# csdeps Given a directory, csdeps recursively searches folders for `.csproj` files, and prints out all dependencies. ## Installation ### Docker 1. Use an official rust docker container, or follow instructions to install rust in the following section. (https://hub.docker.com/_/rust) 2. Install csdeps with cargo: `cargo install csdeps` ### Windows, Mac, Linux -> Install with cargo 1. Install rust and associated tools by following the intsructions here: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install 2. Install csdeps with cargo: `cargo install csdeps` ### Windows only -> download from releases 1. Navigate to [releases](https://github.com/tofraley/csdeps/releases), and download the latest version of `csdeps.exe`. ## Usage: Use the `json` flag to print output in that format. ``` USAGE: csdeps [FLAGS]