/** * \file * \brief ATCA Hardware abstraction layer for SAMG55 I2C over ASF drivers. * * This code is structured in two parts. Part 1 is the connection of the ATCA HAL API to the physical I2C * implementation. Part 2 is the ASF I2C primitives to set up the interface. * * Prerequisite: add "TWI - Two-Wire Interface (Common API) (service)" module to application in Atmel Studio * * \copyright (c) 2015-2020 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip software * and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. It is your * responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable to your * use of third party software (including open source software) that may * accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, * SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE * OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF * MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE * FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL * LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED * THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR * THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "atca_hal.h" #include "atca_device.h" #include "hal_samg55_i2c_asf.h" #include "atca_execution.h" //!< Uncomment when debugging /*#define DEBUG_HAL*/ /** * \defgroup hal_ Hardware abstraction layer (hal_) * * \brief * These methods define the hardware abstraction layer for communicating with a CryptoAuth device * using I2C driver of ASF. * @{ */ /** * \brief * Logical to physical bus mapping structure */ static ATCAI2CMaster_t i2c_hal_data[MAX_I2C_BUSES]; // map logical, 0-based bus number to index static twi_options_t opt_twi_master; #ifdef DEBUG_HAL static void print_array(uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size) { uint32_t n; for (n = 0; n < data_size; n++) { printf("%.2x ", data[n]); if (((n + 1) % 16) == 0) { printf("\r\n"); if ((n + 1) != data_size) { printf(" "); } } } if (data_size % 16 != 0) { printf("\r\n"); } } #endif /** * \brief * This HAL implementation assumes you've included the ASF TWI libraries in your project, otherwise, * the HAL layer will not compile because the ASF TWI drivers are a dependency */ /** \brief discover i2c buses available for this hardware * this maintains a list of logical to physical bus mappings freeing the application * of the a-priori knowledge * \param[in] i2c_buses - an array of logical bus numbers * \param[in] max_buses - maximum number of buses the app wants to attempt to discover * return ATCA_SUCCESS */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_discover_buses(int i2c_buses[], int max_buses) { /* logical bus numbers 0-2 map to the samG55 i2c buses: */ i2c_buses[0] = 0; return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** \brief discover any CryptoAuth devices on a given logical bus number * \param[in] bus_num - logical bus number on which to look for CryptoAuth devices * \param[out] cfg[] - pointer to head of an array of interface config structures which get filled in by this method * \param[out] *found - number of devices found on this bus * \return ATCA_SUCCESS */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_discover_devices(int bus_num, ATCAIfaceCfg cfg[], int *found) { ATCAIfaceCfg *head = cfg; uint8_t slaveAddress = 0x01; ATCADevice device; #ifdef ATCA_NO_HEAP struct atca_device disc_device; struct atca_command disc_command; struct atca_iface disc_iface; #endif ATCAPacket packet; ATCA_STATUS status; uint8_t revs608[][4] = { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x01 }, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x02 } }; uint8_t revs508[][4] = { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00 } }; uint8_t revs108[][4] = { { 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x01 } }; uint8_t revs204[][4] = { { 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x08 }, { 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x09 }, { 0x00, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00 } }; int i; /** \brief default configuration, to be reused during discovery process */ ATCAIfaceCfg discoverCfg = { .iface_type = ATCA_I2C_IFACE, .devtype = ATECC508A, .atcai2c.slave_address = 0x07, .atcai2c.bus = bus_num, .atcai2c.baud = 400000, .wake_delay = 800, .rx_retries = 3 }; if (bus_num < 0) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } #ifdef ATCA_NO_HEAP disc_device.mCommands = &disc_command; disc_device.mIface = &disc_iface; status = initATCADevice(&discoverCfg, &disc_device); if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) { return status; } device = &disc_device; #else device = newATCADevice(&discoverCfg); if (device == NULL) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } #endif // iterate through all addresses on given i2c bus // all valid 7-bit addresses go from 0x07 to 0x78 for (slaveAddress = 0x07; slaveAddress <= 0x78; slaveAddress++) { discoverCfg.atcai2c.slave_address = slaveAddress << 1; // turn it into an 8-bit address which is what the rest of the i2c HAL is expecting when a packet is sent memset(packet.data, 0x00, sizeof(packet.data)); // build an info command packet.param1 = INFO_MODE_REVISION; packet.param2 = 0; // get devrev info and set device type accordingly atInfo(device->mCommands, &packet); if ((status = atca_execute_command(&packet, device)) != ATCA_SUCCESS) { continue; } // determine device type from common info and dev rev response byte strings... start with unknown discoverCfg.devtype = ATCA_DEV_UNKNOWN; for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(revs608) / 4; i++) { if (memcmp(&packet.data[1], &revs608[i], 4) == 0) { discoverCfg.devtype = ATECC608A; break; } } for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(revs508) / 4; i++) { if (memcmp(&packet.data[1], &revs508[i], 4) == 0) { discoverCfg.devtype = ATECC508A; break; } } for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(revs204) / 4; i++) { if (memcmp(&packet.data[1], &revs204[i], 4) == 0) { discoverCfg.devtype = ATSHA204A; break; } } for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(revs108) / 4; i++) { if (memcmp(&packet.data[1], &revs108[i], 4) == 0) { discoverCfg.devtype = ATECC108A; break; } } if (discoverCfg.devtype != ATCA_DEV_UNKNOWN) { // now the device type is known, so update the caller's cfg array element with it (*found)++; memcpy( (uint8_t*)head, (uint8_t*)&discoverCfg, sizeof(ATCAIfaceCfg)); head->devtype = discoverCfg.devtype; head++; } atca_delay_ms(15); } #ifdef ATCA_NO_HEAP releaseATCADevice(device); #else deleteATCADevice(&device); #endif return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief * hal_i2c_init manages requests to initialize a physical interface. It manages use counts so when an interface * has released the physical layer, it will disable the interface for some other use. * You can have multiple ATCAIFace instances using the same bus, and you can have multiple ATCAIFace instances on * multiple i2c buses, so hal_i2c_init manages these things and ATCAIFace is abstracted from the physical details. */ /** * \brief initialize an I2C interface using given config * * \param[in] hal - opaque ptr to HAL data * \param[in] cfg - interface configuration * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_init(void *hal, ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg) { if (cfg->atcai2c.bus >= MAX_I2C_BUSES) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } ATCAI2CMaster_t* data = &i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus]; if (data->ref_ct <= 0) { // Bus isn't being used, enable it switch (cfg->atcai2c.bus) { case 0: data->twi_flexcom = FLEXCOM4; data->twi_flexcom_id = ID_FLEXCOM4; data->twi_master_instance = TWI4; break; case 1: data->twi_flexcom = FLEXCOM6; data->twi_flexcom_id = ID_FLEXCOM6; data->twi_master_instance = TWI6; break; default: return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } flexcom_enable(data->twi_flexcom); flexcom_set_opmode(data->twi_flexcom, FLEXCOM_TWI); opt_twi_master.master_clk = sysclk_get_cpu_hz(); opt_twi_master.speed = cfg->atcai2c.baud; opt_twi_master.smbus = 0; twi_master_init(data->twi_master_instance, &opt_twi_master); // store this for use during the release phase data->bus_index = cfg->atcai2c.bus; // buses are shared, this is the first instance data->ref_ct = 1; } else { // Bus is already is use, increment reference counter data->ref_ct++; } ((ATCAHAL_t*)hal)->hal_data = data; return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief HAL implementation of I2C post init * * \param[in] iface instance * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_post_init(ATCAIface iface) { return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief HAL implementation of I2C send over ASF * * \param[in] iface instance * \param[in] txdata pointer to space to bytes to send * \param[in] txlength number of bytes to send * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_send(ATCAIface iface, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength) { #ifdef DEBUG_HAL printf("hal_i2c_send()\r\n"); printf("\r\nCommand Packet (size:0x%.8x)\r\n", (uint32_t)txlength); printf("Count : %.2x\r\n", txdata[1]); printf("Opcode : %.2x\r\n", txdata[2]); printf("Param1 : %.2x\r\n", txdata[3]); printf("Param2 : "); print_array(&txdata[4], 2); if (txdata[1] > 7) { printf("Data : "); print_array(&txdata[6], txdata[1] - 7); } printf("CRC : "); print_array(&txdata[txdata[1] - 1], 2); printf("\r\n"); #endif ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); txdata[0] = 0x03; // insert the Word Address Value, Command token txlength++; // account for word address value byte. twi_packet_t packet = { .chip = cfg->atcai2c.slave_address >> 1, .addr = { 0 }, .addr_length = 0, .buffer = txdata, .length = (uint32_t)txlength //(uint32_t)txdata[1] }; // for this implementation of I2C with CryptoAuth chips, txdata is assumed to have ATCAPacket format // other device types that don't require i/o tokens on the front end of a command need a different hal_i2c_send and wire it up instead of this one // this covers devices such as ATSHA204A and ATECCx08A that require a word address value pre-pended to the packet if (twi_master_write(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet) != TWI_SUCCESS) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief HAL implementation of I2C receive function for ASF I2C * \param[in] iface Device to interact with. * \param[out] rxdata Data received will be returned here. * \param[inout] rxlength As input, the size of the rxdata buffer. * As output, the number of bytes received. * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_receive(ATCAIface iface, uint8_t *rxdata, uint16_t *rxlength) { #ifdef DEBUG_HAL printf("hal_i2c_receive()\r\n"); #endif ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); int retries = cfg->rx_retries; uint32_t status = !ATCA_SUCCESS; uint16_t rxdata_max_size = *rxlength; twi_packet_t packet = { .chip = cfg->atcai2c.slave_address >> 1, .addr = { 0 }, .addr_length = 0, .buffer = rxdata, .length = 1 }; *rxlength = 0; if (rxdata_max_size < 1) { return ATCA_SMALL_BUFFER; } //Read Length byte i.e. first byte from device while (retries-- > 0 && status != ATCA_SUCCESS) { if (twi_master_read(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet) != TWI_SUCCESS) { status = ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } else { status = ATCA_SUCCESS; } } if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) { return status; } if (rxdata[0] < ATCA_RSP_SIZE_MIN) { return ATCA_INVALID_SIZE; } if (rxdata[0] > rxdata_max_size) { return ATCA_SMALL_BUFFER; } //Update receive length with first byte received and set to read rest of the data packet.length = rxdata[0] - 1; packet.buffer = &rxdata[1]; if (twi_master_read(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet) != TWI_SUCCESS) { status = ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } else { status = ATCA_SUCCESS; } if (status != ATCA_SUCCESS) { return status; } *rxlength = rxdata[0]; #ifdef DEBUG_HAL printf("\r\nResponse Packet (size:0x%.4x)\r\n", rxlength); printf("Count : %.2x\r\n", rxdata[0]); if (rxdata[0] > 3) { printf("Data : "); print_array(&rxdata[1], rxdata[0] - 3); printf("CRC : "); print_array(&rxdata[rxdata[0] - 2], 2); } printf("\r\n"); #endif return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief method to change the bus speed of I2C * * \param[in] iface interface on which to change bus speed * \param[in] speed baud rate (typically 100000 or 400000) */ void change_i2c_speed(ATCAIface iface, uint32_t speed) { ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); pmc_enable_periph_clk(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_flexcom_id); opt_twi_master.master_clk = sysclk_get_cpu_hz(); opt_twi_master.speed = speed; opt_twi_master.smbus = 0; twi_master_init(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &opt_twi_master); } /** * \brief wake up CryptoAuth device using I2C bus * * \param[in] iface interface to logical device to wakeup * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_wake(ATCAIface iface) { ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); int retries = cfg->rx_retries; uint32_t bdrt = cfg->atcai2c.baud; int status = !TWI_SUCCESS; uint8_t data[4]; // if not already at 100kHz, change it if (bdrt != 100000) { change_i2c_speed(iface, 100000); } // Send 0x00 as wake pulse twi_write_byte(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, 0x00); // rounded up to the nearest ms atca_delay_ms(((uint32_t)cfg->wake_delay + (1000 - 1)) / 1000); // wait tWHI + tWLO which is configured based on device type and configuration structure twi_packet_t packet = { .chip = cfg->atcai2c.slave_address >> 1, .addr = { 0 }, .addr_length = 0, .buffer = data, .length = 4 }; // if necessary, revert baud rate to what came in. if (bdrt != 100000) { change_i2c_speed(iface, bdrt); } while (retries-- > 0 && status != TWI_SUCCESS) { status = twi_master_read(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet); } if (status != TWI_SUCCESS) { if (retries <= 0) { return ATCA_TOO_MANY_COMM_RETRIES; } return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } return hal_check_wake(data, 4); } /** * \brief idle CryptoAuth device using I2C bus * * \param[in] iface interface to logical device to idle * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_idle(ATCAIface iface) { ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); uint8_t data[] = { 0x02 }; // idle word address value twi_packet_t packet = { .chip = cfg->atcai2c.slave_address >> 1, .addr = { 0 }, .addr_length = 0, .buffer = data, .length = 1 }; if (twi_master_write(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet) != TWI_SUCCESS) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief sleep CryptoAuth device using I2C bus * * \param[in] iface interface to logical device to sleep * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_sleep(ATCAIface iface) { ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg = atgetifacecfg(iface); uint8_t data[4]; data[0] = 0x01; // sleep word address value twi_packet_t packet = { .chip = cfg->atcai2c.slave_address >> 1, .addr = { 0 }, .addr_length = 0, .buffer = data, .length = 1 }; if (twi_master_write(i2c_hal_data[cfg->atcai2c.bus].twi_master_instance, &packet) != TWI_SUCCESS) { return ATCA_COMM_FAIL; } return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** * \brief manages reference count on given bus and releases resource if no more refernces exist * * \param[in] hal_data - opaque pointer to hal data structure - known only to the HAL implementation * * \return ATCA_SUCCESS on success, otherwise an error code. */ ATCA_STATUS hal_i2c_release(void *hal_data) { ATCAI2CMaster_t *hal = (ATCAI2CMaster_t*)hal_data; // if the use count for this bus has gone to 0 references, disable it if (hal && --(hal->ref_ct) <= 0) { twi_reset(hal->twi_master_instance); hal->ref_ct = 0; } return ATCA_SUCCESS; } /** @} */