/***************************************************************************** MiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson CryptoMiniSat -- Copyright (C) 2009-2020 Authors of CryptoMiniSat, see AUTHORS file Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef DIMACSPARSER_H #define DIMACSPARSER_H #include #include "streambuffer.h" #include #include using namespace CMSat; using std::vector; template class DimacsParser { public: DimacsParser(S* solver, const std::string* debugLib, unsigned _verbosity); template bool parse_DIMACS( T input_stream, const bool strict_header, uint32_t offset_vars = 0); uint64_t max_var = std::numeric_limits::max(); vector sampling_vars; vector weights; const std::string dimacs_spec = "http://www.satcompetition.org/2009/format-benchmarks2009.html"; const std::string please_read_dimacs = "\nPlease read DIMACS specification at http://www.satcompetition.org/2009/format-benchmarks2009.html"; private: bool parse_DIMACS_main(C& in); bool readClause(C& in); bool parse_and_add_clause(C& in); bool parse_and_add_xor_clause(C& in); bool match(C& in, const char* str); bool parse_header(C& in); bool parseComments(C& in, const std::string& str); std::string stringify(uint32_t x) const; #ifdef DEBUG_DIMACSPARSER_CMS bool parseWeight(C& in); bool parse_solve_simp_comment(C& in, const bool solve); void write_solution_to_debuglib_file(const lbool ret) const; #endif bool parseIndependentSet(C& in); std::string get_debuglib_fname() const; S* solver; std::string debugLib; unsigned verbosity; bool pcnf = false; unsigned num_vp = 0; //how many vp's have we seen //Stat size_t lineNum; //Printing partial solutions to debugLibPart1..N.output when "debugLib" is set to TRUE uint32_t debugLibPart = 1; //check header strictly bool strict_header = false; bool header_found = false; int num_header_vars = 0; int num_header_cls = 0; uint32_t offset_vars = 0; //Reduce temp overhead vector lits; vector vars; size_t norm_clauses_added = 0; size_t xor_clauses_added = 0; }; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::cout; using std::endl; template DimacsParser::DimacsParser( S* _solver , const std::string* _debugLib , unsigned _verbosity ): solver(_solver) , verbosity(_verbosity) , lineNum(0) { if (_debugLib) { debugLib = *_debugLib; } } template std::string DimacsParser::stringify(uint32_t x) const { std::ostringstream o; o << x; return o.str(); } template bool DimacsParser::readClause(C& in) { int32_t parsed_lit; uint32_t var; for (;;) { if (!in.parseInt(parsed_lit, lineNum)) { return false; } if (parsed_lit == 0) { break; } var = std::abs(parsed_lit)-1; var += offset_vars; if (var > max_var) { std::cerr << "ERROR! " << "Variable requested is too large for DIMACS parser parameter: " << var << endl << "--> At line " << lineNum+1 << please_read_dimacs << endl; return false; } if (var >= (1ULL<<28)) { std::cerr << "ERROR! " << "Variable requested is far too large: " << var + 1 << endl << "--> At line " << lineNum+1 << please_read_dimacs << endl; return false; } if (strict_header && !header_found) { std::cerr << "ERROR! " << "DIMACS header ('p cnf vars cls') never found!" << endl; return false; } if ((int)var >= num_header_vars && strict_header) { std::cerr << "ERROR! " << "Variable requested is larger than the header told us." << endl << " -> var is : " << var + 1 << endl << " -> header told us maximum will be : " << num_header_vars << endl << " -> At line " << lineNum+1 << endl; return false; } if (var >= solver->nVars()) { assert(!strict_header); solver->new_vars(var - solver->nVars() +1); } lits.push_back( (parsed_lit > 0) ? Lit(var, false) : Lit(var, true) ); if (*in != ' ') { std::cerr << "ERROR! " << "After last element on the line must be 0" << endl << "--> At line " << lineNum+1 << please_read_dimacs << endl << endl; return false; } } return true; } template bool DimacsParser::match(C& in, const char* str) { for (; *str != 0; ++str, ++in) if (*str != *in) return false; return true; } #ifdef DEBUG_DIMACSPARSER_CMS template bool DimacsParser::parseWeight(C& in) { if (match(in, "w ")) { int32_t slit; double weight; if (in.parseInt(slit, lineNum) && in.parseDouble(weight, lineNum) ) { if (slit == 0) { cout << "ERROR: Cannot define weight of literal 0!" << endl; exit(-1); } uint32_t var = std::abs(slit)-1; bool sign = slit < 0; Lit lit = Lit(var, sign); solver->set_var_weight(lit, weight); //cout << "lit: " << lit << " weight: " << std::setprecision(12) << weight << endl; if (weight < 0) { cout << "ERROR: while definint weight, variable " << var+1 << " has is negative weight: " << weight << " -- line " << lineNum << endl; exit(-1); } return true; } else { cout << "ERROR: weight is incorrect on line " << lineNum << endl; exit(-1); } } else { cout << "ERROR: weight is not given on line " << lineNum << endl; exit(-1); } return true; } #endif template bool DimacsParser::parse_header(C& in) { ++in; in.skipWhitespace(); std::string str; in.parseString(str); if (str == "cnf" || str == "pcnf") { pcnf = (str == "pcnf"); if (pcnf && verbosity) { cout << "c parsing pcnf" << endl; } if (header_found && strict_header) { std::cerr << "ERROR: CNF header ('p cnf vars cls') found twice in file! Exiting." << endl; exit(-1); } header_found = true; if (!in.parseInt(num_header_vars, lineNum) || !in.parseInt(num_header_cls, lineNum) ) { return false; } if (verbosity) { cout << "c -- header says num vars: " << std::setw(12) << num_header_vars << endl; cout << "c -- header says num clauses:" << std::setw(12) << num_header_cls << endl; } if (num_header_vars < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Number of variables in header cannot be less than 0" << endl; return false; } if (num_header_cls < 0) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Number of clauses in header cannot be less than 0" << endl; return false; } num_header_vars += offset_vars; if (solver->nVars() < (size_t)num_header_vars) { solver->new_vars(num_header_vars-solver->nVars()); } } else { std::cerr << "PARSE ERROR! Unexpected char (hex: " << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << "0x" << *in << std::setfill(' ') << std::dec << ")" << " At line " << lineNum+1 << "' in the header" << please_read_dimacs << endl; return false; } return true; } template std::string DimacsParser::get_debuglib_fname() const { std::string sol_fname = debugLib + "-debugLibPart" + stringify(debugLibPart) +".output"; return sol_fname; } #ifdef DEBUG_DIMACSPARSER_CMS template bool DimacsParser::parse_solve_simp_comment(C& in, const bool solve) { vector assumps; in.skipWhitespace(); while(*in != ')') { int lit; if (!in.parseInt(lit, lineNum)) { return false; } assumps.push_back(Lit(std::abs(lit)-1, lit < 0)); in.skipWhitespace(); } if (verbosity) { cout << "c -----------> Solver::" << (solve ? "solve" : "simplify") <<" called (number: " << std::setw(3) << debugLibPart << ") with assumps :"; for(Lit lit: assumps) { cout << lit << " "; } cout << "<-----------" << endl; } lbool ret; if (solve) { if (verbosity) { cout << "c Solution will be written to: " << get_debuglib_fname() << endl; } ret = solver->solve(&assumps); write_solution_to_debuglib_file(ret); debugLibPart++; } else { ret = solver->simplify(&assumps); } if (verbosity >= 6) { cout << "c Parsed Solver::" << (solve ? "solve" : "simplify") << endl; } return true; } template void DimacsParser::write_solution_to_debuglib_file(const lbool ret) const { //Open file for writing std::string s = get_debuglib_fname(); std::ofstream partFile; partFile.open(s.c_str()); if (!partFile) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Cannot open part file '" << s << "'"; std::exit(-1); } //Output to part file the result if (ret == l_True) { partFile << "s SATISFIABLE\n"; partFile << "v "; for (uint32_t i = 0; i != solver->nVars(); i++) { if (solver->get_model()[i] != l_Undef) partFile << ((solver->get_model()[i]==l_True) ? "" : "-") << (i+1) << " "; } partFile << "0\n"; } else if (ret == l_False) { partFile << "conflict "; for (Lit lit: solver->get_conflict()) { partFile << lit << " "; } partFile << "\ns UNSAT\n"; } else if (ret == l_Undef) { cout << "c timeout, exiting" << endl; std::exit(15); } else { assert(false); } partFile.close(); } #endif template bool DimacsParser::parseComments(C& in, const std::string& str) { #ifdef DEBUG_DIMACSPARSER_CMS if (!debugLib.empty() && str.substr(0, 13) == "Solver::solve") { if (!parse_solve_simp_comment(in, true)) { return false; } } else if (!debugLib.empty() && str.substr(0, 16) == "Solver::simplify") { if (!parse_solve_simp_comment(in, false)) { return false; } } else #endif if (!debugLib.empty() && str == "Solver::new_var()") { solver->new_var(); if (verbosity >= 6) { cout << "c Parsed Solver::new_var()" << endl; } } else if (!debugLib.empty() && str == "Solver::new_vars(") { in.skipWhitespace(); int n; if (!in.parseInt(n, lineNum)) { return false; } solver->new_vars(n); if (verbosity >= 6) { cout << "c Parsed Solver::new_vars( " << n << " )" << endl; } } else if (str == "ind") { if (pcnf) { //nothing } else { if (!parseIndependentSet(in)) { return false; } } } else { if (verbosity >= 6) { cout << "didn't understand in CNF file comment line:" << "'c " << str << "'" << endl; } } in.skipLine(); lineNum++; return true; } template bool DimacsParser::parse_and_add_clause(C& in) { lits.clear(); if (!readClause(in)) { return false; } in.skipWhitespace(); if (!in.skipEOL(lineNum)) { return false; } lineNum++; solver->add_clause(lits); norm_clauses_added++; return true; } template bool DimacsParser::parse_and_add_xor_clause(C& in) { lits.clear(); if (!readClause(in)) { return false; } if (!in.skipEOL(lineNum)) { return false; } lineNum++; if (lits.empty()) return true; bool rhs = true; vars.clear(); for(Lit& lit: lits) { vars.push_back(lit.var()); if (lit.sign()) { rhs ^= true; } } solver->add_xor_clause(vars, rhs); xor_clauses_added++; return true; } template bool DimacsParser::parse_DIMACS_main(C& in) { std::string str; for (;;) { in.skipWhitespace(); switch (*in) { case EOF: return true; case 'p': if (!parse_header(in)) { return false; } in.skipLine(); lineNum++; break; case 'v': in.parseString(str); assert(str == "vp"); if (!pcnf) { in.skipLine(); } else { if (num_vp == 0) { sampling_vars.clear(); } num_vp++; if (!parseIndependentSet(in)) { return false; } } break; #ifdef DEBUG_DIMACSPARSER_CMS case 'w': if (!parseWeight(in)) { return false; } in.skipLine(); lineNum++; break; #endif case 'c': ++in; in.parseString(str); if (!parseComments(in, str)) { return false; } break; case 'x': ++in; if (!parse_and_add_xor_clause(in)) { return false; } break; case '\n': if (verbosity) { std::cout << "c WARNING: Empty line at line number " << lineNum+1 << " -- this is not part of the DIMACS specifications (" << dimacs_spec << "). Ignoring." << endl; } in.skipLine(); lineNum++; break; default: if (!parse_and_add_clause(in)) { return false; } break; } } return true; } template template bool DimacsParser::parse_DIMACS( T input_stream, const bool _strict_header, uint32_t _offset_vars) { debugLibPart = 1; strict_header = _strict_header; offset_vars = _offset_vars; const uint32_t origNumVars = solver->nVars(); C in(input_stream); if ( !parse_DIMACS_main(in)) { return false; } if (verbosity) { cout << "c -- clauses added: " << norm_clauses_added << endl << "c -- xor clauses added: " << xor_clauses_added << endl << "c -- vars added " << (solver->nVars() - origNumVars) << endl; } return true; } template bool DimacsParser::parseIndependentSet(C& in) { int32_t parsed_lit; for (;;) { if (!in.parseInt(parsed_lit, lineNum)) { return false; } if (parsed_lit == 0) { break; } uint32_t var = std::abs(parsed_lit) - 1; sampling_vars.push_back(var); } return true; } #endif //DIMACSPARSER_H