use std::str::FromStr; use chrono::Utc; use csaf::{ definitions::{Branch, BranchCategory, BranchesT, ProductIdT}, document::{ Category, CsafVersion, Distribution, Document, Generator, Publisher, PublisherCategory, Revision, Status, Tlp, TlpLabel, Tracking, }, product_tree::ProductTree, vulnerability::{Flag, FlagLabel, ProductStatus, Threat, ThreatCategory, Vulnerability}, Csaf, }; use url::Url; // Tracking list of improvements as I try to use this to generate a single advisory // // All the to_string()s are annoying, would be nice to have impl Into or something available // Would work with stuff that needs FromStr<> impls anyway From would just call parse() // // Probably want Default impls to fill non-required Options to None if possible // // Do we really need DateTime's or are Dates Ok? DateTimes are passing validation with the upstream tool // but it feels semantically incorrect. current_release_date: Utc::today() feels more correct than // current_release_date: Utc::now() // // Generator shouldn't really be up to the user to provide, so tracking defo needs to be covered by a constructor // // Default Revision? // // Should be able to provide just a Tlp Label and get a full Tlp with the default first Tlp url // // I bet there's a library for the lang tags // // Product Tree is not clear // Provide with_branches(impl Into) && (impl From for BranchesT where T is collection of Branch) constructor? (one with_x constructor for each member enforces that at least one is set) // // Helper function that takes a package and an iterable of versions and creates branches? The one from interop could be made generic // and public. // // Three constructors for Branch - new() name and category , with_branches, and with_product // Or do the unit struct thing with type param // // Provide implementation of vulnerability from rustsec advisory that just doesn't set product status? // // ProductStatus with_x fn main() { let now = Utc::now(); let rustsec_db = rustsec::database::Database::fetch().expect("Need access to RustSec git repository"); let rustsec_2020_0159: Csaf = rustsec_db .get(&rustsec::advisory::Id::from_str("RUSTSEC-2020-0159").unwrap()) .unwrap() .to_owned() .into(); let rustsec_2020_0159 = rustsec_2020_0159.vulnerabilities.unwrap(); let rustsec_2020_0071: Csaf = rustsec_db .get(&rustsec::advisory::Id::from_str("RUSTSEC-2020-0071").unwrap()) .unwrap() .to_owned() .into(); let rustsec_2020_0071 = rustsec_2020_0071.vulnerabilities.unwrap(); let mut vulns: Vec = [&rustsec_2020_0159[..], &rustsec_2020_0071[..]].concat(); for vuln in &mut vulns { // Set our product as the product in the product status instead of the upstream product from the advisory // Clear all upstream specific product identifiers and metadata let product_id_list = Some(vec![ProductIdT("CSAF-1".to_string())]); vuln.remediations.take(); vuln.product_status.take(); vuln.scores.take(); vuln.product_status = Some(ProductStatus { first_affected: None, first_fixed: None, fixed: None, known_affected: None, known_not_affected: product_id_list.clone(), last_affected: None, recommended: None, under_investigation: None, }); vuln.flags = Some(vec![Flag { label: FlagLabel::VulnerableCodeNotInExecutePath, date: Some(now), group_ids: None, product_ids: product_id_list.clone(), }]); // Generate the VEX required threat statemtent for a known_not_affected package vuln.threats = Some(vec![Threat { category: ThreatCategory::Impact, details: "The vulnerability impacts calls to the `localtime_r` function. `csaf` does not use that function directly or call any function that uses that function transitively.".to_string(), date: Some(now), group_ids: None, product_ids: product_id_list, }]) } let c = Csaf { document: Document { category: Category::Vex, publisher: Publisher { category: PublisherCategory::Vendor, name: "Blake Johnson".to_string(), namespace: Url::parse("").unwrap(), contact_details: Some("".to_string()), issuing_authority: None, }, title: "Csaf Crate Unaffected by time and chrono Vulnerabilities".to_string(), tracking: Tracking { current_release_date: now, id: "CSAF-001".to_string(), initial_release_date: now, revision_history: vec![Revision { date: now, number: "1".to_string(), summary: "Initial release".to_string(), legacy_version: None, }], status: Status::Draft, version: "1".to_string(), aliases: None, generator: Some(Generator::default()), }, csaf_version: CsafVersion::TwoDotZero, acknowledgments: None, aggregate_severity: None, distribution: Some(Distribution { text: None, tlp: Some(Tlp { label: TlpLabel::WHITE, url: Url::parse("").ok(), }), }), lang: Some("en".to_string()), notes: None, references: None, source_lang: None, }, product_tree: Some(ProductTree { branches: Some(BranchesT(vec![Branch { name: "csaf".to_string(), category: BranchCategory::ProductName, product: None, branches: Some(BranchesT(vec![ csaf::interop::rustsec::product_version_branch("0.3.0", "csaf", 1), ])), }])), full_product_names: None, product_groups: None, relationships: None, }), vulnerabilities: Some(vulns), }; println!("{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&c).unwrap()); }