01. SNSRC_DEVICE_SN_HASH = 0xB, //!< Cert serial number is the SHA256(Device SN + Encoded dates), with uppermost 2 bits set to 01. Only applies to device certificates. SNSRC_PUB_KEY_HASH_POS = 0xC, //!< Depreciated, don't use. Cert serial number is the SHA256(Subject public key + Encoded dates), with MSBit set to 0 to ensure it's positive. SNSRC_DEVICE_SN_HASH_POS = 0xD, //!< Depreciated, don't use. Cert serial number is the SHA256(Device SN + Encoded dates), with MSBit set to 0 to ensure it's positive. Only applies to device certificates. SNSRC_PUB_KEY_HASH_RAW = 0xE, //!< Depreciated, don't use. Cert serial number is the SHA256(Subject public key + Encoded dates). SNSRC_DEVICE_SN_HASH_RAW = 0xF //!< Depreciated, don't use. Cert serial number is the SHA256(Device SN + Encoded dates). Only applies to device certificates. } atcacert_cert_sn_src_t; /** * ATECC device zones. The values match the Zone Encodings as specified in the datasheet. */ typedef enum atcacert_device_zone_e { DEVZONE_CONFIG = 0x00, //!< Configuration zone. DEVZONE_OTP = 0x01, //!< One Time Programmable zone. DEVZONE_DATA = 0x02, //!< Data zone (slots). DEVZONE_NONE = 0x07 //!< Special value used to indicate there is no device location. } atcacert_device_zone_t; /** \brief How to transform the data from the device to the certificate. */ typedef enum atcacert_transform_e { TF_NONE, //!< No transform, data is used byte for byte TF_REVERSE, //!< Reverse the bytes (e.g. change endianness) TF_BIN2HEX_UC, //!< Convert raw binary into ASCII hex, uppercase TF_BIN2HEX_LC, //!< Convert raw binary into ASCII hex, lowercase TF_HEX2BIN_UC, //!< Convert ASCII hex, uppercase to binary TF_HEX2BIN_LC, //!< Convert ASCII hex, lowercase to binary TF_BIN2HEX_SPACE_UC, //!< Convert raw binary into ASCII hex, uppercase space between bytes TF_BIN2HEX_SPACE_LC, //!< Convert raw binary into ASCII hex, lowercase space between bytes TF_HEX2BIN_SPACE_UC, //!< Convert ASCII hex, uppercase with spaces between bytes to binary TF_HEX2BIN_SPACE_LC, //!< Convert ASCII hex, lowercase with spaces between bytes to binary } atcacert_transform_t; /** * Standard dynamic certificate elements. */ typedef enum atcacert_std_cert_element_e { STDCERT_PUBLIC_KEY, STDCERT_SIGNATURE, STDCERT_ISSUE_DATE, STDCERT_EXPIRE_DATE, STDCERT_SIGNER_ID, STDCERT_CERT_SN, STDCERT_AUTH_KEY_ID, STDCERT_SUBJ_KEY_ID, STDCERT_NUM_ELEMENTS //!< Special item to give the number of elements in this enum } atcacert_std_cert_element_t; // Some of these structures may need to be byte-accurate #ifndef ATCA_NO_PRAGMA_PACK #pragma pack(push, 1) #define ATCA_PACKED #else #define ATCA_PACKED __attribute__ ((packed)) #endif /** * Defines a chunk of data in an ATECC device. */ typedef struct ATCA_PACKED atcacert_device_loc_s { atcacert_device_zone_t zone; //!< Zone in the device. uint8_t slot; //!< Slot within the data zone. Only applies if zone is DEVZONE_DATA. uint8_t is_genkey; //!< If true, use GenKey command to get the contents instead of Read. uint16_t offset; //!< Byte offset in the zone. uint16_t count; //!< Byte count. } atcacert_device_loc_t; /** * Defines a chunk of data in a certificate template. */ typedef struct ATCA_PACKED atcacert_cert_loc_s { uint16_t offset; //!< Byte offset in the certificate template. uint16_t count; //!< Byte count. Set to 0 if it doesn't exist. } atcacert_cert_loc_t; /** * Defines a generic dynamic element for a certificate including the device and template locations. */ typedef struct ATCA_PACKED atcacert_cert_element_s { char id[25]; //!< ID identifying this element. atcacert_device_loc_t device_loc; //!< Location in the device for the element. atcacert_cert_loc_t cert_loc; //!< Location in the certificate template for the element. atcacert_transform_t transforms[ATCA_MAX_TRANSFORMS]; //!< List of transforms from device to cert for this element. } atcacert_cert_element_t; /** * Defines a certificate and all the pieces to work with it. * * If any of the standard certificate elements (std_cert_elements) are not a part of the certificate * definition, set their count to 0 to indicate their absence. */ typedef struct ATCA_PACKED atcacert_def_s { atcacert_cert_type_t type; //!< Certificate type. uint8_t template_id; //!< ID for the this certificate definition (4-bit value). uint8_t chain_id; //!< ID for the certificate chain this definition is a part of (4-bit value). uint8_t private_key_slot; //!< If this is a device certificate template, this is the device slot for the device private key. atcacert_cert_sn_src_t sn_source; //!< Where the certificate serial number comes from (4-bit value). atcacert_device_loc_t cert_sn_dev_loc; //!< Only applies when sn_source is SNSRC_STORED or SNSRC_STORED_DYNAMIC. Describes where to get the certificate serial number on the device. atcacert_date_format_t issue_date_format; //!< Format of the issue date in the certificate. atcacert_date_format_t expire_date_format; //!< format of the expire date in the certificate. atcacert_cert_loc_t tbs_cert_loc; //!< Location in the certificate for the TBS (to be signed) portion. uint8_t expire_years; //!< Number of years the certificate is valid for (5-bit value). 0 means no expiration. atcacert_device_loc_t public_key_dev_loc; //!< Where on the device the public key can be found. atcacert_device_loc_t comp_cert_dev_loc; //!< Where on the device the compressed cert can be found. atcacert_cert_loc_t std_cert_elements[STDCERT_NUM_ELEMENTS]; //!< Where in the certificate template the standard cert elements are inserted. const atcacert_cert_element_t* cert_elements; //!< Additional certificate elements outside of the standard certificate contents. uint8_t cert_elements_count; //!< Number of additional certificate elements in cert_elements. const uint8_t* cert_template; //!< Pointer to the actual certificate template data. uint16_t cert_template_size; //!< Size of the certificate template in cert_template in bytes. const struct atcacert_def_s* ca_cert_def; //!< Certificate definition of the CA certificate } atcacert_def_t; /** * Tracks the state of a certificate as it's being rebuilt from device information. */ typedef struct ATCA_PACKED atcacert_build_state_s { const atcacert_def_t* cert_def; //!< Certificate definition for the certificate being rebuilt. uint8_t* cert; //!< Buffer to contain the rebuilt certificate. size_t* cert_size; //!< Current size of the certificate in bytes. size_t max_cert_size; //!< Max size of the cert buffer in bytes. uint8_t is_device_sn; //!< Indicates the structure contains the device SN. uint8_t device_sn[9]; //!< Storage for the device SN, when it's found. } atcacert_build_state_t; #ifndef ATCA_NO_PRAGMA_PACK #pragma pack(pop) #endif // Inform function naming when compiling in C++ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * \brief Add all the device locations required to rebuild the specified certificate (cert_def) to * a device locations list. * * The block_size parameter will adjust all added device locations to have a offset and count that * aligns with that block size. This allows one to generate a list of device locations that matches * specific read or write semantics (e.g. 4 byte or 32 byte reads). * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition containing all the device locations * to add to the list. * \param[inout] device_locs List of device locations to add to. * \param[inout] device_locs_count As input, existing size of the device locations list. * As output, the new size of the device locations list. * \param[in] device_locs_max_count Maximum number of elements device_locs can hold. * \param[in] block_size Block size to align all offsets and counts to when adding * device locations. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_device_locs(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, atcacert_device_loc_t* device_locs, size_t* device_locs_count, size_t device_locs_max_count, size_t block_size); /** * \brief Starts the certificate rebuilding process. * * \param[out] build_state Structure is initialized to start the certificate building process. * Will be passed to the other certificate building functions. * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate being built. * \param[in] cert Buffer to contain the rebuilt certificate. * \param[in] cert_size As input, the size of the cert buffer in bytes. This value will be * adjusted to the current/final size of the certificate through the * building process. * \param[in] ca_public_key ECC P256 public key of the certificate authority (issuer) for the * certificate being built. Set to NULL if the authority key id is * not needed, set properly in the cert_def template, or stored on the * device as specified in the cert_def cert_elements. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_cert_build_start(atcacert_build_state_t* build_state, const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t* cert_size, const uint8_t ca_public_key[64]); /** * \brief Process information read from the ATECC device. If it contains information for the * certificate, it will be incorporated into the certificate. * * \param[in] build_state Current certificate building state. * \param[in] device_loc Device location structure describing where on the device the following * data came from. * \param[in] device_data Actual data from the device. It should represent the offset and byte * count specified in the device_loc parameter. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_cert_build_process(atcacert_build_state_t* build_state, const atcacert_device_loc_t* device_loc, const uint8_t* device_data); /** * \brief Completes any final certificate processing required after all data from the device has * been incorporated. * * The final certificate and its size in bytes are contained in the cert and cert_size elements * of the build_state structure. This will be the same buffers as supplied to the * atcacert_cert_build_start function at the beginning of the certificate rebuilding process. * * \param[in] build_state Current certificate build state. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_cert_build_finish(atcacert_build_state_t* build_state); /** * \brief Gets the dynamic data that would be saved to the specified device location. This * function is primarily used to break down a full certificate into the dynamic components * to be saved to a device. * * The atcacert_add_device_locs function can be used to generate a list of device locations a * particular certificate definition requires. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate we're getting data from. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get the device data from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate in bytes. * \param[in] device_loc Device location to request data for. * \param[out] device_data Buffer that represents the device data in device_loc. Required to be * at least device_loc.count in size. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_device_data(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const atcacert_device_loc_t* device_loc, uint8_t* device_data); /** * \brief Sets the subject public key and subject key ID in a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] subj_public_key Subject public key as X and Y integers concatenated together. 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_subj_public_key(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t subj_public_key[64]); /** * \brief Gets the subject public key from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] subj_public_key Subject public key is returned in this buffer. Formatted at X and Y * integers concatenated together. 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_subj_public_key(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t subj_public_key[64]); /** * \brief Gets the subject key ID from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] subj_key_id Subject key ID is returned in this buffer. 20 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_subj_key_id(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t subj_key_id[20]); /** * \brief Sets the signature in a certificate. This may alter the size of the X.509 certificates. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[inout] cert_size As input, size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * As output, the new size of the certificate. * \param[in] max_cert_size Maximum size of the cert buffer. * \param[in] signature Signature as R and S integers concatenated together. 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_signature(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t* cert_size, size_t max_cert_size, const uint8_t signature[64]); /** * \brief Gets the signature from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] signature Signature is returned in this buffer. Formatted at R and S integers * concatenated together. 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_signature(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t signature[64]); /** * \brief Sets the issue date (notBefore) in a certificate. Will be formatted according to the date * format specified in the certificate definition. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] timestamp Issue date. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_issue_date(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const atcacert_tm_utc_t* timestamp); /** * \brief Gets the issue date from a certificate. Will be parsed according to the date format * specified in the certificate definition. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] timestamp Issue date is returned in this structure. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_issue_date(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, atcacert_tm_utc_t* timestamp); /** * \brief Sets the expire date (notAfter) in a certificate. Will be formatted according to the date * format specified in the certificate definition. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] timestamp Expire date. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_expire_date(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const atcacert_tm_utc_t* timestamp); /** * \brief Gets the expire date from a certificate. Will be parsed according to the date format * specified in the certificate definition. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] timestamp Expire date is returned in this structure. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_expire_date(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, atcacert_tm_utc_t* timestamp); /** * \brief Sets the signer ID in a certificate. Will be formatted as 4 upper-case hex digits. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] signer_id Signer ID. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_signer_id(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t signer_id[2]); /** * \brief Gets the signer ID from a certificate. Will be parsed as 4 upper-case hex digits. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] signer_id Signer ID will be returned in this buffer. 2 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_signer_id(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t signer_id[2]); /** * \brief Sets the certificate serial number in a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[inout] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] max_cert_size Maximum size of the cert buffer. * \param[in] cert_sn Certificate serial number. * \param[in] cert_sn_size Size of the certificate serial number in bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_cert_sn(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t* cert_size, size_t max_cert_size, const uint8_t* cert_sn, size_t cert_sn_size); /** * \brief Sets the certificate serial number by generating it from other information in the * certificate using the scheme specified by sn_source in cert_def. See the * * This method requires certain elements in the certificate be set properly as they're used for * generating the serial number. See atcacert_cert_sn_src_t for what elements should be set in the * certificate beforehand. If the sn_source is set to SNSRC_STORED or SNSRC_STORED_DYNAMIC, the * function will return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS without making any changes to the certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] device_sn Device serial number, only used if required by the sn_source scheme. * Can be set to NULL, if not required. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_gen_cert_sn(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t device_sn[9]); /** * \brief Gets the certificate serial number from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] cert_sn Certificate SN will be returned in this buffer. * \param[inout] cert_sn_size As input, the size of the cert_sn buffer. * As output, the size of the certificate SN (cert_sn) in bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_cert_sn(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t* cert_sn, size_t* cert_sn_size); /** * \brief Sets the authority key ID in a certificate. Note that this takes the actual public key * creates a key ID from it. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] auth_public_key Authority public key as X and Y integers concatenated together. * 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_auth_key_id(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t auth_public_key[64]); /** * \brief Sets the authority key ID in a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] auth_key_id Authority key ID. Same size as defined in the cert_def. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_auth_key_id_raw(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t* auth_key_id); /** * \brief Gets the authority key ID from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] auth_key_id Authority key ID is returned in this buffer. 20 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_auth_key_id(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t auth_key_id[20]); /** * \brief Sets the signature, issue date, expire date, and signer ID found in the compressed * certificate. This also checks fields common between the cert_def and the compressed * certificate to make sure they match. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[inout] cert_size As input, size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * As output, the new size of the certificate. * \param[in] max_cert_size Maximum size of the cert buffer. * \param[in] comp_cert Compressed certificate. 72 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success. ATCACERT_E_WRONG_CERT_DEF if the template ID, chain ID, and/or SN source * don't match between the cert_def and the compressed certificate. */ int atcacert_set_comp_cert(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, uint8_t* cert, size_t* cert_size, size_t max_cert_size, const uint8_t comp_cert[72]); /** * \brief Generate the compressed certificate for the given certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to generate the compressed certificate for. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] comp_cert Compressed certificate is returned in this buffer. 72 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_comp_cert(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t comp_cert[72]); /** * \brief Get a pointer to the TBS data in a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get the TBS data pointer for. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] tbs Pointer to a const pointer that will be set the start of the TBS data. * \param[out] tbs_size Size of the TBS data will be returned here. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_tbs(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t** tbs, size_t* tbs_size); /** * \brief Get the SHA256 digest of certificate's TBS data. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get the TBS data pointer for. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] tbs_digest TBS data digest will be returned here. 32 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_tbs_digest(const atcacert_def_t * cert_def, const uint8_t * cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t tbs_digest[32]); /** * \brief Sets an element in a certificate. The data_size must match the size in cert_loc. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert_loc Certificate location for this element. * \param[inout] cert Certificate to update. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[in] data Element data to insert into the certificate. Buffer must contain * cert_loc.count bytes to be copied into the certificate. * \param[in] data_size Size of the data in bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_set_cert_element(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const atcacert_cert_loc_t* cert_loc, uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size); /** * \brief Gets an element from a certificate. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition for the certificate. * \param[in] cert_loc Certificate location for this element. * \param[in] cert Certificate to get element from. * \param[in] cert_size Size of the certificate (cert) in bytes. * \param[out] data Element data will be returned in this buffer. This buffer must be large * enough to hold cert_loc.count bytes. * \param[in] data_size Expected size of the cert element data. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_cert_element(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, const atcacert_cert_loc_t* cert_loc, const uint8_t* cert, size_t cert_size, uint8_t* data, size_t data_size); // Below are utility functions for dealing with various bits for data conversion and wrangling /** * \brief Calculates the key ID for a given public ECC P256 key. * * Uses method 1 for calculating the keyIdentifier as specified by RFC 5280, section * (1) The keyIdentifier is composed of the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the * value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey (excluding the tag, * length, and number of unused bits). * * \param[in] public_key ECC P256 public key to calculate key key ID for. Formatted as the X and * Y integers concatenated together. 64 bytes. * \param[in] key_id Calculated key ID will be returned in this buffer. 20 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_get_key_id(const uint8_t public_key[64], uint8_t key_id[20]); /** * \brief Merge a new device location into a list of device locations. If the new location overlaps * with an existing location, the existing one will be modified to encompass both. Otherwise * the new location is appended to the end of the list. * * The block_size parameter will adjust all added device locations to have an offset and count that * aligns with that block size. This allows one to generate a list of device locations that matches * specific read/write semantics (e.g. 4 byte or 32 byte reads). Note that this block_size only * applies to the device_loc being added. Existing device locations in the list won't be modified * to match the block size. * * \param[inout] device_locs Existing device location list to merge the new device * location into. * \param[inout] device_locs_count As input, the existing number of items in the device_locs * list. As output, the new size of the device_locs list. * \param[in] device_locs_max_count Maximum number of items the device_locs list can hold. * \param[in] device_loc New device location to be merged into the device_locs list. * \param[in] block_size Block size to align all offsets and counts to when adding * device location. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_merge_device_loc(atcacert_device_loc_t* device_locs, size_t* device_locs_count, size_t device_locs_max_count, const atcacert_device_loc_t* device_loc, size_t block_size); /** \brief Determines if the two device locations overlap. * \param[in] device_loc1 First device location to check. * \param[in] device_loc2 Second device location o check. * \return 0 (false) if they don't overlap, non-zero if the do overlap. */ int atcacert_is_device_loc_overlap(const atcacert_device_loc_t* device_loc1, const atcacert_device_loc_t* device_loc2); /** * \brief Takes a raw P256 ECC public key and converts it to the padded version used by ATECC * devices. Input and output buffers can point to the same location to do an in-place * transform. * * \param[in] raw_key Public key as X and Y integers concatenated together. 64 bytes. * \param[out] padded_key Padded key is returned in this buffer. X and Y integers are padded * with 4 bytes of 0 in the MSB. 72 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ void atcacert_public_key_add_padding(const uint8_t raw_key[64], uint8_t padded_key[72]); /** * \brief Takes a padded public key used by ATECC devices and converts it to a raw P256 ECC public * key. Input and output buffers can point to the same location to do an in-place transform. * * \param[out] padded_key X and Y integers are padded with 4 bytes of 0 in the MSB. 72 bytes. * \param[in] raw_key Raw key is returned in this buffer. Public key as X and Y integers * concatenated together. 64 bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ void atcacert_public_key_remove_padding(const uint8_t padded_key[72], uint8_t raw_key[64]); /** * \brief Apply the specified transform to the specified data. * * \param[in] transform Transform to be performed. * \param[in] data Input data to be transformed. * \param[in] data_size Size of the input data in bytes. * \param[out] destination Destination buffer to hold the transformed data. * \param[inout] destination_size As input, the size of the destination buffer. * As output the size of the transformed data. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_transform_data(atcacert_transform_t transform, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size, uint8_t* destination, size_t* destination_size); /** \brief Return the maximum possible certificate size in bytes for a given * cert def. Certificate can be variable size, so this gives an * appropriate buffer size when reading the certificates. * * \param[in] cert_def Certificate definition to find a max size for. * \param[out] max_cert_size Maximum certificate size will be returned here in bytes. * * \return ATCACERT_E_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ int atcacert_max_cert_size(const atcacert_def_t* cert_def, size_t* max_cert_size); /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif