[package] name = "cryptomkt" version = "0.2.4" authors = ["Yolier Galan Tasse "] readme = "README.md" description = "Implementation of Cryptomarket API" keywords = ["trading", "API", "cryptocurrency", "development"] license-file = "LICENCE" repository = "https://github.com/gallegogt/cryptomkt-rs.git" homepage = "https://github.com/gallegogt/cryptomkt-rs" edition = "2018" include = [ "**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml", ] [lib] # could be `staticlib` as well crate-type = ["rlib", "dylib"] # A flag for enabling documentation tests for this target. This is only relevant # for libraries, it has no effect on other sections. This is used by # `cargo test`. doctest = true # A flag for enabling documentation of this target. This is used by `cargo doc`. doc = true [dependencies] # The core APIs, including the Serialize and Deserialize traits. Always # required when using Serde. serde = { version = "^1.0", features=["derive"] } # Each data format lives in its own crate; the sample code below uses JSON # but you may be using a different one. serde_json = "^1.0" # HTTP Request Library reqwest = { version = "^0.10", features=["blocking"] } bytes = "^0.4" # Log log = "^0.4" # Cryptography ring = "^0.16"