## v0.21.1 - fix `with_retries` utility compilation for `release` targets. ## v0.21.0 - add `with_retries` utility under the `experimental` feature flag. The utility helps to retry a future if it fails. Both `async` and `experimental` features are required to use the utility at the moment. ## v0.20.1 - improve `with_thread` utility performance and memory footprint. ## v0.20.0 - adds `with_stop` utility to wrap a future into one that can be stopped at any given moment by invoking a returned `stop` function. The `async` feature must be enabled to use this utility. - adds `with_timeout` utility to allow for running a future to completion or to timeout, whatever happens first. The `async` feature must be enabled to use this utility. ## v0.18.0 - adds `GenericLinesCodec` that uses new lines as codec delimiter. Useful when you want to transfer an object thru a medium that uses new lines as a delimiter, like stdin/stdout. - adds `wait_micros` and `wait_nanos` utilities that work the same as `wait` but take in a delay in microseconds and nanoseconds accordingly. The `async` feature must be enabled to use these utilities. - adds `with_thread` utility to run a blocking future on a separate thread. The `async` feature must be enabled to use this utility. ## v0.14.0 - adds `pick_random`/`pick_random_rg` utilities which allow getting random N references from a vector or slice. Either `test` or `all` features must be enabled to use this utility. ## v0.12.0 - adds `implements_debug` utility that allows testing if an item implements the `Debug` trait. Either `test` or `all` features must be enabled to use this util. ## v0.11.0 - adds `test_async_stream`/`test_async_stream_pinned` utility that allows to test an `AsyncWrite + AsyncRead` channel for data transfer. Either both `async` and `test` features (or `all` one) must be enabled to use this util. - adds `implements_send`, `implements_sync`, and `implements_clone` utilities that allow testing if an item implements an appropriate trait. Either `test` or `all` features must be enabled to use these utils.